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The WE2's

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Posts posted by The WE2's

  1. A wild morning it was! I heard what sounded like a huge wind blowing, loud enough to wake me at about 5 am or ??? I lifted my head to listen more carefully and then things started going BOOM, BOOM, BOOM with flashes of sparks accompanying every one. Then the power goes out. Looked outside and it was torrential outside, both wind and rain. Went back to bed. When we got up about 7, chain saws were running all the way down our street. There had been some serious straight line winds? that took a trip right up our street. BUT...it skipped our whole lot! Not one limb down even though everyone else had huge limbs down and the street was blocked! Told hubby that the devil came stomping, I raised my head and he said "Oh no...she's awake !" so skipped right over the top of us. Thank you Lord!

    With the power out we just did the quick McD's breakfast and ate in the van.  Then went to pay Menards and then over to the garden.  I needed to remove the baskets from my tomatoes (glad they were on during the storm last night!) and they were so beautiful.  Also removed the basket from my canteloupe and yellow squash.  Everything's looking good, but the potato plants did take quite a beating.  Hopefully they'll correct themselves to a better standing position when they want the sun.

    Hubby will be gone all day tomorrow to work on step mum's projects so I'll just get some things done around here.

    I did call the Nurse's office and explained to the receptionist what WM pharmacy had done.  She put me through to the NP's assistant (they were both out) so I could leave a voice message and said she'd also pull our files and put a note on them...and they'd give us a call Monday.  She also found it incomprehensible that a pharmacy would "lose" hand written prescriptions.  Looks like we won't need to go in for an office call, just a talk on the phone as to whether she'll call the script in herself or ???  Stay tuned!


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  2. We had a very similar experience today.  Got a call from WM Pharmacy (recorded) that hubby had a script that was due to be refilled and if he wanted it refilled, to call them.  So...he did.

    To make a very long story a bit shorter...they're still filling scripts from our previous primary care doctor because...now don't faint..."they can't locate the scripts from our current primary care provider"...and when confronted that we had "hand delivered a paper script" their only reply...well, we can't find them in our records.  So...they're filling scripts from a doctor that's no longer our primary care provider and no longer practices other than as a dialysis physician!  So now what?  With all the "junk" where all the medical offices are not really "open" how do you get new prescriptions?  An appointment beforehand costs each of us 200$ ...and a "telephone" appt. would also cost...just to get new scripts that WM lost.  We're really concerned because we're wondering if they'd say ..."well, we need to test you before we can write new presciptions".  

    Next...hubby went to see what step mum is needing and she had a honey do list for him Saturday.  Tomorrow he'll be taking the little work trailer to the Roost to load up all the brush he cut and take it to their maintenance garage to be disposed of.  Then back home to work on his customers room.  I probably won't be seeing much of him until Sunday.

    As a PS:  We did "prepare" our long black stick and put it by the front door (between the wall and the cabinetry) so that all I have to do is rack and press the little black button...if I needed to.

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  3. Hubby got the window a/c put in...so thankful!  Today it was 90 degrees!  THEN...this afternoon the ceiling fan messed up, so he took it apart and found a wire had come loose.  He'll fix it tomorrow evening when he gets home and then put it back together...PTL!  For those who don't know...when our central air went out about 4 years ago, a repairman told us to put in a window unit as close to our cold air intake, and turn the thermostat to cool, and set the temp to match the temp on the window a/c and that the cold air intake would pull in the cool air and push it through the ducts.  It works like a dream and you wouldn't believe how much cheaper it is to cool now.  The only room that isn't quite as cool (it only has one vent) is the kitchen.  

    Hubby will take off in the morning to go check step mum's "honey do" list for her screened deck's floor lamp.  It's supposed to storm this evening and maybe tomorrow, but he'll be inside.

    I dug her a start off my Comfrey plant...she bought one last year and it died...so I told her I'd give her a start off of mine.  It's a bit "wimpy" right now, but I potted it in compost with some Comfrey tea, so it should liven up and be ready for her to transplant into her spot.  Gave her planting directions so she shouldn't have any trouble with it.

    The Wooly Lambs Ear plant that she gave me last month is flourishing.  I always pitch in a fermented Comfrey leaf when I put in a new plant.  Kind of stinky, but oh do plants love it!


