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Posts posted by Deb2of9

  1. i know what you are saying abou the car and embarassment. You should see mine. It gets me around, but it was bad enough before, before the deer took out half the front end. Slowly working on getting things fixed, but car repairs are so expensive. I am doing the repairs in order of importance. You know, the ones that affect safety first ( just got the brakes fixed), then the ones that affect the running ( car smokes from an oil leak that was supposed to be fixed already). Finally I will end up with any other repairs. Yesterday it was the tire that went flat on a Sunday. Do you know how hard it is to find a place to repair the tire the Sunday before Christmas? I hate those donuts. I have to find a spare rim to have a real spare tire for my van instead of the stupid donut. That and scissor jacks. I want a hydraulic jack. The scissor jacks aren't safe.


    Of course the best part of internet at home is I am sitting here at home waiting to go deliver papers because they are delayed an hour and I can get online while I wait. No waiting for the library to open, use the gas to get there and always remember something else I wanted to do after I am heading home.Without internet at home, I felt so cut off from everything and everyone.

  2. We have been having some trouble with my modem for a few weeks now. It is kept in my brother's room and he knocked the lamp over on it one night and burnt a hole in the plastic. Well, apparently it was worse off than we thought, because now it smells like something is burning when we use it. Can't replace it right now, so it is the library for internet access for me now. I am on vacation this week, but after this work will keep me so busy, I will find it hard to get here and if I do it will not be more than once a week. Since I will be missing out on a lot that is going on here, I will just have to keep praying for all of you on here and your families, for whatever needs come up. I will try to check in every week or so until we can get the modem replaced, just with the car, reduced hours at work, extra people in my house and life in general, I don't know when I will get the money to replace the modem.

  3. I am sorry to say that after reviewing expenses that have come up and with the car not fit to make the trip, I will not be able to come. I tried to figure out a way to make the money work, but I just can't get a plane or bus ticket right now. I will have to catch all of you next time. I really was hoping to go this year, but I just can't see the way to make it work after what I had to spend out this past week. I blew my extra money on car repairs and just plain life. ( Things like rent and electric and other neccessities of life.) I hope to be able to put up money for it by next time. The sad thing is that I have money in a Christmas fund at work, but can't access it until November. That would have made the trip possible. I will miss meeting all of you face to face. I hope you all have fun.

  4. I am not sure if I will be able to make it. I am having car trouble. I was thinking of trying to fly in if I could find a flight and could get there from the airport. I am not sure if my daughter will be able to go or not as she may have to suddenly be available to babysit my great-nephew. My nephew is supposed to pick him up from his mother on the 9th if all goes well. Of course, she could still appeal or disappear so he can't get his son. If he gets him, I will be looking at just me. Until I started to think maybe flying ( or bus) I figured I just couldn't go. If I can get there through either I will make it. ( unless someone was passing thorugh Ohio on the way and I caught a ride, but I think the plane or bus are the more likely options.) As soon as I know for sure, I will let you go. It stinks, because I have the time off work, but the car is a problem. Just the past two weeks I have replaced the battery and a tire. I now have the tie rod end on the left front needing to be replaced, am leaking oil, probably a bad gasket, have the brakes needing work and then of course the speedometer has decided to quit ( some of the time). I have to get the car fixed, so it isn't making that kind of a trip.

  5. My grandmother was Penobscot indian. I am not sure if she was half or full blooded as the family story has it both ways and no one cared about geneaolgy enough to ask her when she was alive. However, years later, my father went to the tribe and was enrolled on the tribal roles. So although I am not sure where it comes from, it was recently enough to satisfy them. Now, as for her parents all I can see are two French names for them. Her family was French Canadian.


    As for not having it on the record. When my Dad was heard telling his buddies about his ancestry during WWII, they were kicked out of a bar. Oh, his buddies could stay, but only whites were allowed. They heard him admitting to being an indian and that got him kicked out. That is the reason that was given that his mother's birth certificate listed her as white. The indians could and did "pass" for white at times and the children were often given the white parent's race on the birth certificate. Part of this might have also been that they were trying to integrate the indians. It is funny when you think of it. Intergration was not a big thing in the 1800's, but maybe it wasn't really about integration, but more to do with breaking up the tribal idenity. Either way, my dad told us we should check indian on the census because we needed to stand up for our race.


