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The WE2's

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Posts posted by The WE2's

  1. 12 minutes ago, kappydell said:

    gardening with leon


    We've got the mineral containers and the square juice bottles ready for gardening!  We're planting potatoes in two of the raised beds.  We'll row plant the Okra and pole beans.  Just about everything else will go into the containers even though we still have four more raised beds that we need to work up.  Those had the wood side rails and are just about gone.  We'll do the concrete blocks for them...yes, I know...some people frown on that but it works so beautifully for us.  We need to cut the old canes from the blackberries and raspberries and cut some new starts to transplant someplace else.  Those beds would just be in our way.

    He has several videos...some with the large mineral buckets, some with 5-gal buckets.  We've done both.



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  2. Worked in the garden again today.  Planted the first raised bed with Russet's while hubby worked up the 2nd bed.  It's going to need some work before I can plant the red potatoes.  I filled two compost barrels and half of another with the green and brown's from his weeding and me clipping the dead stuff that had grown up through the blocks. 

    The radishes are looking pretty good considering the age of the seeds and the transplant I did on them! LOL  When I can harvest them I'll just add some more potting soil and plant some more.  They seem to really like the homestead's kitchen window...I do to!  It's just about 2 feet above the counter/sink and they go just about all the way to the top of the ceiling.  Same way with the  "vintage" kitchen cabinets.  All the way to the top of the ceiling....so much more storage than these modern pre-fab ones. 

    The Mayor "finally" closed the city's park playgrounds!  We can still walk, bike, take our dogs for a walk and fish in the two that have lakes, but no playground or shelters.  Said if people didn't observe the order, he'd have to shut the parks down completely.  Hopefully some of these knot heads will listen!


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  3. We bagged 10 dozen eggs for our freezer.  We did that a couple of years ago when we found eggs in bulk.  Then roughed up one of our raised beds so we can plant potatoes tomorrow.  It's a 4x12 and we still have another 4x12 that we will work up.  We've let that bed rest now for 2 years and that soil is like black gold!  The earthworms were almost 3" long and as fat as a pencil!  Felt so good to work in the dirt and sun...even had to put on my straw hat :)  My radishes are up and smiling so I transferred them to a longer pot and set it in the kitchen window at the homestead.  I mainly wanted to see if these seeds were viable since they were about 3 years old and purchased for a penny when Dollar General was selling off their summer inventory.

    The lettuce isn't up yet nor the tomatoes...but they'll be coming along I bet.  I pulled some greens off my wild onions (not the walking ones) ...I planted onion bulbs several years ago and let some of them just go to seed.  Then pulled the tops off some of my garlic chives.  Also a few Dandelion leaves...left the flowers for the bees...and a few leaves from the Dock.  The Comfrey is up and looking great and the Elderberry runs are looking good too.

    Then home for a Krazy Krust pizza night.  


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  4. Allergies are playing games with both of us...everything's budding out and we're having lots of winds...so the runny nose, scratchy throat and itchy eyes.  But...we use the aroma of the Oregano essential oil and a tablespoon of homemade cough syrup (honey, whisky and lemon juice) and it really makes it settle down.  Can't take too much of the syrup though...:cele::24:

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  5. We've never entertained the idea that we could live on our garden.  That's why we shop Amish so much.  When we get better situated at the homestead, we'll be adding rabbits and a few chickens.  We'd like to get a rooster and have the vet do the "vocal chord" thing to keep him quiet. I think our city ordinance says 3 hens...but we'll push the envelope and try to keep 6.  Like Jeepers said, without meat we'd be veggies and berries. 

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  6. Today we tied up some loose ends for our shopping needs.  WM had the 5 doz egg packages with no limit, so we bought two and they had tp limit of one for a 8 roll package so we went ahead and picked up one of those. Then went to Aldis and picked up their limit of 2 along with their limit of 4 on mixed veggies and a couple packages of tortilla's.  The Aldis store always seems to have the most obnoxious people shopping there...I just really dread it when we have to go.  There was one lady standing in the middle of the aisle, blocking the aisle from either direction with her cart on one side and her body on the other...fingering all over the produce....bell peppers, celery etc.  So...I had my fill.  I gave up the social distancing and walked right up to her and said "Excuse me!".  She moved back to her cart.  Totally oblivious!  Same thing around the milk/yogurt cases...everybody just lingering around with the door to the coolers open, trying to figure out what they were there for???  When we got to the checkout, all of us who were over the age of 40 kept the "marked" distance...but the ones younger just pushed their way in between and around and had their cart right up to hubby's back. :gaah: Then we picked up some more hamburger and some more potatoes at Sav-A-Lot.  I'll be jarring up most of the potatoes. The shoppers were few there but they did keep their distances.  The store employee met us at the door with a cart he had just wiped down and welcomed us.