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  4. Worked at the garden a bit while hubby did more cleanup on the truck.  It's been a work truck for years so as well as having Abby-girl's bench in the backseat area.  He put the seat back in...with my help :-)   I re-filled the tubs via the watering tubes and gave the potato beds a sprinkle as well as all my other plants.  All are doing good.

    Then came home, had lunch and he headed out to work site and I hung up some of his work shirts and painter pants...on my two new lines!  Then came in, pitched in another load for tomorrow and commenced the ice machine to making ice.

    Then did some vacuuming but didn't get to the dusting part...just too hot.  Hubby's going to put the a/c in the window in the morning, then off to work site.

    Thursday he's driving down to step mums to see what she's needing and what he'll need to have to get it done.  Seems one of her electrical outlets on her deck won't support her floor lamp.  She enjoys sitting out there in the mornings, looking over the lake, drinking her coffee and reading her Bible.  Gotta get her taken care of.  He's planning to do the work Saturday.

    Brother and sister in law are in Arkansas, taking a tour o the diamond mines etc.  She sent pics.  He's got himself a nice electric scooter so he's able to really enjoy the trip...and his oxygen tank rides right there with him.  Glad she's taking good care of him and I told her so.

    Getting ready for a shower...waiting until late because of the heat.  I'd just be all "dewey" again before bed time.


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  5. Hubby got my clothes lines up under the carport...two for the time being.  So much more efficient than a dryer...and having to haul them to the homestead's dryer and wait for them to dry.  Now I can absolutely multi-task!  Wash clothes in the evening (which I am doing now) and hang out in the morning. 

    As for making ground turkey taste like hamburger...I use Montreal Steak Seasoning, a couple of drops of liquid smoke, a pinch of Cumin, a pinch of Smoked Paprika and let it "rest" for about an hour in the frig.  Then mix up really good, and pull out what I need for the meal and freeze the rest.  

    Hubby stopped by the Community Kitchen to pick up his lunch and they remembered him and gave him two meals, one for me also.  Spaghetti, soughdough bread and peaches...hot meals for lunch.  They also sent him two "freezer" meals but I'm not sure what I'll do with them.  It's a wheat tortilla, a hotdog, pork and beans and orange bits.  We can eat most of it, but just wondering about the hot dogs and tortilla's...LOL  Like I said, saves the food we have put back and it's good foods donated from local restaurants...not to mention that it's one meal I don't have to cook so I can get other things done.

    Not sure about the rest of you, but "they" came to our city from the bigger city but our Mayor went door to door at the down town businesses and alerted them, and the police and sheriff's were there waiting for them...so...they went to a city park...escorted by the police and sheriff deputies, with highway patrolmen and national guard around the perimeters.  They flagged their dumb signs and then moved on...escorted out of town of course.  There were only about 30 of them but they were here to try and incite others from our city I'm sure.  Good thinking and good action from our city and state!

    We'll be buying storage bags and totes and plan to start moving our non-essential stuff on over to the homestead in preparation for moving so we don't have to do it all at once.  

    We've decided that if any more junk starts and we have to defend ourselves, we'll head for the homestead and just sleep in the travel trailer.  Nearly everything we own is there including our "bad boys".

    The homestead is far enough away from the downtown area...and quite a distance from the "upper end' neighborhoods and nearly all the big box stores...so we figure they'll head that direction and not towards us "poor" folk! LOL






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  6. I keep Kava Kava and Valerian both in my refrigerator.  Seldom use it but it's there if I want it.  Also keep the Valerian tea that I buy from the Amish store.  The Kava Kava I use is NOW brand.

    I have since learned (and it's true) Catnip tea is very calming...just the opposite for cats though!  I've often fixed myself a up of Catnip tea to just relax before bed time. I've studied herbs and spices for many years and have always turned to them long before I buy OTC's...and keep both set back.