    I tell my daughter that she is more indian than I am. Her great-grandmother on her father's side was definately full blooded Seminole. They didn't even have to pay property taxes as long as the property was in hers or her daughter's name. Taxes only had to be paid after they both died and the house was left to the sons. They didn't have enough indian in them to qualify for no taxes.


    Years ago being indian was not popular and those who could did not draw attention to that fact. It was only in fairly recent times that it became the thing to claim your indian ancestry. This makes it hard for those of us trying to research out families past.

  6. It is rough. I finally got a bearable premium but I might as well not have it (unless I have a BIG problem). The deductible is high and I have never made it yet in 7 years. I would do better to not struggle to pay for it. Then I would have enough cash to pay for my meds which I can't do now. I don't fill alot of my prescriptions. Of course, I need coverage in case of a big emergency like cancer. You can't win either way.


    It isn't just the big emergencies that you need insurance for either. I pay just over $600 a month for insurance ( just medical, dental and eye are extra). My deductable is $2500. I never made the deductable at my old job when it was only $500 so I tried not getting the insurance. That didn't work. I hadn't been going to the doctor either because of no insurance. I only went to stat care if I had a problem. My problem is bigger because although I could get the family plan for twice the cost and twice the deductable, I would only be able to get my healthy daughter covered by that, (until she reaches 26 in three years.)It would not cover either of my two brothers whom I am responsible for right now.( Okay, responsible is a loose term. One brother isn't working and the other just started a paper route and a part time( 3 hours a day) job. Neither have health insurance or have the money to pay for any of their health care costs.)


    So, as I said, I tried going the no insurance route. My blood pressure went up to 220/118 (which for those of you who don't know, is dangerously high.) I had run out of my blood pressure medicine and did not have any refills on my script. I made an appointment with my doctor, but he refused to see me at first. My daughter pleaded and he saw me for that visit, but would only deal with the strept thoat and my blood pressure, not any other problems that I had. This is because I had no insurance. I was told that although, for my daughter's sake, he agreed to see me, he would not address any problem that would require follow up with any other doctor because I had no insurance. That means things such as my foot that has become so painful that I can not stand on it at times, could not be cared for. It required a podiatrist. Because of this, I had to get the insurance through work that cost too much and didn't cover hardly anything, just so I could be seen by my doctor.


    Without insurance it is hard to get care even if you can afford to pay for it out of pocket.

  7. A few things I haven't seen here yet:


    Honey. It's good to add to hot tea to help soothe a sore throat.


    Anyone else use a Vaporizer? We have one and I make sure we have the solution stuff for it. We have a small humidifier, but I like the warmth of the Vaporizer. That and Vicks VapoRub seem to help me the most when I'm all stuffed up.


    I can't have regular decongestants (hypothyroid), so I use Marshmellow Root capsules. Although it works much better for DH than me. I recently found that although I can't have DayQuil, there are NyQuil capsules that are safe for me (no decongestants in them).


    Lots of extra tissues. Extra tissues with lotion in them. We were both sick with bad colds a few weeks ago. In one weekend, we went through over 5 boxes of tissues.


    Vaseline (to apply to your nose after using so many tissues!)


    Go fish, I use sweet oil for ear aches. It helps!


    Since I think there's a few other celiacs or people on gluten-free diets here, I want to add that I recently re-checked and all Vicks products are gluten-free.

    I wouldn't survive without the Vicks vaporub. We depend on it so much that my daughter and I each have our own bottle as well as one in the medicine box. I didn't think of the vaseline, that would help not only with the irritated nose from too many tissues, but also for dry nasal passages. We apply that to the nares of several of our residents where I work every night, especially during the winter months. It helps to cut down on nosebleeds related to dry nasal passages.


