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Hiking under the full moon

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Morning all


Last night Art and I went for a hike under the full moon. I have always wanted to do this in the late summer/early fall when the sun began setting earlier. We left about 8:30 and meandered for about and hour and a half. It was wonderful.


We took the jeep with the top off to smell the new mown hay and other wonderul smells. We were in shorts and T-shirts, but with sweatshirts tied around us for the ride home.


My first impression of the night was how noisey it was. Frogs and crickets litterally screamed, filling the night to a full volume - much noisier than any day. About a mile away the corn picking machines were doing their job in a big field of corn, bright lights and very noisey too. When we are in corn season the process never stops; product moves 24/7.


We stopped frequently to gaze at the stars and had to laugh because we could not stand and look up in the sky, we would get dizzy and fall over. We held hands instead. After only a mile we were high enough up the ridge to just sit and gaze. I know I heard an owl and a hawk but the 2 dogs panting in our ears made it difficult to hear anything at all.


Finally we got up and walked down. It was a lovely hike. We missed the closing ceramonies to the Olympics but it was worth it.


I hope you don't mind me sharing what I do here, I have ADD and will never be one to enjoy sitting much. I write so that someone else might go out and do what this 52 year old woman does.



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What a wonderful time that must have been, don't you just hold those times close and relive them in your head. I love sharing time like that with my DH. Just him and I and the great outdoors. aaaa


Didn't mind you sharing this at all.


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One of our local ski resorts holds star parties at the top of the mountain (12,000 ft) every August. I even watched the Persaid Meteor Showers up there one year...awesome. I used to ride the tram to the top and watch the different constellations, planets, etc. Even in August, it is freezing cold at that altitude, but oh, so beautiful! Unfortunately, it's too rocky, and there is absolutely no light up there, so I can't go anymore.....I'd fall for sure. Hmmm........maybe I could take Cavey, and just bring a lawn chair and our own telescope, and stay on the tram deck. Good idea! Next August Cavey.......


Joan, if you ever come this way in the summer, you would love riding the tram up, then spending the afternoon walking down the mountain, through alpine meadows of wild flowers, pine trees, and aspens. No snakes either!

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