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TEOTWAWKI Reality Check Test


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The scene is this:


!!!The world has gone crazy or at least your part of the world. For some time the rising oil prices have caused all transportation and heating costs to be almost unattainable for most people. (Does this sound familiar?) The stock market had been climbing by leaps and bounds but suddenly has cashed due to rumors of economic unrest and war around the globe.( Does this resemble what we've been hearing lately?) Even if you don't have interests in the stock market, you suddenly find your bank closed and your funds are unattainable. Businesses are folding daily and people out of work, perhaps even yourself or a loved one. The prices of gas, food, supplies, medicine and almost all goods have gone out of sight and what you can afford is now in scarce supply. On top of that, now the threat of avian Influenza has become a reality. People are falling ill by huge numbers, hospitals are overflowing, schools are closed, hungry rioters are starting to amass in the streets and now the electricity has gone off and you have just heard that it will not be on for many months to come, if at all. The National Guard has been called out but there are not enough of them to handle the chaos; Society, as we know it, has totally broken down!!!



I thought long about what questions to ask here. I thought perhaps this might be a place to ask what you would do about burial if a loved one dies, and you may answer that if you like. It's a tough question.


But I also wonder what you will be doing about recording their deaths so that when/if officials every come to find out, you will have the correct info. Also, what about a new baby being born? That should be recorded also. Tell us how you would handle these situations.





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Mother, this is a very good question. This is one reason for genealogy. You can keep track of who you are and those who were before you. Then you can pass it on to the next generation.


I feel that adding medical information when and where I can is such a very important thing to add to genealogy. This way you as well as others know what diseases has run in the family.


It is important to keep record of births as well as the death of loved ones as well as why and what casued death.


One of the first things I do after hearing about a new birth in the family is to add it to my Family Tree Maker. I don't always get the information but when I do, it goes in.



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I also keep this info in my Bible. I have been working on keeping better 'records' of things. I think this will be very important in all areas in this situation.


While I didn't particularly care for the 'Texas Ranch' show on PBS-this point did catch my attention-that in reality records were kept METICULOUSLY. I used to keep journals-quit some years ago. While I haven't gotten back to that point-I do think it would be a good idea to keep them in this kind of situation.


We have talked about paper and pencils and such as far as homeschooling, but what about for record keeping? Is anyone stocking notebooks or record books? How about a manual typewriter? What else?

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