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  7. Put the baskets over my garden fledglings...LOL  and added the colorful spinners.  We've got blackberries so I put several spinners on the pvc poles that we have it climbing over.  The potatoes are still flourishing.  Had to remind hubby that this year (other than the potatoes) that everything I planted was my experiment growing my own starts and using old seeds...LOL

    He mowed the rest of the homestead's yard on the east and then went to the Roost and did some major mowing, weed eating and shrub cutting.  Got home about 7 so I fixed us some crunchy burritos.  Picked up some of the Tortilla strips from $Tree (from Mexico) and used them.  They are multi colored and delicious.  Just tiny strips of tortilla's. Then put some rice on the side.  Quick and EZ because I always use the "crumbles" that we buy from the Amish.  They brought these in from Iowa, which is a large community of Amish/Mennonite.  

    Guess hubby's going to need to put the window a/c in this house.  Temps going to be in the upper 80's and low 90's.  Not comfortable, especially at night because it doesn't cool off until about 2am.  He also hung me a temporary clothesline under the carport so I can take care of laundry here and get the work done here that I need to do.  With the self-wicking tubs it appears I only need to water about every 3 or 4 days.

    Also picked a small batch of Lambs Quarter and we'll have it in our scrambled eggs in the morning.  


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  8. Went meat shopping via Amish country today.  Spent most of the afternoon vacuum sealing "our portion" sizes and they're waiting in the 5-day cooler for us to take to the homestead's "meat" freezer.  Now that I've learned the spices to make ground turkey taste like hamburger we're good to go "if" we need to.  I've still got some of the large rolls in the meat freezer that we bought last fall...thank you Lord for your direction (my gut feeling) in my life.  We keep saying we need to defrost the meat freezer (it's an upright) but about the time we get it down to a reasonable size...we get these bargains and put some back in.  Oh well...we'll get some time and put it all in the coolers and take the hairdryer to defrost it.  

    The garden is doing very well.  I bought ten of the wire baskets at $Tree to put over my young plants as well as 10 of the "sparkling spinners" that I can stick in the tubs and around in the potato beds and on the blackberry stalks.  The raspberries show no sign of anything but green leaves.  We cut all the dead canes out so these may be first year. 

    Tomorrow when we go the homestead to put things away, hubby will finish mowing while I tend to the tubs etc.  Need to get to WM before too long to buy some tulle to have when the baskets are too small for the plants.  Will also need to dig out the DE to put around the base of the tubs to discourage slugs etc.  

    Hubby still need to finish cleaning up the truck so we can sell it, and put the dollars with our other money's to buy us another mini-van.  He has a brand new little trailer (he's never put it together!) that he bought before he met me.  He's going to put a floor and some sides on it an he can use it to haul things around behind the mini-van as well as we can use it behind Miss B if we want to go camping.  Once the truck is sold we'll clean out the travel trailer and sell it also. Lots of things on our plate.

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  9. On 5/26/2020 at 10:37 PM, Mt_Rider said:

    cuz of the mice


    Have you watched the videos of Lisa Sutton's on how effective beer has been for so many in getting rid of mice? Lots of her followers have tried it and it works.  They are attracted to it, drink it, and because they can't fart...it kills them via "their nose"???  Anyway...they're all swearing by it.  I haven't put a dish of it out yet, but will if I see any of them prowling around.

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  10. 23 hours ago, Littlesister said:

    WE2 I am so glad your husband got much better care at hosp. where he was though it was hard on your cousin to not be able to be there with him. 


    It was not my husband...it was my cousin's husband.

  11. Rained most of the afternoon so I stayed here with Abby-girl and hubby worked, first at the homestead then the afternoon for his customer. 

    I may have not mentioned it before...who knows...but yesterday hubby took a pretty good nick out of one of his fingers while working.  Came home for a bit and we washed it really good, then daubed it good with Neosporin, then a band aid and then pink tape (which is pretty much water proof) and then a finger splint to keep him from hitting it while he worked.  What important thing did we learn?  Gotta get some more finger splints!!!  We keep several rolls of the pink tape but I'll be getting more.  It's a lot more expensive that any other tapes but boy does it do a good job.  I got tuned into it when my last husband had a colostomy and we often had to seal around the edges of the flange to keep it nice and tight against his tummy.  It's also made out of some sort of "foam" so is very skin friendly.

    Dishes are done, laundry is folded and put away, made yogurt this afternoon and it's in the thermos and will be ready for the frig in the morning.  We miss our morning yogurt with our granola.  Much better than milk and much healthier for our bodies.

