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Posts posted by lovinit

  1. Sleepy Snail, I found the heavy duty clothes pins at our Dollarama store last week. I bought a few extra bags.


    The pins are a brand by the name of "Richard".

    A bag of ten cost $1.25.

    The model number(I believe) is 03-0302728.


    As I said before, my old ones are still holing well, but it was exciting to find some more.

    Only a prepper can be this excited about clothes pins.

  2. We often had pancakes for supper, the kids thought it was great.

    Mom would make a potato puff and serve it with a casserole of canned tomatoes and crackers with eggs dropped in and one half strip of bacon over each baked egg.

    That is a gag gag for dh. I love it.

    Mom said they used soooooooo many onions during the depression years.

    We ate wild game along with our own beef and pork. I remember my mom being so upset over having to clean ducks or pairie chickens on her birthday.

    Of course we didn't realize this was not the best food in the world, maybe because mom always followed with some type of dessert. Pear or peach juice was always stretched with bread soaked in it. Canned ruhbarb, custard pudding, Ahhhh Yes!

  3. Play dates indeed! Our pups have friends at our camp grounds...............and they know where each of their friends live. They get so excited to go camping, cause they get to play with someone else too.


    Jeepers, they have even given their pals Christmas gifts!!!!! Tell me who has lost touch with reality......

  4. We just did the big ouchie for two new machines. We have a large monitor that I need to use when doing books so we went for another desktop and an ipad. If I hold my breath, wiggle my ears, and don't move the wrong way I can still use the laptop, but it is SOOOOOO frustrating when it powers out on me. It is slow and I can't use firefox anymore either.


    The tablet will be great for traveling but I did that with the laptop too. So far I find the tablet annoying to hold!

  5. We attended a wedding on Saturday. Church and the remainder of the day visiting friends took care of Sunday.


    I have a pair of little rescue kittens in the house so they are a chore. I found them out side in the 34C heat last week. There are also four dogs and another old cat in the house with me on these hot days so the kittens mix things up a bit.


    Last week, I kept up with laundry, and some household chores. I made applesauce, and sweet pickles. When it is cool enough, I do weed whipping in the tree lines and dh helps me with cutting dead branches out. He has been doing harvest for someone and isn't home during the day, and I don't like to run the chainsaw when I'm home alone.


    Today I have done a few loads of laundry, cleaned bathrooms, picked garden stuff, emptied the dishwasher, played with the kittens, (had to stop and bath the dog too, he rolled in foul smelling something while we were out) and will have to get my cucumbers and zuchinni processed and put away. Now would be a good time as the kittens are played out and snoozing.


    A nap is slated for ME this afternoon, then I hope to vacume, go get some dill from my friend, and get back to the yard work.


    It feels nice NOT to be seeing dh stressing over harvest, and not having to stop to make harvest meals.


    I think about Dee and her farming husband, wishing them well, along with any other of you farming people. Have a good week everyone.


    School starts tomorrow so I'll be driving the bus now too.

  6. Dh and I have been on a bit of an adventure. We started out going to visit our family in Ontario, Canada.

    We drove south into ND and continued on east. I had seen it before, but dh hadn't. It was so much fun seeing him enjoy these new experiences.


    After visiting family, we decided to carry on East to PEI, toured that island, and took the ferry back to Nova |Scotia. traveled through New Brunswick, and down into Maine. GPS was our constant!!!!! We started working our way back West, staying below the Great Lakes, and traveling across the US.


    We learned so much, traveled the "shortest distance" not the fastest, (on the GPS)between places and saw some beautiful country. In every Province and in every State, I wondered who do I know here from Mrs. S.?

    I thought Philbe was traveling too and so wished to somehow meet someone from Mrs. S.


    That many miles in the truck made for some great "what if" senarios, so we had some conversations around prepping. We also visited some historical sites so that added to the excitement.


    DH learned to be more aware of his surroundings, at first he wasn't even paying attention to what street we were parked on or the locations of exits in buildings. I was really surprised when he started checking the hotel windows for security. (It was a sliding glass door, and yes it did have a bar in it.)


    We were very fortunate with getting rooms every time we needed one, although one was on the coast in a very resort like area and it was rather expensive. On average we did OK. but will have to stay put now for quite some time.


    One lady told us about chicken being on sale for $1.00 per pound. I couldn't take advantage of that but did bring some home at $1.99 per. about three times less than what we pay here.


    Anyway, all that to say, I thought of each and every one of you even if we weren't near your State/Province and marveled at the differences/sameness in how we must all prepare.


    Best wishes to all of you my friends.



  7. My siblings are visiting for a week. I keep looking at my older sister and asking myself and dh "Do I do that"?

    "Do I sound like that"? Our husbands really enjoy being together and teasing "the girls".


    Older brother and his wife are arriving this afternoon, so there will be about 15 of us for supper at my house tonight.


    I have a little break right now to do some tidying up and then will take the dogs for their shots around 3:00 o'clock. Dh is picking up the meats etc. and will be the BBQ host with the most.


    It is looking like rain so I hope we can be out for the supper hour. There is more seating on the deck than in the livingroom!


    We still don't know where big brother is staying so we may be playing musical beds tonight too.......You never know if dsl will want to keep him from visiting. She is a gold digger type and is afraid he will give us his millions of dollars some day.........


    When everyone is gone we are leaving to visit the grands.

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