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Sunny Monday


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It's going to be warm here today. I went out early to water the garden and plants that needed it. More sweet peas starting to bloom and some new nasturciums blooming, too.

After playing around all weekend my house is messy. We had friends stop by Saturday late afternoon and as we visited my eyes started roaming around and I thought "What a mess!" but I'm glad they were the kind of friends who didn't come to inspect my house.

Anyway today will be and a lot of putting away things. It's the kind of day things will dry on the clothesline real well.


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We had severe weather this afternoon, quite a bit of flash flooding, and dangerous lightening.. and of course it was just as we were leaving the hospital...

DH, HAD HIS TESTS TODAY,,, they that he has a yeast infection in his esophagus and stomach, also a hiatal hernia, and a duct stricture in his stomach,, which they placed a dilator in the opening to keep opened so food can pass through...his liver enzymes test, we still haven't heard back on it,, but the doctor said he did see some abnormalities and wanted to study it some more...and they are testing the cultures they took from the yeast infection to see if it comes back positive,, and then will give him medication,, right now they are given him prilosec to heal the hernia...

After the upper endoscopy today, when we got home, dh started having severe chest pains, so ended up going back to the ER to have him rechecked, they did ekg's and ultra sound and several other tests, all that came back looking really good... so what we know it isn't his heart, like the doctor was thinking at first...just waiting now for a phone call,,,,

Between working and worrying, I am about to drop,, I am exhausted.... we left the house at 9:30 this morning, and didn't get back until 8:30 this evening...(MY DAY OFF FROM WORK)....WHOO HOO, SOME DAY OFF!!!!! BUT AM FEELING SOME RELIEF,, STILL CONCERNED ON THE LIVER, BUT AM SEEING SOME HOPE AT THE END OF THIS TUNNEL....

Glad too see some of the original members from this group returning, now wondering where is BUTTERCUP and CAT?????


Everybody have a good night and take care will check in tomorrow

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