    My cousin called today to see how brother was doing and we ended up just having a good cry...together.  She's always been my "sister" and closer to me than my real sister.  We're the same age.  Her husband was admitted to the hospital last Tuesday with pneumonia (in Kansas...wish they didn't live so far away!) and of course...they wouldn't allow her in (they've been married for over 50 years and raised 8 kids!) so she was a mess.  They tested him right off the bat for the virus and of course he was negative.  So they got the pneumonia taken care of and he had some heart palpatations so (I'm not sure if he has a pace maker or not?) they were going to "shock" him today.  Well, while we were talking she got a call from him (on his phone) so she called me back and said they had done it first thing this morning...(didn't even call her or let him call her) and he was in tune and should be home by this afternoon.  She was so tickled and so again, we did some praising and crying!  

    We talked about this mess and how that we were more concerned about being a "trace contact" than anything...and having a yellow caution tape strung up around our house.  We can mask up and wash up all we want but that fella that passes us in the grocery store aisle is a carrier...guess what! Social distancing and clean hands and clean faces are what we do.  May have mentioned it before but if somebody that has a mask on and totally ignores the six foot thing...we turn our backs to them or...head another direction if we have time.

    Supposed to rain again in the wee hours so the garden tubs etc., should get plenty of watering ... and not flood because they have the drainage holes.  I'll check tomorrow...if I go with hubby.


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  12. Hubby and I are not so much afraid of catching the virus as we are of being named a "contact" that they are tracing from somebody else.  Personally, it's our belief at this point that they are after the DNA of every person in our country...if they can find a reason to get it.  We're trying to avoid shopping at any of the big box stores if we can.  The other shoppers seem to think that if they're wearing a mask they don't need to practice social distancing.  Our state is opening up...carefully...and the cases are continuing to drop.  The governor said today that the only reason we saw a spike was because a couple of counties didn't get their case reports in on time.  Then today...listening to the "drill" the Senators put on Dr. Fauche (sp?) and the rest of the task force, seemed to me they were trying to tell all of us that THEY DON'T KNOW DIDDLY SQUAT about what is going to happen when all these state open up. One of them (can't remember which one) said this virus is going to be "in the world" for a very long time and nobody knows when it will come back around.  So now...what are people supposed to do?  Live in fear?  Hide? Let somebody come stick a swab up their nose every time they're "suspected" of having it?  The "regular" flu season will follow the allergy season...and then it will be a mess with every politician trying to do the money grab and hospitals calling everything "covid 19"?  End of rant.

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  13. Hubby talked to two of the mechanics today.  One that did the diagnosis on the pickup and one that is pretty well known for changing out engines.  Looks like not so good news.  Lots of dollars involved.  But...even a used truck with high miles also, is three or four times the dollars of what it looks like to put in a used engine in this one.  

    I just stayed home...period.  Didn't accomplish much of anything.  Just PHOOEY!

    • Sad 5
  14. Been a busy couple of days.  Hubby got the mowing all done...probably just in time to start again!  We bought another weed eater...he took it to the homestead...used it 30 minutes it shut down.  Waited, started it again, used it for 30 minutes...it shut down.  So...tomorrow (or maybe Wednesday) he'll take it back to Menards and get it exchanged.  If that one doesn't work, he'll just let them put the money back on his card and we'll just go buy one from another source.  They only make weed eaters to last a year (their warranty) don't you know?  This one didn't last a day.  

    Today I baked up a Chilly Rellano Casserole and we went and visited my ailing brother.  He was much more alert...probably because of all the pain medications he's one etc.  She was spinning like a top trying to work (from her home/computer etc.) and get his IV hooked up to the antibiotics he's having to take, so we didn't get to visit much with her.  That's okay.  We had a good conversation with my brother and took a couple of pics.


    After we left there we drove to see my step mum.  She lives only a few miles away...so took the opportunity to go see her.  I went to the porch, she opened the door and I said "Are you taking in visitors?" She said...you get yourselves in here! :cele: She was tickled pink to see us.  We sat in separate chairs...six feet apart...and had a very nice visit.  Then she took us out to see her lovely little garden.  She is so proud of it...and should be!  We talked alot about all the hypocracy of what's going on.  She shops at a local super market and will start using the WM online shopping and have them put it in her trunk...starting in June.

