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Hot Water Bath


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Hope I'm not trying to do too much at once since I'm trying to get the hang of dehydrating, too, but, would like to make some blueberry preserves. You can hot water bath that, right? Also, have an old book that tells how to hot water bath. Was reading pressure canning techniques have changed over the years and was wondering if hot water bath canning has changed any.

So, I can use a deep stock pot, I think I read. What would you use for a substitute for the rack, or is it better that I buy one? Also, the jar lifters. Better to buy one?


Since I've never done this before, and most of you can do this in your sleep, any pointers for someone that is absolutely at a loss? Anything I need to watch out for? Even the simpliest things that you wouldn't think twice about if you are a pro at this would be a help to us (hope I'm not the only one here) that are just "diving" in. Thanks.

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I think jar lifters are a MUST! No more burnt finger tips. Instead of a rack you could just set rings on the bottom of the pan to hold the jars up.


Personally I'd rather pressure can, foods cause I think it takes less energy. Plus it doesn't heat your house up as bad either.

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I used to use my round wire cake holder to set my jars on. I know you can also use jar rings to set your jars on but I never have.


I've used regular tongs to pull my jars out. You have to have something to absorb the heat in the other hand to grab the jar quickly as you pull it out. I think buying a jar lifter would be a good investment however as you can quickly and easily drop a hot jar of jam and burn yourself and what a mess the spilled contents make.


I looked in the Blue Book and it say to process blueberry jam for 15 mins. in the hot water bath.


The main thing to do is jump right in and do it. You will be amazed at how easy it is and how well it all works once you try. It's just that first step of beginning that frightened us all in the beginning.


Go for it and enjoy!



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