    Our last stop was Menards to pay on his bill, and to pick up compost and Vermicullite.  They had their 11% rebate to we picked up 10 bags of the compost and 2 large bags of the Vermicullite.  There were a lot of shoppers there but everyone was polite and kept on the orange "X"s.  We'll be turning up two of the raised beds and adding the compost etc., to them to plant our potatoes.  That should give them plenty of room without having to worry about covering them up every time their leaves show. 

    Vacuum sealed the hamburger and it's in the freezer to take to the homestead tomorrow and put it in the meat freezer.  The neighbors across the road are nearly always out on Saturdays...especially on a beautiful day like today...but usually gone on Sunday's to her mother's place.  So we'll take the stuff over tomorrow. 

    I'm going to put the eggs in the little baby bottle lines we bought (2 in a bag) and then just freeze them.  It worked wonderfully the last time we bought eggs in bulk.

    Just finished eating some spaghetti and then giving Abby-girl her monthly pedicure.  It takes us both!  Jeepers...you should see her "mohawk" down her back when we command her to come to us...:) 


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  7. Ann...I'd put it on plastic...that's what I would do and then be sure to get it paid when your credit card bill came.  Shame on them, but it would make it easier on you to not have to worry about changing companies at a time like this.  Just my opinion.

  8. 10 hours ago, Annarchy said:

    fill a few gaps


    We had thought about trying to get up and to the stores we wanted to go to early...but it just wasn't worth it.  We found what we wanted and didn't even have to fuss with a crowd, except at 


  9. Son brought me the grapefruits.  I'll be tending to them shortly.  Hubby d at toesn't like them, but "maybe" if I jar them up in a heavy syrup he might give them a try?  The peels will be to make some citrus vinegar.  Need to get those apple peelings out of one of the freezers to make some home made ACV.

    Hubby finished up the work for his customer and we're all calling it quits until this "mess" is over with.  He and his wife are very vulnerable and since we now have a case in our city, it was time.  The work he needed done is done.  His "toy room" (shed/building) will wait until later.  So...we'll be concentrating on our own projects. 

    We do have a water source in the basement at the homestead "IF' we needed to go there.  So far, our governor is leaving the shelter decisions up to city/county officials.  He did get our State

    approved by Prez as a disaster situation...in that we don't have the hospitals or doctors etc. to head off what he sees is probably ahead.  We're a small town with only one hospital here, but there are several major hospitals in the state.  Guess he figures he'll need them all if this thing goes further south.

    Our shelter in place is voluntary at this point, but he did call in the National Guard to be ready.  Not a good feeling.  He's not a well liked Governor, and only stepped into the position because our good one (unanimously elected) was run off by some Poopfaces making false claims! Enough rant...it is what it is.

    Did get my potatoes cut up and on trays.  Let them sit outside to dry up but brought them inside to prevent them from getting wet from the rain that's due in, and also didn't want any critters carrying them off.

    That's about it for now folks!

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  10. We'll be doing our raised beds, hanging buckets,  and containers again this year.  (these are previous garden pics) We'll row plant Okra and Pole Beans though. And of course, some flowers for my pollinators...especially my beloved Mason Bees (they love their little houses) and our blackberries and raspberries.  Even found a pic of me planting my Egyptian Walking Onions around the ornamental windmill.




    101_1028 Mason Bee Houses.jpg



    100_4670 Herb Garden 2017-1.JPG

    100_4673 Sweet Yellow Peppers 2017.JPG

    100_4677 Bell & Spicey peppers 2017.JPG

    100_4680 Raspberries 2017.JPG

    100_4350 Mrs loves the garden.jpg

    Bev Planting Onion Bulbs.jpg


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  11. Hubby got off early...had to wait for sheetrock mud to dry...so he took the van and got more gas (still had a few dollars left on his card) and unloaded his tools and then came back here for me and Abby-girl and off to the homestead we went.  I was in the middle of drying my last load of laundry, so loaded that up too and took it with us.  He's re-arranging things in his garage so he can make room for the truck (eventually) in the 3rd bay.  The other two will be pretty much no access, including the people door on the main side.  But...he has a people door on the short side where he'll be pulling the truck in, and it opens directly towards the back covered patio and back entry to the mud room.  That will work.  

