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It's a cold morning here.....51 degrees with a high of 65 forecasted. Actually, it's great for walking. I don't have much planned today so we'll see what comes up.


Have a good one everybody!!!

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Mornin' Dee! It's been a pleasant 68-70 degrees here this morning.After I took younger DS to school this morning(it's the first full day), I came home and did a few things. I loaded the garbage in the pick up truck cuz older DS left a message on the dry erase board that he killed a possum last night. Hmm....I didn't hear a thing! Today will be a long day for him. They stay after school (I had to pack a pb and jelly with corn chips to eat then) and the scrimmage doesn't start until 5:30. It lasts until approx. 7:30.

Yep, He'll be pooped.


Now I need to get busy with my paying job. I'm hoping to get more hours logged now that I'm on a stricter schedule.


Ladies and Gents, I hope everyone has a lovely day,





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Today was also my kids first full day of school, I have vacummed and dusted the house, washed 2 loads of laundry, canned 6 quarts of green beans, am working on 3 quarts of squash right now. Still have quite a bit to do..... am already ready to sit down and relax alittle before time to go get the younguns....

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I needed to wait for my dr. to call, so didn't get on line earlier. He took some x-rays yesterday to see if I had a fracture, so needed to wait for his call this morning.


It was so sweet of my chiropractor, he talked to Pooh and Tigger, and explained that I was hurt and needed to be careful and let them know that they could hug me but not to pull on my arms or jump on me and such. He is such a nice dr.



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Good afternoon! Well I just got done canning 13 quarts of grape juice! YEA!!!!!! I am in the process of fixing lemon bars and peanut butter cookies for dessert tonight. I think after dinner I will go out and pull the rest of the carrots and do those tomorrow.. It's a beautiful 78 degrees here right now with a wonderful breeze! Going all through the house! I can't believe that summer is nearly gone already. Part of me is very glad.. Then theirs the lonely part of me.. Trying to get the house in order before school starts when I won't have the help from my oldest dd.. Hope ya'll have a great night!

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