    We make sure we have Puffs Plus during cold and flu season. We will start out with regular tissues, but as soon as we start going through a lot of tissues, we break out the Puffs Plus because they really do seem to irritate less than regular tissues.

  8. I am feeling sick and miserable right now. Have a stomach bug and this is day 4 of being sick. I don't think it is actually the flu because I am not running a temp, but it got me to thinking about my flu preps. I am down on most of this type of supply after using them when everyone was sick a few motnths ago. Money has been tight and I have put off replacing everything. So I was reviewing the post on the $25 dollar preps to get started.


    I came accross one thing though, that made me think. I can not use Latex. Alot of people can't, so your preps should include non-latex gloves as well, even if you or no one in your family is currently allergic. The allergy can come up suddenly and although for a lot of people it is mostly localized skin irritation, for some it is much more serious. My daughter's kids can't even have toys made with latex because she starts having trouble breathing if she accidently touches any of them. We play it safe by keeping them out of her house. She actually came close to dying once because someone through latex gloves in the non-latex BP cuff at the hospital. They took them out, but the cuff had picked up something from the Latex and she had a serious reaction. So this is nothing for us to play around with. Allergies are serious and if you do not have quick access to medical care, they can be deadly.


    I keep vynel gloves at home, but I am looking into getting some Nitrile gloves. They protect better than vynel, just like the latex do, but are not latex. I use them at work sometimes, in fact they have started to put them in some of the sterile kits now.


    Just thought I might suggest including nitrile or vynel gloves in your preps.

  9. If you had your Kindle books in the Cloud, kiss them goodbye. If you had them downloaded to your device or a chip, and the device/chip survived, so would the books.


    That is what I am hoping. Of course, Even if my e-reader data does survive because I happened to have it protected at the time, I still need power to charge it. I use it all the time, so it probably would be fried and I would lose the data. Have been thinking of having some place to protect my computer and e-reader in, but as of right now, if electronics were fried, so would they be.



    I have been meaning to investigate the fire proof safes that WM sales. I wonder if they will be EMP proof? But the real question is would I have time to get them stored before they are fried.


    I wonder about that too. I would need a bigger lock box than I have to fit my laptop in it, but a bigger one would only do good if the laptop, my e-reader or other devices were in it at the time. Even if I put it away whenever I wasn't using it, there would be a good chance that it would not be in there if an EMP hit. I don't believe we would have time to get it put up safe, at least unless there was really some warning first. An EMP is not likely to give us warning.

  10. If you had your Kindle books in the Cloud, kiss them goodbye. If you had them downloaded to your device or a chip, and the device/chip survived, so would the books.


    That is what I am hoping. Of course, Even if my e-reader data does survive because I happened to have it protected at the time, I still need power to charge it. I use it all the time, so it probably would be fried and I would lose the data. Have been thinking of having some place to protect my computer and e-reader in, but as of right now, if electronics were fried, so would they be.

  11. Ok, I have 28 people (+/-) coming so far:


    Darlene , Madison and Jason

    Stephanie 2 boys and 3 girls

    Mt Rider

    CGA and daughter

    Ma and Pa Steele and dad


    Momo and hubby (no pressure Momo lolol)



    MomM and hubby

    Lisa in GA and 2 kids

    MacKinnon and mom

    Lovinit and hubby


    Am I missing anyone?


    Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I have soooooooooooo much to do before the gathering lol. The fun part will be to pull out alllllllllllllllll the massive pots and pans that I don't get to cook in often anymore lol. Gunplumber suggested that we do a pig roast...what do y'all think about that?


    I'm excited and wish everyone could come!

