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Posts posted by mommato3boys

  1. I thought he had already been on board. Looks like he's still jumping on. :shrug:

    Hey at least he is chasing that train. I didn't think mine would ever get on board either. There are still sometimes I wonder. At least now he doesn't complain when I take his OT and spend it on canned goods or dry beans.


    But I don't want to focus. I want to play games on facebook all day. LOL



    I feel your pain. I'm hooked on a site that raises service dogs (great danes) and they show them at birth until about 3-4 months old 24/7/365. They are so stinkin' cute. And to make matters worse a new litter is due at the end of the month. :gaah:


    I might need an intervention.



    LOL I would be in serious trouble if I found that site. Seriously though I don't play games maybe I should have said I don't want to focus I want to spend all my time on Pinterest looking at recipes LOL.


    I was a little bummed out after doing our inventory I was hoping we had more than we did. I was hoping for 6-9 months but it is more like 3 months. Big dissappointment.

  3. But I don't want to focus. I want to play games on facebook all day. LOL


    We have done an inventory this month of what we have and what we still need. I was pleasantly surprised to see that we are a little better off than I thought but no where near where we need to be. Water is a major stumbling block here. We have gotten dependent on city water again and well we really need to store water. I guess we will be investing the 5 gallon jugs and a hand pump for them that way no dispenser will be needed.


    Our plan is to shelter in place. Still need to invest in some propane for the camp stove and the little heater. Still working on winter wardrobes for us. Hubby is pretty set but I still need boots and leggins to go under my jeans. I want some flannel shirts too.


    We are about to recover from the move from NC to TX. Took a little longer than I had planned but that is ok.

  4. Oh Lawdy How Mercy...here I am working on peach butter and aprioct butter and Snowmom has done gone and jumped the fence to Christmas ornaments. Humm...well let me think about that...wonder if people would know that this peach stone really is not a pinecone LOL


    Of course I am in. Sending you a pm now.

  5. I just was reading the box from the tea bags while waiting for my water to boil. The same box of 100 bags now weighs 6 1/2 ounces instead of 8 ounces. Looks like the tea will be a little weaker with a smaller bag. The price stayed the same but it is another hidden price increase.


    I only buy Luzianne Tea, it is one of those products that hubby will not give on. I just checked the box we are using now it is the last of my NC supply that made the move with us and I bought 2 more yesterday; it still has the same number of tea bags and are the same weight. I guess I need to stock up now before it starts shrinking.


    However, I have noticed the size of the toilet paper rolls and the paper towel rolls. Pasta is another shrinking product. Instead of 16 oz boxes they are now 13-15 oz.

  6. I got the required vaccines so my kids could attend public school. If I had it to do all over again I would not have given in. We did not get the chicken pox vaccine it came out after my boys had the chicken pox. The medicine was just coming out that if you give within the first 24 hours they would not have a severe case. I didn't give that either. We stuck to oatmeal bathes. I was a bad mom I exposed my boys to chicken pox on purpose. I wanted them to have them and get them over with. My boys never got the flu shots either until they joined the military. I want to scream my children are not guinea pigs. You take the shot and give your kid the shot and in 5 years we will see what the side effects are then I will think about letting my kids get the vaccine.


    Ok getting off my soap box. :soapbox:

  7. I read an article the other day saying the powers that be were shocked at the low number getting these vaccines. They said it was because the doctors were not pushing the shots and at the pediatricians conference they were encouraging doctors to push parents in to getting this vaccine. They wanted boys to have it also.


    Here is the article




    A safe, effective, cancer-fighting vaccine shunned By Katy Waldman, Slate.com : August 5, 2013 : Updated: August 5, 2013 3:44pm

    Why aren't more teenage girls getting vaccinated against the human papillomavirus?

    The New York Times reported recently that vaccination rates for the disease, the most common sexually transmitted infection and “a principal cause of cervical cancer,” failed to improve from 2011 to 2012.


    This despite the fact that the rates at which people get “new vaccines typically increase by about 10 percentage points a year,” according to Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And despite that experts have recommended since 2007 that girls receive the triptych of shots at age 11 or 12.

    Every year, HPV causes about 19,000 cancers in women (mostly cervical) and close to 8,000 cancers in men (mostly throat). Yet, reported the Times, “only 33 percent of teenage girls finished the required three doses of the vaccine in 2012 ... putting the United States close to the bottom of developed countries in coverage.”

    This distressing news launched a fleet of theories: that teenage girls go to the doctor less frequently than toddlers, leading to fewer opportunities for vaccination; that patients — or their parents — are embarrassed to ask for a vaccine for sexually transmitted infections, and doctors are reluctant to broach the topic; that neither doctors nor patients are well-versed enough in immunization literature to get the ball rolling.


