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Morning all! I grilled yesterday and my 3 sons and their wives were here, and my MIL and FIL. We had good food and I was so glad my oldest son got to come in. We don't get to see him and his wife nearly enough.


North Korea is on my mind today also. This really scares me. I think we're all thinking the same thing..stepping up the preps.


I have to run; again. Hubby has the eye doctor appointment today to have plugs put in his eyes and check his eye pressure again. I need everyone's prayers that he doesn't have glaucoma; that it was just the eye drops causing it before.


Have a great day everyone! Love to you all..



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Is there a yawn icon? If there is I'm not awake enough to see it.


We ended up going up to Raton for fireworks. About a 40 minute drive, AWESOME show for such a small town. We went with our neighbors and it's the LAST time we'll go somewhere public with them. They were letting their kids RUN through a crowded park with sparklers.


Roan got VERY overstimulated. We spent over an hour when we were first there trying to soothe him. DH's oldest son is high functioning autistic, so Roan's getting so overstimulated by the people and noises really scared me. We already knew he doesn't do change well, but he's never reacted like this. No one was coming up to him or handling him or anything and he was a very unhappy little boy. I need to find a doc that will evaluate both kids for Fragile X and get an idea of what that costs, our ins won't cover it. I am pretty sure Nikki is Fragile X, and many autistic children are from what I've read. nikki is not autistic, but has some extreme behavior traits, which match Fragile X. With our neighbors came their nephew, he's 13ish and autistic. They left him with someone he didn't have a trust relationship with and fed him sugar and caffeine all night. I just wanted to cry for him. He's staying the summer with his grandpa, who came with us, and I'm sure he's overwhelmed, but it was so disappointing to see how they treated him.


Anyway, most of the evening was enjoyable. Once we got Roan calmed down, he and I and DH and Nikki and my neice all cuddled together (it was COLD!) to watch the fireworks, then we took our time getting home, walking down Main Street in RAton a bit to see the touristy stuff before we went to the car. By the time we were done there was virtually no traffic and all 3 kids were asleep before we got out of town, LOL.


Today we're working around the house and doing laundry if they don't turn off the water. Dinner is pork chops, mashed taters, baked beans (leftovers), green salad and some otehr veggie. The chops have been marinating for a few days so they shouold be YUMMY! Oh we have to go to walmart for a few things, too.


Mommy of Six

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I could use that yawn icon too. Good morning everyone. I'm awake but not really. We actually went to bed rather early last night but the fireworks nearby was causing the dogs to bark which caused me not to sleep very well.


I am off work today and trying to get a little bit done around the house here. I have some zucchini that I need to get in the freezer. I'll slice some and grate some and freeze it.


I am also getting more prep minded here recently. I feel the urgency to get the holes filled in and know that we are going to be okay.


My hubby is having back problems. We figure it's his arthritis acting up again. He's went to the chiropractor for adjustments but now that he's adjusted, he's still having some pain.


I guess I'd better get moving and get something done today. Hope you all have a great day.

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We haven't been out of the garden long. After we got back from the eye doctor we set poles in the ground and ran clothesline from them in front of each row of corn, and then tied each individual stalk to the line with yarn. This is something we have to do every year after it gets so big. Some of it had already fell over after the hard rain this morning.


It rained almost the entire time we were out there. By the time we finished, I was soaked to the skin and covered with garden mud. My shoes were so packed I felt like each one weighed ten pounds! I took a long, hot bath and washed my hair. Now I'm having my dinner of a Treet sandwich and brocolli/cauliflower/raisin salad and drinking a big cup of hot coffee. Clean, fed, and pumping in the caffeine..ahh! Still not where he wants it to be, but better. He'll take another one in two weeks.


Gonna go look at the other topics...


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