    I don't believe I saw my daughter and I on the list. Still trying to work it out. I put in for the time off from work, now the question is will the car make the trip. Will need directions on how to get there too. I am looking forward to it. I may not write on here that much, but I can't wait to meet all of you. It sounds like it will be so much fun

  12. this isn't the end of the world....I have bought used cast iron that has been very badly mistreated. Just get the rust cleaned off and reseason them. It takes a little work, but that is one of the many wonderful things about cast iron....you can salvage them as long as they are still in one piece. Hopefully he will rememver not to do that again....but I have had my family do it to me many times...now they leave the cast iron for me to clean

  13. No I haven't Read Ruth Stout...not sure if I heard of her. I will have to look for her. I didn't take what you said as critical. I know that it is going to take a lot of hard work for me to get the garden going.I plan on putting in that hard work. I believe no failure is ever complete if you learn from it. And I do look like I am going to get some stuff out of the garden, just not as much as I had hoped.

  14. Yes, Arby, I plan to do square foot gardening in the raised beds. As for mulch, I should have done it before, but I am now mulching each area as I get ride of the weeds. put my back out at work yesterday, so I didn't accomplish much today, but I think half of my small garden is now mulched.


    As for starting smaller, it is a ver small garden. Only a few plants of several different vegetables. I can maintain it most of the time, jsut a crazy work schedule and suddenly lots of rain let it get away from me. I know that I have to do only as much as i can manage on my own. tomatos are the only plant that I went overboard on. i have 3 separate varieties, two that are good for sandwiches and salads and then the others are for paste.We want to can our own sauce. We use a lot of spaghetti sauce and canned tomatos in our meals. I know it has been a bad year for gardens, but I also know my lack of experience and not keeping up on the little I have is also responsible for the poor yeild as well. I will do better next year. Different contitions and I will have learnt from my mistakes this year. I may fail alot at this, but I learn from every mistake.

    For instance, without proper means to till up a garden, I had a problem getting the ground ready. this year I figured if I first got the ground soft by wetting it, then dug up small sqares of dirt, I could hand till a foot at a time with less strain on my back. I douldn't even break the ground up the traditional ways. It is a small area that I prepared and if I ahd figured out how to do it sooner, I would have managed a better garden there. I also forgot the importances of mulch. NOw I have learnt how important that really is to my garden. I will make sure the mulch is a priority next year. I also want to put a stone or even a mulched pathway around my garden to keep the lawn away from the garden.

    My prothers are afraid to mow close to the garden, so the gras near it got too tall. If I mulch it around it, my garden will look nicer, but more importantly I will cut down on access to the garden for weeds. At least if I also remember to much the garden. Of course with raised beds that will take care of part of that as well.

    Although I would love to grow alot of my own food, I am realistic enough to know that unless I get help from family, as long as I work a full time job, that isn't going to happen. Even if I didn't have to work, i probably will only be able to grow part of my own food. I just don't have the strenght or stamina to do all of that work anymore. I am not in the best of shape and with arthriis everywhere and back and knee problems, I can't do the bedning or lifting that is required as much as I would like to. Even getting the bags of potting soil and mulch is a challenge. I use a wheel barrel or draft help with that part from those who can lift. My grandchildren love working in the garden, but they live in twon so it is harder to get them out here to help. But I have done that as well. Even gave them their own plants to grow.

    Time to get ready for work, So I will get off here. I willnot give up, and wnat to thank all of you for your helpful advice.Not only from direct response but from all the good advice and support in the forums on here. Mrssurvival people are the bests. I know I can alway s go here even if it is just to vent a little, I will be weldomed with open arms, and prayer and support when I need it, not to mention all of your experiences and advice to help me learn the skills that I need.

  15. the one picture is of part of my garden. My attempt at gardening this year consisted of planting my plants in bags of topsoil and then I dug a garden by hand with a shovel and hand trowel for the rest of the garden. I have lost some plants between the lack of rain and the weeds, but I do have some plants growing now. Mostly cucumbers and squash in the hand dug garden. The others seem to be growing but except for some green tomatos, no actual vegetables yet. I take that back the hand dug garden actually has a few peppers starting. Of course everyone else is harvesting alot of the same stuff I have planted and have nothing to show for it yet. I might have gotten a late start, I am not sure. Either that or they got an early start due to the warmer spring weather. I am determined to have a garden and will keep trying. I plan to build some raised beds over the summer and winter and be ready to start them early in the spring I want to make green house frames to fit over them with PVC pipes and plastic to allow me to start early. Next year I want to have a garden I can can from

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  16. I was very frustrated. This is the first year I tried potatos. Lets face it, this is the first year I have had much of anything growing except for tomatos. My garden attempts have not been very successful, but I am improving if the weeds, rain one year, drought the next, oh and lets not forget the year with the blight that took everything except for my tomatos. But I learn by every attempt and that is the important part, although I would love to get some real food out of my work.