    A study in the (delightfully named) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, however, rules out hypothesis No. 1. Teenagers are receiving plenty of other inoculations. (“If HPV vaccine had been administered during health-care visits when another vaccine was administered,” the authors of the study wrote, “coverage. ... could have reached 92.6 percent.”)

    The vaccination flat line may flow from a combination of underinformed families and inconsistent doctors. “Providers give weaker recommendations for HPV vaccination compared with other vaccinations recommended for adolescents,” researchers found.

    Plus, “the HPV vaccine is controversial,” says Tai Warren, a receptionist at Washington Pediatric Associates in Washington, D.C. “A lot of parents don't want them for their children.”


    Warren couldn't say whether parents most often object to the vaccine because they perceive it as a license to have sex, because they are concerned about safety, or for some other reason. (More than seven years of study can attest that the procedure is safe, as well as effective.)

    Sadi Bhattarai, a nurse at Chevy Chase Pediatrics in Washington, D.C., was not aware of any stigma surrounding the HPV vaccine. The procedure does prove slightly inconvenient.

    “We often have to call after the first round and remind families to get the second and third shots,” she said.

    Still, “at our practice, everybody gets vaccinated — boys and girls — when they come in for a physical and if they're the right age.”

    Bhattarai ventured that plateauing rates “are both doctor- and patient-driven,” since not all clinics have adopted the immunizations as a standard part of their procedure, and not all families know to ask.


    But Chris Griffiths of the Columbia, Mo., Health Department, said institutional lethargy is not wholly to blame. She senses a lingering wariness.

    “As a nurse, I bring (the vaccine) up to people, and they associate it with promiscuity,” she said.

    While her clinic makes a point of recommending the shots, other facilities in the state do not. Funding plays a role — to administer vaccines, a practice needs a separate locked refrigerator kept at a specific temperature and may rack up other expenses — but it is only part of the story. Patients and their families may also be dissuaded by insurance policies that fail to cover HPV inoculation. (The triplicate shot can cost up to $140 per dose.) Doctors may not want to incur a backlash by suggesting the vaccine.

    Whatever the reason, we've trekked too far into the 21st century to be dithering over safe, easy, cancer-blasting vaccinations for children. Though the explanations behind the plateau may be complicated, the solutions are simple: Insurance companies should cover HPV shots. Doctors should promote them. Patients and their families should embrace them.

  8. Do you freeze eggs? If so do you freeze them with whites and yokes together or do you freeze whites and yokes separate?


    I am trying to decide how I want to freeze eggs. I am thinking of separating them that way if the recipe calls for whites I don't have to thaw the yolk too. I have always froze them together before but this time I think I am going to try something new.


    I joke with Deerslayer all the time, but I would never take something that I asked for, only if it is offered first. I can understand if they are asking and are in NEED but just to ask to be asking no I won't share if you are capable, have the means and are able bodied. Sorry I work hard for what little I have call me selfish but that is the way it is, especially now . If I start handing out now when :smiley_shitfan: there will be a line outside my door that won't stop.

    Absolutely not talking about you!!!! I was talking about people who wont do for themselves (mainly family). You should know that you can come to this house and take anything if you need it!!!


    I know you were not talking about me. And you know if you ever are in need my door is always open. There is a difference between joking and actually asking and taking. I could never ask for food just to be asking (unless it is still on the tree or vine and I pick it myself if the person has gotten all they want) but to walk in and see canned food on the counter and ask for it...no way. There are very few people I trust to can, Deerslayer being one of them. Plus I know she is a clean freak and she goes out of her way to make sure everything is sterile when canning. Sorry, that is just me. I am seeing more and more backyard gardens but no where near enough. This year was a bust for us. First year in a new climate, a higher altitude it was a learning curve. But next year will be different. One thing about being new in an area people don't know you well enough to walk into your house and pick up your groceries and walk out with them. Working on getting hunting license now, then finding a hunting spot.

  10. I joke with Deerslayer all the time, but I would never take something that I asked for, only if it is offered first. I can understand if they are asking and are in NEED but just to ask to be asking no I won't share if you are capable, have the means and are able bodied. Sorry I work hard for what little I have call me selfish but that is the way it is, especially now . If I start handing out now when :smiley_shitfan: there will be a line outside my door that won't stop.

  11. I love TracFone. I've had mine for 5 years now. It was a cheap (10$) phone that does more than I need it to and it's done great for 5 years..not even needed to replace a battery yet. It is easy to do set up even for someone who is not a technology weinie like me!


    The even have a big button one now. I keep threatening to go back to tracfone just so I can have the big button phone so I push the buttons with my fat fingers.

  12. Maybe the tracfone's I'm thinking of are not the same...have a friend and she had to buy a new phone every time her minutes ran out, so her number was always changing...???


