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Posts posted by CrabGrassAcres

  1. I never knew that tying a knot in a cord weakens it so much at that point. Seems you can only count on any cord holding half its rated weight since ie isn't going to hold anything at all unless you tie a knot in it some where. Loss of strength is not cumulative. That is, if one knot decreases strength by half, two knots doesn't make it 1/4 as strong. Just means that each spot where there is a knot or bend the cord now has a weak spot.

  2. When I needed to grab a gosling this spring from a protective mama I just grabbed mama by the neck and tossed her over the fence. LOL That's the only time they get real upset, is if you mess with a gosling or a nest. Geese act like they have a few thoughts in their heads. Wise birds.

  3. Glad you're getting eggs!


    My pen is in the back yard and all the big ducks hang out around it. Geese too. They can see the pond. Had an auntie in for a few weeks that was getting bred too often and needed a break. Put her out yesterday and she spent the rest of the day trying to get back in! Ducks is silly!


    I have 3 more ducklings just hatched.

  4. Those ducklings are plenty big to be out with the other ducks and on the pond, but every time I open the gate and try to shoo them out, mayhem ensues! They feel SAFE in their pen! MONSTERS are out there! Silly things.

  5. IT DOESN"T HELP!!!!!!!!!

    They put me on Paxil some yrs back and it not only did nothing for the depression it SURE didn't help the hot flashes and it was VERY hard to get off the drug. They don't tell you when you start that it will make your blood pressure crash if you miss a dose. I was in bed for 2 weeks trying to wean off it because I was passing out when I tried to stand or sit.

  6. I don't think I could do a garden here without power to run the well pump. Can't even keep a green belt around the house without tons of water in triple digit heat with no rain. Our power went off without a storm the other day. Well above 100 when it went out. Thankfully my room was still habitable when it came back after 1 1/2 hrs. Wouldn't have been much longer and I do not tolerate having no fan. I must have the air moving. I went and sat under a tree outside. It happened around 6pm. Earlier in the day, I couldn't have sat outside and the room would have heated up much faster.

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