    We went to WM yesterday to pick up a few things and there was a line of about 30 people...some not wearing masks...and none six foot apart!  We said "Nope...let's go the the dreaded Aldis and Sav-A-Lot" and promptly left.  Pay a bit more perhaps but not all that garbage!

    May have already mentioned it, but the truck needs another engine.  We've put too much money into the new transmission so we really have no choice. Another truck costs a fortune and a new engine half a fortune.  

    The garden is hanging in there.  I haven't covered anything but there's not that much up yet.  Step mum's is up so good because she bought plants.  I have deliberately NOT bought plants this year.  Told hubby "I need to learn success planting from seeds".  We'll probably buy a lot from our Amish friends before too long.  It's all green house stuff but if we had a green house it would be the same.  

    The potatoes are looking wonderful.  Filled two wheel barrows full of the new compost and covered them up.  Just the individual plants that were up.  No sense in putting it on just the other compost. Did I mention that we did get a trailer full of the city's compost?  Wonderful stuff.  A trailer full for 10$.  

    So...me's tired.  Fixed us a quickie supper and I have a sink full of dishes from this morning and now supper.  I have a dishwasher but it's a portable and it's full of my cast iron, glass and corning ware cooking dishes. It'll get hooked up at the homestead...if it works.  If not...it to the metal recyclers and I'll look around for a smaller one that's also portable.

    Sorry to hear so many of your loved ones are having a difficult time my friends.  It's sad to see our loved one not only suffering but in such jeopardy during this dreadful time.  

    Step mum was telling us that hospitals get 37,000$ for each covid patient they admit and treat...such a sad thing.  And now they're even taking advantage of the children's illnesses and calling it covid related...:gaah:

    Anyway....love your friends and family...and let your hearts not grow weary.  I'm thinking this may be a long trial of our patience.

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  15. Today was a morning errand day.  We drove to the Roost to put the water bill in their drop box and to fill up the tank of Miss B.  Funny...just a 20 miles away and the gas was 18 cents cheaper a gallon that here!  So...we were there anyway! 

    Then it was a hot lunch from our local Community Cafe...yummy!  Tamalies covered in chili, cheesy garlic toast and a freshly chopped apple dessert.  Then they handed us a bag for "supper"...a piece of pizza, some chips, some slices of pound cake, some peanut butter snacks, some canned tuna in tomato/basil.  We'll try that tomorrow.  We drove to our local Steak and Shake for a "bugger and fries"...LOL  EZ on the cook...all day!

    Hubby did work today and I spent the day patching holes in his work jeans.  A seamstress I am NOT...but he'll only be working in them.  I gave him strict orders that he is NOT to wear them out in public...oh my...I would be so embarrassed!  But...just aint gonna pitch 'em! Jeans just cost way too much to throw them out...or even cut them up for patches...if there's any way I can help him wear them a bit longer.  He's awfully rough on his work clothes...being a carpenter.

    Tonight we have a frost "advisory" but I'm not going to cover anything.  I think everything should be okay.  If not...my bad.  Can't cover stuff in plastic anyway, because it makes the temp wet and cold...and I don't have enough sheets that I'm willing to use for gardening.

    I'm debating on REALLY cutting my hair...like REALLY cutting my hair.  It's almost always up in a pony tail, clip or under a snood at night or ??? But I just don't wear it down.  It's also beginning to feel "weighty" and "pulled".  


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  16. 34 minutes ago, Annarchy said:

    am not sure what I’m going to do with it


    I think I'd chunk it up and broil it...with butter and onion powder and garlic powder. Should turn out pretty sweet tasting...?

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  17. We wouldn't be planting heavy growers in those buckets.  I'd probably be doing Radishes, Lettuces, Spinach, Carrots, Swiss Chard, and Cucumbers that I'd "trail" from the top row.  I'd call it my "salad rake"! I'd plant at different dates so I'd have a continual harvest (I think).  But...not this year.  Lovin' my tubs and my little green house will do just fine for the time being...and it's oh so EZ to move.  Just remove the planters, lift and off we go! Right now it's where I want it though...sitting on some weed control mat and gets full sun. 


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