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Good Morning....... Wednesday Sept,. 22!!


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Can you believe this month is nearly gone?? How's everyone's winter preps coming.. Are you ready? I say a big no to that one! Another full day at work today. I know what I do isn't all that hard but geesh! I need a week day off just to clear my head and catch up on laundry while no children are here. It's another beautiful clear day here. 50 degress right now. I love it!! I saw Saturday's low would be in the 40's.. Nice enough to start the fireplace!

Oh btw I just wanted to comment on one of us needing some prayers lifted high.. Hillbillie.. She's hurting and I think if even if you aren't a praying person that even words of friendship and love would help her... How about a (((((GROUP HUG))))) for HILL!!!!!!!

Off to get the girls ready for school and then to work! Ya'll take care and have a great day!



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Woke up to a cool 53 degrees this morning, Loved it! Have had a busy, busy day. Me and littlest ds, got dressed and took off to walmart. Had to get things for his birthday party this evening (he is turning 4), then also had to get things to make 2 costumes.The two older boys are having plays friday at school. Corey, my middle ds is going to be a frenchman,(in their school each class is studying a different country one is france and the other egypt). The other costume is and eygptian pharoah. So it took quite a while to get all this together, Thought I could cheat and buy a halloween costume for these, but not....They did not have anything near close to it.

I have also been baking cupcakes for the birthday party. The kids would rather have cupcakes for their parties than regular cake. Just got supper over with, now it is time to get set up for our Wednesday night BINGO game.


Personally, I am ready to call it a night, but will play the game, don't want to disappoint the others.


HILL: love ya and am thinking of you....



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