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Thursday and cloudy

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No work today and I was hoping to work in the gardens but it's cold (39 as I write) and rainy so will be inside work today.


Tomorrow we're taking the 7 little urchins to McDonald's to eat and then play in the McDonaldland, or whatever it's called, play area. It's 35 miles to Ft. Dodge from here so the trip in the car will be the tough part!

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Well it's going to be another scortcher here in NY,

high of 83, the last time this happened it was our summer the rest of the year we had temps in the 60's.....

I got all my tomato plants in bigger pots... have to do the jalepenos in another week. DH says we will be planting tomato trees by June 1 st. Have a nice day.

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Morning everyone! It's actually still morning!


I made some pantry items today, brownie mix, some cream of chicken soup mix, and some granola. I am almost out of baking cocoa now, but there's a batch of brownies in the oven, LOL.


I'm going to make a breakfast pie in a bit for breakfast tomorrow, and a big batch of pancakes. We're having a sleepover this weekend so I"m sure they won't last long!


It's cold here, got down to freezing last night and actually snowed in Denver. The first year we were here it snowed June 2. I actually kind of like these surprise cold days when it's been so warm-gives me an excuse to bake all morning, LOL. It's not helping my allergies, though, LOL. I just sneezed about six times! I MUST get some local honey at the Farmer's Market.


Dinner tonight was supposed to be pork chops, but I think with it being so cold I'll do chicken and dumplings instead and save the pork chops for tomorrow night.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Good late morning:

Our high will be 65 and it says partly cloudy but it's been nice since about 6 when I got up. I always look out the bedroom window first thing to see what the weather is. Our shed is in back of the bedroom window and I saw a raccoon crawling out from underneath. Sort of a comical sight.

We saw a little squirrel in the sunflower feeder yesterday so Bobbi, our cat, positioned herself near that all morning and finally came in without any excitement. Now she's napping and the little squirrel can eat seeds to it's heart content.

I'll be doing some weeding and planting today. Also there's a women's group at church that I've never been able to go to before because of work.

DH left this morning to go camping with our youngest son.

Have a great day everyone.


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I'm so excited Snowmom. DH and I are sitting here watching the male oriole and 2 females have showed up. This is the first time ever!!!! He's got the video camera aimed towards them if you want to look and see if you can see them. Who knows the way they come and go! The color isn't very sharp on the camera but it's them all the same! http://members.tripod.com/galen44/webcam.html I'm so excited, maybe they'll even nest here.

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I peeked in and saw the Orioles! But couldn't see anything when I tried to show DD later.


I'll be going to Chicago tomorrow with DD's second grade class, so I won't be around here until late. Should be tiring, but fun.


So I'm getting stuff ready for the crock pot tonight, as well as the lunch and snacks for DD & I.


Tell you all about it tomorrow...


or maybe the next day????

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When it got dark enough facing east I turned the camera facing south to the goldfinch feeder. The stupid cat caught one of the finches and ate it right in front of the camera......would you call that "realitity TV"?

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Of the many birds we see in our backyard, the goldfinches are the only ones Bobbi catches and thankfully it isn't that often. I wish he would tackle the annoying pigeons that swarm the feeders. Mice and rats are okay, too.


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