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Possible lock-in scene


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DH and I were talking about AF being found in Iraq. We were discussing what might happen here in the US if cases were found. We were discussing what would make us take that step to isolation when he brought up this idea.


He thinks it's possible that public utility companies might be forced to lock-in all necessary employees to ensure continuation of those ammentities, especially in those areas necessary to government function. I don't believe that in this country that is legal but..... would it be if the laws go through that allow the government to order military expiated quarantines?


I could foresee problems with that possibility such as how would workers be fed, housed, etc but I suppose if they were to prepare ahead of time that would not be a huge issue.


I know that the gov. web site pandemicflu.gov is encouraging all businesses to have some sort of alternative plan in place including telecomuting from home and etc. Does anyone know what plans, if any, their place of employment is making for the possibility of a pandemic?



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I am sure that if workers saw preparations of this sort beginning to take place they would have a huge amount of no shows for work, might not be the most effective way to proceed.

Asking for volunteers would be more effective, because no one wants to be put in the position of someone telling them that they must leave their family unprotected.

If it were done voluntarily, for a week at a time other arrangements could be made for their families.

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If martial law went into effect, the gov/military could probably do just about whatever they wanted re: quarantee and lock-ins of essential personnel. I agree, if it starts getting close to that situation, the employees of electric, gas, water, etc companies might start not showing up for work in order to avoid being part of a potential lock-in. That means service could start being disrupted even earlier than anticipated... just something else to think about.

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Read the patriot act. It effectively states that anything Uncle Sugar wants to do to you, or take from you, is completely legal and they don't even have to offer you an attorney.


The patriot act effectively suspends the Constitution of the United Sates.


You own nothing; the guv owns you, and all of your possesions.


Now is the time to be very afraid...

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The sad thing is that by the time we know there is an outbreak, way too many people will already be infected.


The last place I'd want to go if sick, is to a hospital. Besides, I doubt there will be many medical personnel. Remember the pharmacist on Oprah who said that most prescriptions of Tamiflu he's filled have been writtne by Dr's for their own familie's. I think alot of them plan to isolate too. I'll take my chances at home, and I have no problem being quarantined at home.

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I rather liked the post after dooley's that stated,,,"we may not be sheep but we sure are screwed"! I'm beginning to get the idea that we could all be having to handle this sooner than we think.

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