    While he was doing that and I was letting clothes dry, I assembled my knock off green stalk and put some of my other smaller pots in their iron holding umbrella.  Getting them ready for some planting.  Ran some water out of the last rain barrel to make sure it was drawing, and then put one of the single ones under the down spout where my "wild" stuff grows.  Going to have to get real serious about digging out the Dock.  That stuff will take over everything!  Wish I'd never accepted the "one" plant!  My Comfrey is peeking it's little heads out as well as my Elderberry sent out some really nice runners and they've got buds on it.  Should have cut the old cane off at ground level last fall but didn't...so it's looking pretty dead.

    Watching carefully for the Asparagus.  This is the 2nd year it's been there.  It's a wild start so I don't think the spears will get very big.  I want to plant more...but in another location.  So I'll just leave it there for the time being.

    My Garlic Chives are coming up like crazy (as usual) and my Egyptian Walking Onions are too.  The "gone to seed" bulb onions in one of the raised beds in the garden area are up too.  Even got a few 'skeeters roaming around :gaah:.  Opened the kitchen window and the front storm window and turned on ceiling fans today...loving it...but tonight we're supposed to get storms.  So...Abby will not be a happy camper and will be diving into her human daddy's shoes on his side of the bed.  I'll give her something to help calm her down about 9 or so...the weather is supposed to move in about 11.

    Told son to go ahead and bring me the grape fruits that he didn't want from the pantry.  I'll just jar it up with heavy syrup (I'll eat it) and keep the peels to make some citrus vinegar.  I have a large bag of apple peelings in the homestead's frig freezer that I plan to make some apple cider vinegar.

    Still not able to find any shelf stable milk at $Tree.  I use it to make my yogurt.  I still have a couple of boxes but really didn't want to run out.  May have to try making my yogurt another way...probably just have to buy some whole milk from the store...and do a better job of stocking it when it does come in. All they had was Almond milk. 

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  12. Took a bit of a ride with hubby this afternoon, to the bank and then he needed to help his friend/customer get his little trailer hooked up to his truck so he could go get a little garden tractor he had bought.  Felt good to be out in the sun.  Because our van is too tall to go under the bank's drive through (that's all that's open) we had to park and walk and "stand" in line...LOL  A very nice lady let us step in front of her car.  Anyway, it was nice to get some fresh air and sunshine.

    Got a call from son..."got any sketti noodles mom?"  I gave him several packages of ramen noodles and told him the well was dry.  That he had food stamps and two pantry's to eat from and had better learn to eat some of the foods they gave him.  He wanted to "trade" us cucumbers.  Nope...we just don't eat them. Told him we were eating our own foods that we had set back for such a time as this.  I absolutely do NOT want to let him know I have a stocked pantry!  After all the vicious and hateful things he said to me and about me last year, I am not going to let my guard down any more.  He's not to be trusted.  I have forwarded several videos of how to do container gardening etc., so he'd better get off his duff and get something growing for himself.  

    It's bad news on our pickup.  Looks like it's the engine.  "IF" we can find a replacement engine and someone to drop it in, it will still cost us over 1000$...and we don't have it.  So...it will be saving back every dime we can get our hands on from here on now...and again, eating what we grow and can buy cheap.  

    Finally figured out a way I could prop the front of my dryer up and get my clothes dried here (without going to the homestead) in small loads.  Just have to check on it and make sure the gasket is tucked in tightly and nothing gets hooked on a fin.  THEN...the washer scooted out of balance with a full load of water/face cloths...so hubby (very unwillingly...and tired...and stressed) had to bail the water out so he could level it up and get it to spin out.  I went and had myself a good cry!  Don't do that often, but it just came caving in I guess.

    I'm okay now...just needed to vent it. :yar:Hubby took our Abby-girl for a walk so she could stretch her legs.  She and I both have a real case of cabin fever!  I can't take her for a walk myself during the day because I can't get her control collar on and off her...and I can't handle her otherwise.  About a year ago I got it on her and then when I was getting it off, my finger got caught between the links.  Scared me out of my wits!  So glad she just sat very quietly while I talked to her and worked myself out of my predicament!  So I'll never do that again.  My fingers are just not strong enough and she hates the Holt collar.  Besides, I just haven't felt safe out walking by myself even with her, and especially not now.  But I may start putting on her Holt anyway and just walking around the block a few times.

    • Sad 8
  13. On 3/23/2020 at 6:32 PM, Cowgirl said:



    Although it raises blood pressure, hubby knows without a shadow of doubt that a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water every day stops the pain in it's tracks in a matter of hours.  Not something one can remain on, but it does work.  When he has a flare (even with meds) he just takes a dose and usually the next day or two, it's gone.  Not a doctor, just sayin'...

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  14. Just hung around with Abby-girl until hubby got home from work and then all three of us got in the van and went to the homestead so I could do a little "shopping" and water the solo cups with seeds. Shoulda saw us going down the road with Abby-girl in the front with me.  Hubby's got all his tools in the van's walkway.  Jeepers...make a mental note!

