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News from England 2


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There was a huge rally in London yesterday, where over 400,000 people marched in protest at the government's attitude to rural issues - housing, poverty, employment, building, tourism etc. Rural communities in Britain feel very aggrieved at the way the government is ignoring their issues and worries and marched to raise awareness of this. The unrest stems from the government's handling of the foot and mouth crisis last year. The issue of fox-hunting has got involved with the wider picture, though, and there have been attempts to "hijack" the movement in favour of the pro-hunt lobby. I would like to think that Tony Blair will realise that this is a crisis waiting to happen, and not ignore it. I personally think that if he spent less time hanging on to the coat-tails of George Bush and being hell-bent on getting involved in a war with Iraq, then our country might be in better shape. He was elected to do this, but hasn't made much of a show so far.

I'll get off my political soapbox for now. Thanks for reading!

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They showed the rally on our news last night. They reported the rural people were not happy about a few things but the MAIN thing they were marching for was to protest ending the fox hunting. Interesting how the media tells what they want of a story instead of the main issues.



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Yes, fox-hunting is an ancient tradition in Britain, but the devolved parliament in Scotland has banned fox-hunting with dogs. In the rest of the country, they could use drag hunting, using just the scent. I personally am anti-hunting, but we live in an area where there is a very old hunt still going, and they come out along the field at the back of my garden a few times a year. My daughter and I go and shout obscenities at them!! The pro-fox hunting lobby has taken hold of the centre stage, when most people want to protest about much wider issues, but thes issues aren't as emotive to people who live in the towns and cities as the fox-hunting debate. This lobby says they speak for the people of rural areas, but there are many many people in rural areas who are against hunting too.

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I totally agree with you lowlander in all aspects of your post and the fox hunting has been an institution of the ages in Britain.

As for Tony Blair hanging onto George Bushes Coattails I have no idea what attraction Blair sees in Bush. Bush is a warmonger and a manipulator who since 9-11 has used the fear factor of terrorist attacks as a way to manipulate the American Public. I am not saying that we shouldn't be vigilant in regards to our safety but by God I am tired of our kids being scared out of their wits that our country will get attacked again. Bush and his boys are provoking fear in the hearts and minds of our children and adults, I don't like it. It is traumatizing our kids to the point where they have a fear of everything and they are just kids so you can imagine how the adults feel. Bush conveys a double standard when he tells us to go about our daily normal lives then in the next breath he and his spindoctors put the country on high alert and tell us to be mindful of suspicious activity.

This government is so screwed up over here and their fighting , bickering and power struggles among the parties are a disgrace. All these politicians care about is lining their pockets with the almighty dollar.

I better get off my soapbox here too. This country is becoming the epitome of George Orwells 1984's Big Brother Watching Everyone because of George Bush.


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Hunting is not popular with this new world but you are so right that hunting isn't the issue here. The economic fall out from the dreaded mad cow disease had to be tremendous on England. That was really bad news.

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