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Posts posted by mommato3boys

  1. Ok so I picked up a 1 pound bag of parboiled rice. Never used it before. Don't use instant rice either. So what do I have to look forward to with this parboiled rice?


    IF we like it I plan on buying it to use in my emergency meals that I am putting together...sort of like Chef Tess's meals in jars but I am using gallon mylar bags.

  2. I am more worried about TB than Ebola.


    When hubby started the hospital he had to have 2 TB test the first on was negative the second one was positive. After a round of test it was decided that it was a false positive. I did not know that you could have false positives but now he has to have a chest xray every year instead of the skin test.


    We were told that any thing on his skin could have caused the false positive. What is worse the general public is not tested for TB unless they have symptoms or exposure.

  3. We have had flies bad this year and they dive bomb you and bite. I noticed an ant bed by where we park the car hubby said he would pick up poison. No mice yet, hopefully the inside cat will take care of them. Spiders are another thing we deal with. You think as many spiders as we have we wouldn't have the fly problem. I feel like I am going through the 10 plagues like Pharaoh.

  4. Thanks I didn't even think about the lavender. I suggested they put the tree oil on the areas. I hope he listened. He forgot his soap and had to use what he could get in the field and it didn't wash out of his clothes very good and the fact that it was hot where he was his poor feet and under his arms took the abuse. He was so glad to get home. Thank goodness this was his last one. Now he is on the 2 year recall list. This momma is keeping the hotline to heaven burning up. He is the last one I have in the military, his oldest brother is already out.

  5. I need a good recipe for a foot soak. Our son just got back from his last 2 week vacation thanks to Uncle Sam and our DIL called needed advice and yucky feet. He has a fungal infection in his toenails and athlete foot. So anyone have any suggestions. Right now they are just using tea tree oil in regular water.

  6. Since it is just hubby and me now I can make 3 or 4 meals when it used to feed us for one meal. One of the stores just had chicken breast bone in with skin for $1 a pound I think I bought 6 or 7 packs. One breast will make a meal for us. Those things are huge. Kicking myself now for not opening them and prying them apart(they were frozen when I bought them) and freezing them separately. Oh well just have to plan 3 chicken meals when I do get a pack out of the freezer.

  7. There is no humidity here I have to use lotion and chapstick year round and twice in the winter LOL. I am used to the deep south...B'ham, AL low humidity is 75% there here high humidity is 40%.


    Maybe I just didn't dry them long enough. Oh well they are in the freezer now. Will dry the next batch longer. Next up...pears.

  8. I am on my second new refrigerator since we have been married. We lost everything about 10 years ago and had to start over. Since we became renters we didn't bother with appliances. When we moved we had to buy appliances and decided to go with white appliances always again. Not a fan of stainless steel. To me white appliances just look neater. We are about to have to buy a washing machine and yes I will splurge and buy a matching set. This set was bought used and it has served me well...it lasted through high school football and oil field work so even though it was used I have gotten my money's worth.

  9. We have bought an old house and it needs some remodeling and one of the areas in desperate need is the kitchen. I have decided that I am going to look into a gazebo with power outlets. Since I don't have much cabinet space I am drying most of the food I am storing this year. and I think a gazebo would be the best place to set up dehydrators. I could screen it in put a work table with a sink and set up shop. This way we could also use it for eating during the summer when we grill. Yep I see a gazebo in my future.


    Anyone else have a "summer kitchen" where they do their dehydrating and canning? What are some things in your kitchen or would like to have in your summer kitchen?


    Looking for ideas.

  10. The following are recipes that I have gotten off Pinterest, out of cook books, and off facebook. I do not claim the rights to any of these recipes and I can not give credit with credit is due.


    Tuna Asparagus Wraps


    6 Asparagus Spears

    1/4 cup Cream Cheese chive & onion spread

    1 teaspoon lemon peel

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    3 ounces grilled tuna (original recipe calls for smoked salmon but hubby is allergic to salmon)

    dash of cayenne pepper

    2 whole wheat wraps

    1/4 sweet red pepper cut into strips.


    Mix cream cheese, lemon peel, lemon juice and cayenne pepper spread on wraps layer remaining ingredients roll & enjoy


    Shrimp (or chicken) Quesadillas

    1 cooked shredded chicken breast or 1 dozen shrimp cooked and diced.

    1 onion cut in to strips

    1/2 small can of green chilies

    1 cup Fiesta blend cheese

    mix together and layer on flour tortilla.


    Bake at 350 until tortilla is brown and cheese is melted. I cheat and use my Foreman grill.


    Greek burgers


    2 - 4 oz burgers grilled (have used ground turkey but hubby is not a fan this is about the only red meat we eat)

    2 tablespoons of cucumber ranch dressing (I can find my recipe but as soon as I do I will post it.)

    1 ounce of feta cheese

    1 teaspoon of crushed fresh mint

    lettuce, tomatoes and buns.


    mix ranch dressing and mint let chill while grilling burgers, spread dressing on buns top with cheese, lettuce tomato and burger. Enjoy


    Chicken Veggie Wraps

    2 chicken tenders grilled and cut into strips

    1 yellow summer squash

    1 zucchini

    1/4 sweet red pepper cut into strips

    onion strips

    Sugar snaps cut into strips

    1/4 cup mayo and 3 tablespoons of dried tomato pesto. Mix together and chill.


    Spread on wraps and layers chicken and veggies wrap & enjoy



    Watch for more tomorrow


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