    This year I tried potatos in Potato bags. It was something that I saw in the store and since I didn't have much of a garden ready, I decided to give them a try. It was not a success, although I think I must have failed somewhere with it. They were doing great. I did just like I was supposed to and raised the bags up adding more soil. Two days ago I noticed my plants were all dried up in the one bag and only one plant was left in the other bag. I checked it out and noticed no potatos. The harvest I got from the one bag that had some potatos in it fit in my hand. I am very frustrated. I won't let this defeat me though. I will keep trying. Next year I plan to put up raised bed....start with good soil and compost and make sure that the weeds stay away. This year first my brothers tried helping by watering the garden...with a sprinkler for a half hour twice a day. Hey they were trying, they just drowned the plants. So then they left the garden to me. With work I didn't get it watered enough...no one helped with the weeding and I was the only one working a full time job, so first we had no rain for too long then the rain came...days of it in fact. Now my garden is over run with the weeds. I worked in it some this morning, but it is going to take a lot to get all of the weeds out of it. With a bad back and bad knees ( another reason for the raised bed) I can only do so much at a time...especially if I want to be able to go to work later today. At least the plants are growing well enough that I can tell which are the weeds and which are the plants.

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  17. there is alot of truth to that. I do give in and buy some convience foods, but I think if I spent more time really looking at the extra cost, I would cut it down to just those times I really need the convience. ( There are times like that, but really if I planned ahead better,even those times would probably mostly be gone.) I admit, that I eat alot of convience foods, but when I am looking for the specials on meat, maybe I should also pay more attention and really judge if the convience is worth the extra costs. After all, if my garden is going good, I wouldn't think twice about cutting up those veggies myself. Thanks for the reminder of how much I am really paying for conviences when my budget barely makes it as it is. I might actually have more money to go to preps if I did the work myself.

  18. I am getting frustrated with my garden this year as well. I have had lots of bad luck, but some of it is my fault as well. I just haven't quite figured out what I am doing yet. I had my first thing that grew out of my garden today, a banana pepper. Tomatos look sickly but I finally see green tomatos there. Everything else I swear seems to be shrinking. First my brothers helped me water by overwatering the plants, now they have stopped watering completely. Work keeps me so busy I am unable to get out and keep the garden watered enough in this heat or weeded enough. i swear the weeds are growing the best. my soil doesn't seem to retain any of the water. I will keep trying, but hadn't thought of trying again this summer. Maybe I can get that raised bed up and try to grow something more, but only if I can get someone to help me when I can't get to it because of work. As it is, I only have a few plants. Thought my melons were dead and went out today and see that the plants have grown some more. Zuchinni is putting forth flowers again but still no zuchinni. Even my berries did bad. they were putting out lots of berries, but then the heat hit and they all dried up before getting ripe. I had a couple of handfuls of the ones that ripened early. My blueberries that would have been producing fruit this year got mowed over when my landlord sent someone to brush hog the field. he didn't see the plants till it was too late. The tops are cut off, we are hoping we can still salvage the plants. My strawberries produced fruit but it had a clear gel like substance all over the berries. Not sure what happened there. I am living by the motto "if at first you don't succeed, try try again". I learn by my mistakes each year. I will get a successful garden and not just a few tomatos. If not this year, next year, but I won't give up.It is just that last year we had too much rain so everything was flooded. This year not enough rain so the plants are still suffering.




    Good luck on your second planting.

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