    Friend who used to have a car/truck mechanics shop called and hubby described what he was hearing with the truck.  He's supposed to stop by tomorrow late and take a listen.  We just had the transmission replaced so it may have a bolt or ??? that worked it's way back out and is clattering around in the pan???  If so, it's under warranty. That would be a lot easier for us...hopefully the shop is open.  It may not be with all this crud going around, but if auto parts stores are considered "essential" wouldn't mechanics/repair shops also be considered essential also?

    Got a message from my step mum.  They have their first positive in her county....which borders our county.  :pray:

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  15. We're staying hunkered down except for hubby working for our friend/customer...at their home...for about 3 weeks now.  Our city is on high alert since we were notified of a positive at our local college.  Then this evening I received a message from my stepmum that they now have a positive in her county.  That county borders ours.  When hubby has to go for materials or parts, he's very careful to obey the 6' distancing and the hand washing/sanitizing routine.

    Jeepers....you would have had a fit of laughter!  All of hubby's tools are in the floorway of the camper van, so Abby'girl had to ride up front with me ... not a whole lot of room for me a 100# doggie!  She did really well considering it was her first time to EVER ride in the front of any vehicle! :24: But she needed some leg stretching and outside time just like I did. I needed to water the seed starts that are in the window at the homestead.  She finally figured out that her "comfort" spot was with her butt on the wheel well, her chest between my legs, and her head on my chest...of course I was giving her some lovin! :24: Can you get some images?  :laughkick:

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  16. A science teacher at our community college was working at a facility where they were testing...and came back home and is now positive and in home isolation.  Almost everything is closed down for sure now.  Restaurants are drive through, order and pickup only.  Only essential businesses are allowed open and must maintain distancing.  Hubby did have to go to Menards yesterday, (so I went with him) to get some plumbing supplies, and they have big black "X"s of where you're to stand when you are near a cashier line.  They have cart wipes, one per cart, when you enter the building.  They had paper towels, limit of two, for 79c a roll.  Was very pleased to find what I was searching for...in the paint department! Those big boxes of disposable paint towels, and those rolls of blue heavy duty paper towels that mechanics often use.  We bought two boxes of the disposables, and several rolls of the blue towels.  I can use them in the kitchen, rinse them out and re-use them...saving the regular paper towels for things that need to be food safe etc.

    I did get to put in some solo cups with seeds in the kitchen window at the homestead...two each of lettuce, spinach and one with tomato plant seeds.  Can't wait to see those little green heads start popping up ... wish we had more sunshine!  Also have 5 sweet potatoes in another window, hoping to grow slips to plant.  Also have my potatoes spread out in cardboard boxes so they can sprout just a little and I'll cut where I want, and then let them dry even more.

    When we got home, hubby backed the truck in under the carport to keep it close to the back door, because we had some of my canned goods under the cap and the neighbors across the road at the homestead are nosey, so we wanted to back into the drive there and take my goods in the back door.  Well...the truck sounded like it had marbles somewhere where the engine is!  So...loaded everything in my van, got stuff over to the homestead, so now he's having to drive it.

    After he finished his work for the day he went to the homestead and started clearing out a space in one of the three garage bays, so he can work on the truck.  We're both praying that it's something he can repair, and will need to be sheltered and able to lock the truck up at night when he leaves to come back here.  

    The customer/friends that he's doing the work for...he nearly always eats out...now he can't.  Wife isn't well, but she did fix him something to eat.  So...I cooked up a big batch of beef/noodle/vegetable soup and hubby's taking it over to them for their lunch tomorrow.  Called to make sure he could eat (he's diabetic) it since I do use beef stock and noodles.  Got 3 quarts, so will take them a quart.  That should make a tasty lunch for both of them.

    Son called and woke me up this morning at 5:30 am!  :mornincoffee: To tell me the state was now under a shelter in place order unless it's family, essential stores etc.  Guess he was getting a bit spooked?  

    I'm taking Vit D  every other day or so with my breakfast since I'm not getting out...it's rainy and cloudy.  Was only taking it once a week, but there's no sun even if I did get out!

    Hubby took Abby-girl for a short walk when he came home.  Poor baby...you know it's bad when she goes and nuzzles her leash and looks at you begging.  Her yard is nothing but a mud pit (even though hubby keeps her biz picked up) and she just doesn't like going out in it.  

    When I planted the seeds etc., I had planned to take the van and her and go to the homestead to take care of some things.  But now hubby needs it for his work.  We're doing fine other than the truck issue. 

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