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Sunshine on a Sunday

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Mornin' ya'll!


I've been busy for the past few days and expect to be that way for a while. I may not get to post very often but I'm gonna try to read regularly.


I canned pickles on Friday. I canned Dill ( 6 quarts and 6 pints) and Bread and Butter (3 quarts and 7 pints). I cheated and picked up some seasoning packets at the grocery store on Thursday night.


Busy, buys, busy!!!!!


I hope everyone has a fantabulous day!!!



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Quiet Sunday here, with a forecast of rain....

got a load of jeans in the washer and need to do rugs, laundry is never ending........

our winter wood is in the new wood shed and DH is feeling proud of himself. It looks so nice up there.

Have a great day, all.

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It's sunny this morning but we have the chance of rain coming through at times. When I went out to water the sun was fully out but things were damp like a rain had come through at some time.

We have church this morning, afterwards we will pick up some fresh produce at the Sunday Market.

I'm going to wash our bedding and put it out on the line to dry .

Bobbi, our only cat (pet) now thinks it's mighty fine being the big cheese. We've rarely only had just one pet so time will tell if she gets to retain her "crown". DH picked up driftwood off the beach and put it here and there in the garden and she thinks it was put there just for her to scratch on. It's a good place for a cat to scratch.

Have a good day everyone.



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it's been a nice quite Sunday here ... been enjoying it; relaxing and all that stuff.

my friend got home from her vacation and picked up her dogs. I had them while she was gone. it was so funny having a basset running around playing with a St. Barnard, they are only a week apart in age.

everyone have a good evening.

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