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supplies- what have I forgotten?

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flexi-straws! a person laying down needs to drink... standard straws fold.. so I need flexi-straws!


eye protection, keeps sneezing spray out of my eyes.


some Ensure cause it has lots of nutrition (if they can keep it down)



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gloves, white gloves I can bleach so when I go out my skin doesn't have to come in contact with shopping carts or doors.


More GermX antibacterial lotion.


More Oscillo and Zicom Flu medicines and other OTC stuffies...



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gloves, white gloves I can bleach so when I go out my skin doesn't have to come in contact with shopping carts or doors.


I saw something interesting at the grocery store last week. Albertson's had set up a small stand in the shopping cart area with 2 different kinds of Clorox anti-bacterial wipes on it. It was put there for customers to use to wipe the handrails on the shopping carts. Unfortunately, the containers were empty but, it seems that the message is becoming more clear to some of the grocery chains. If their customers keep passing around germs, no one will be able to shop.


I always have a small container of anti-bacterial waterless hand cleaner in my purse, as well as clean tissues, and some type of wipes. I do use something to wipe the handrail on the cart I use, most of the time, but sometimes I'm in such a hurry, I don't think about it.


I need to make a point of using a wipe every time I shop. I also need to put a few pair of non-surgical exam gloves in my bag. I don't have a problem wearing these at all. As a matter of fact, I use them all the time in my kitchen, to cut up or process chicken, beef or pork, or for any other messy job. I hate to get anything under my fingernails!


I think the white gloves are a great idea for those that will use them but, for me, they would be too cumbersome, and too much of a hassle, worrying about handling them after I thought they might be contaminated, losing them in the wash to the sock gremlin...

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Latex gloves are pretty cheap and I see most, if not all are made in China. I've got a couple boxes in my cupboard hoping to never have to use them.


Also adding, paper plates, paper cups, plastic spoons, knives, forks. Sanitary and who want to do dishes when someone or yourself is sick or exhausted.


Maybe add some nutritional drinks to the list like ensure, carnation instant breakfast, even ovaltine which I'm buying tomorrow. Some people can't hold down food when they are generally sick, I'm not one of them. I can't eat when I am very nervous or very stressed which is probably more on the normal side. Nutritional drinks will help. Easy to store too.

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One more thing... buy food grade hydrogen peroxide to clean any fruits or veggies purchased at the grocery store. If you have to peel it, you still should do a quick dip, but things like apples, grapes, cherries, carrots, etc., really should be thoroughly washed. You never know who may have sneezed or coughed on them!

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fruits and vegetables is where pays to have a garden, grow as much as you can in containers if you don't have a yard and get familiar with farms!


Also learning to root cellar apples or winter squash, pears, and canning is a must! make note... more seeds!

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My gloves come in boxes of 100 individual gloves, not pairs.


Exam gloves are usually packaged that way; surgical gloves are packaged individually in pairs.

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Is there a real choice??? No smell wins out for sure.


DH's dad could not smell for the last 40 + years of his life.


Just think of all the hands that have touched it. You are so right with that one, wipe, wipe, wipe. I usually don't carry a purse any more unless we are going out of town. But, I do have pockets. I can carry a small bottle in one of them.



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Superglue for cuts

Dental kit from wal-mart

Toothache medicine

ipacec syrup (never know when ya need to throw up)

extra thermometer (oral and rectal, but I am getting one of those 1 second ones in that tests in the ear and extra battery)


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