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Sunny Saturday

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It's a beautiful day here. DH is out planting a few more trees since the soil is still wet and easier to dig. So far several hundred motorcycles have roared by on their way to the "Trail of Tears" motorcycle ride. They all meet up a few miles from here. By the time the get to Huntsville there are several thousand usually.


I am trying to get motivated on my next project. I have a stack of papers to organize, a stack of bills to pay and a stack of pictures to scan into the puter. It's so nice outside maybe I'll think of an outdoor project instead.


My cousin's house in Pittsburgh now has a flooded basement courtesy of Ivan. Hard to believe. They got more rain than we did.


Laziness must have been contagious last night. I left my dishes out from dinner last night too. I seldom do that but I was just too tired.


Take care all.

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it has been a nice day here today....


i spent most of my 90% of my time resting and the other 10 cleaning... and working on the family tree.


the oldest grandchild will be spending the night with us so she can go to church tomorrow to see her boyfriend. this is the last time for a year.

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excuse my typing tonight, since dh decided to dump a full cup of coffee into my keyboard, the shift key no longer works properly. when you hit shift to capitalize, it brings up email, windows media player and all kinds of crap. i will pull out my other keyboard tomorrow.

did not do much today, my back has been bothering me quite a bit the past two days, it has been hard just to stand and wash the dishes.i did venture out to walmart today, and picked up two canisters of trail mix that was on the markdown shelf, two for one dollar, and had to get candy and stickers and hand sanitizer for the kids teachers,they asked me for donations..

we had a very beautiful day to day, i actually took the convertible today with the top down, it was very nice.

made a big pot of pulled pork barbeque for dinner tonight, made sandwiches. and that was about it. dh and boys are in the living room watching the tennessee vs.flordia gators game.they drive me absolutely crazy when these two teams play. they have a good time, but it makes me nuts with all the screaming and hollering and jumping around,so i make sure i have something to do. every now and then i tolerate it and actually watch the game, have never been much for football.well everyone have a good night, i am fixing to go soak in a nice hot tub, hopefully my back will feel better tomorrow. good night all

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unike, I meant to tell you earlier that I was glad to see you posting again.


I was actually rather productive today. I got one set of pantry shelves organized, cleaned the laundry room, did weekly shopping, and put together another set of pantry shelves. Oh, and some dishes, LOL.


I asked DH to cook dinner tonight, fish sticks and mac and cheese, and he did it, but is now seriously grumpy about it. I have been working and I think it's only fair that he pitch in like that once in awhile. It was an easy dinner and I have a burr (finish that saying however you wish!) about him being grmpy about it.


We're going to go watch a movie now. Talk to you ladies soon!

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