    Not unless she just wants to buy a new phone. I know you can get minute cards for tracfone just about anywhere. Now if she lets the minutes run out and the phone has been inactive for 6 months I think you have to get a new number then since they don't guarantee you number if your account goes inactive.

  13. We have prepaid cellphones. Actually we have two different plans.

    Tracfone is where you buy minutes and put on your phone. You can find these at Dollar General, Family Dollar and Walmart. You have to buy the phones but they usually only run about $20 or so. Then you buy a card and add minutes. I would only add $20 or every three months or so and usually got double minutes. I really liked Tracfone when we had a house phone and hubby and I worked for the same company. So we rode to work together and saw each other at lunch.


    However, now that we have moved we don't have a house phone, nor do we work for the same company so we don't ride together. He has Net10 and pays $50 a month unlimited talk text and data. I have Straight Talk (both are though Wal-Mart) and I pay $30 a month. Both use AT&T towers which is the best around here and we have unlimited. If I upgrade my phone I will have to go with the $45 plan with Straight Talk and I will avoid that by switching to Net10 and get on a family prepaid plan with hubby and pay $40 instead of $45.


    Net10 has a program now where you can bring your own phone and number and it only cost you something like $68 to get started then $50 a month. Tracfone you will have to purchase the phone but like I said they usually run about $20. With Net10 and Straight we had to purchase our phones which was about $70 each phone. The only reason I switched from Tracfone was my phone was dying and when we moved to TX hubby bought me a Straight Talk phone and card for Christmas. I had Tracfone for 6-7 years and had no complaints. The only thing is sometimes when you are out of your calling area they charged more for calls. I know instead of paying something like 10 cents a minute when I was in AL with a NC number I paid 15cents.


    Tracfone will send you coupons and special text messages about buying a certain amount of minutes and they would double and triple them. If we had a home phone I would probably still be with Tracfone. I liked the freedom of have adding as much time as I wanted. At one time I was on their monthly plan which is $10 for 60 minutes and I had it taking out of my bank account but stopped it because the minutes had added up and I wasn't using them. So I went back to buying cards. Tracfone does have a card you can buy that will allow your minutes to last a year and any minutes you add during that year will be good for a year from the date you added them to the phone not from the date you added the "good for a year" card.

  14. I just gotta say I LOVE MY JOB. It is the best job I have ever had and the best paying job I have ever had. After two weeks it feels like I have been there forever. Everyone has accepted me, I keep hearing "We are so glad you are here" The stress that I had the other job is not here. The back biting and favoritism that was at the other job is not here. I have never had a job like this and I am loving it. Oh I miss being home and having the laundry caught up all the time and dinner on the table when hubby comes home but that's ok I am going to do a major grocery shopping trip and order some freeze dried food and make up some meals in jars. OAMC here I some again LOL. I have got to get a freeze so I can stock it. Our small upright didn't make the trip the youngest son snagged it when we moved. They had just been given a deer and no where to put it. Not having a house on this end when we moved I really didn't want to bring the freezer and put it in storage so it stayed behind. Next week's task....get busy finding recipes and make out menus. Summer won't be too bad since hubby is the grill king. We grill everything for the week on Sat or Sun and then just warm it up during the week. That way we don't waste charcoal.

  15. If you don't have children at home that need your supervision, and you're still quite a long way from retirement, I think keeping you toe in the work force is probably an extremely wise decision. Jobs are so hard to find these days & you don't want to find yourself hunting a job when you're 50 or 55! We all know that leaning our ladder up against any company is not a good idea (because they can goes toes up very quickly) so make your money while you can! I worked until the death of my first husband, and then worked part time and drew social security along with it until the death of my last employer. Then I just flat retired. Things can happen friend, so again...make the money while you can!

    ROFL Philbe I am 50 I turned 50 this past year.


    Well I survived the first day. They seem like really nice folks and I felt right at home today. After I got there the first day jitters disappeared. I was able to step right in and pick up and run with ball.

  16. When we moved to TX hubby promised me I could be Susie Homemaker and I would not have to work. He has been true to his word and I have been happy and content until recently. He makes decent money but I have not been able to do some things I really wanted because I could not justify spending the money. We are trying to save up and buy a house and my wants seemed trivial in our best interest. So starting Monday I will be rejoining the work force, much to his dismay. But with everything happening and food prices rising daily I feel we need the extra income to get get ahead and be better prepared. So the garden will not get as much TLC as I had hoped and I will not be doing as much sewing as I want and the quilting will go slower than I had planned but it will all get done. I will just have to manage my time better.


    However, what will happen is the house fund will grow faster, the larder will get restocked faster and that motorcycle he wants will be purchased sooner and I will have a slush fund again. I have made out a budget based on what they told me my salary will be and I foresee weekend trips to the big city to SAMs, Hancock Fabrics, and well I think the camper shell will just have to go back on the truck and stay there. LOL

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