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Will a pandemic bring down civilization?


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Long posts but interesting reading.






bits from the articles


"The fact is that the best way for people to avoid the virus will be to stay home. But if everyone does this - or if too many people try to stockpile supplies after a crisis begins - the impact of even a relatively minor pandemic could quickly multiply."


"With no electricity, shops will be unable to keep food refrigerated even if they get deliveries. Their tills won't work either. Many consumers won't be able to cook what food they do have. With no chlorine, water-borne diseases could strike just as it becomes hard to boil water. Communications could start to break down as radio and TV broadcasters, phone systems and the internet fall victim to power cuts and absent staff. This could cripple the global financial system, right down to local cash machines, and will greatly complicate attempts to maintain order and get systems up and running again."


"Globalisation is resulting in the same tight coupling and fine-tuning of our systems to a narrow range of conditions, he says. Redundancy is being systematically eliminated as companies maximise profits. Some products are produced by only one factory worldwide. Financially, it makes sense, as mass production maximises efficiency. Unfortunately, it also minimises resilience. "We need to be more selective about increasing the connectivity and speed of our critical systems," says Homer-Dixon. "Sometimes the costs outweigh the benefits."




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I think it is possible.. Katrina showed us that civilization resorted to barbaric behavior and that was on a small scale compared to a pandemic.


It only seems to take a handful of people to behave badly to cause those of us that try hard to live right-related to become leery and mistrusting of others.. even to the point of paranoia! <-- that be me!


I am sure my paranoid behavior could be seen as barbaric to others... as I point my guns at others I think are invading my space.


This domino effect helps bring down civilization as we know it to tribal and barbaric behaviors.


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  • 4 months later...

Let's just say, we've already been warned. We need to take these warnings seriously and make preparations NOW.


The US gov't has already bought Avian Flu vaccines, due to be delivered this month.


Acquisition of Avian Influenza H5N1 Vaccine for Strategic National Stockpile




Keep an eye on the Beijing Olympics, which start at 08:08:08 pm on Friday, 08/08/08. The number 8 signifies "new beginnings" so a long string of eights is super-special for those who care about such things. The 2008 Olympics slogan is "One World One Dream, expressing the common wishes of people all over the world, inspired by the Olympic ideals, to strive for a bright future of Mankind." Powerful leaders and very rich elitists love numerology and anything related to ancient Greece. Perhaps this fits an agenda for dark purposes, who knows.


Be on the alert two weeks after the Olympics end (Aug. 24) when everybody travels home. Ohio is gearing up for a possible pandemic then. http://www.610wtvn.com/cc-common/news/sect...article=3989367


Get right with God and pray for guidance, first of all. He may be preparing you in specific ways for your particular location. Some feel they should get passports, just in case they need to leave the US. Some are stockpiling gold and precious metals. Others are planting gardens or getting wood stoves. At the very least, be aware of the possibilities and keep a close eye on alternative media sources. They are more reliable than CNN, Fox, etc.


Then, sit down & figure out how you will take care of yourselves in case several events happen at once, which many sites are predicting.


For example, say a pandemic occurs, and many banks fail at the same time, and the stock market crashes. Add in a false-flag terrorist attack, or war with Iran, or an earthquake, and that will mean Martial Law and the suspension of the Constitution, plus the suspension of the presidential elections-- and suspension of life as we know it. Combine that with skyrocketing oil prices, food shortages, lack of transportation, sick people, no school or jobs, it could get scary. Don't think this scenario is too far-fetched. Remember, Congress held a secret meeting in March, and if the rumors are even halfway true, it will be worse than that!


Make sure your total funds at any one bank do not exceed $100,000. Open new accounts at other banks if necessary to spread out your money. Keep accurate records of all accounts, updated daily if possible. No bank is currently safe.


Stockpile quite a bit of cash on hand in a safe, fireproof-theft-proof place. Start today bringing home cash in a variety of bills. If your bank goes down you won't have access to funds for awhile. Your debit card might not work. Some stores could accept cash for items left on the shelves even if their registers are down. Hard to say.


Consider your geographical area and prepare for your climate for the next 6 months to a year, in case your power or other utilities become sporadic.


Know your neighbors, and warn them to get prepared too. They will be the first ones at your door in case of an emergency. Discuss what you might do together that would help build a sense of community while taking care of needs (neighborhood gardens, community chickens or rabbits or goats, preparing for rainwater catchment, wood harvesting, weatherproofing, repairs, etc). Exchange phone numbers or other contact information. Find out if homebound people live nearby and may need help. Do not discuss cash or other valuables you are keeping at home, but make sure your neighbors understand that money in the bank might be hard to access.


Use common sense. Treat it like preparation for a typical natural disaster in your area, and do what you'd do in that instance. A pandemic will mean restricted travel, like a hurricane or blizzard. 3 to 6-month supplies of items you normally use, especially medicines or medical supplies, would keep you safer and more comfortable.


Have access to plenty of clean water, either bottled or well or spring water, plus a water filtration device. Plan out how to capture & use rain water. New tarps or heavy plastic sheeting can channel rain into wading pools, bathtubs, plastic bins, homemade catchment ponds, etc. If containers are clean to begin with and kept covered, the water will be usable a long time.


Buy whatever large appliances, wood stoves, chain saws, tools, reliable vehicles, new tires, RVs, etc. you've considered buying anyway, with whatever extra savings you have. In times of depression/inflation, goods have more value than money. Better to have the goods you need than thousands of worthless dollars. If only 9 more banks the size of IndyMac fail, the FDIC will be broke. Most folks are expecting massive inflation to hit at some point in the next year. Prices on many large-ticket items have held steady for months or even dropped. Buy them now if you can. Self-contained RVs in working condition can be especially helpful.


Get your vehicles repaired and keep the gas tank full.


If you need dental work or elective surgery, get them done now if you have extra money.


Here's what we are doing so far:


Stocking up on dry/canned food, wheat berries, dried corn, (bought a new flour mill--wanted one anyway), honey, cooking oil; bleach, dish soap, laundry soap, disposable gloves, first-aid supplies, ibuprofin, aspirin, betadine, hydrogen peroxide, cough & congestion remedies, echinacea tincture, herbal teas, immune-system builders, vitamin C, cough lozenges, Bag Balm (my favorite skin rash cure), Neosporin, shampoo & conditioner, liquid hand soap, bar soap, feminine products, garden seeds... just whatever will help in case we, or our neighbors, can't go to town. If nothing happens, these supplies will keep for years.


Probably another generator to replace one we sold. Gas or diesel to run it. But we're rural and used one for years.


All this buying is good for the economy too, what's left of it.


For those who own guns, do whatever gun people advise. But remember Katrina--guns were confiscated even though it wasn't legal for officers to take them.


Invest in video cameras, voice recorders, disposable cameras, cell phone cameras, lots of spare batteries, memory cards or other media storage, plus wall and car chargers for everything. You can record history in the making. If the internet stays up, post events as they happen. Watch for any move toward martial law in your area: unusual police action, drills, helicopters, checkpoints, road closures, property seizures, quarantines, etc. Do not give your cameras to law enforcement! Keep them and use them. They are not weapons! Know your rights on video taping in public.


Record TV newscasts with your home video recorder when important events happen nationally and locally. Stock up on blank DVDs or videotape. People who recorded live coverage of 9/11 saved important clips that mysteriously disappeared from mainstream media in the days & weeks that followed.


Don't believe government mouthpieces without checking the facts. Don't trust them to have your safety at heart. Before following relocation or confiscation orders, get alternate opinions from internet sites you trust, shortwave radio, ham radio, cellphone contacts, etc. then decide your course of action at each step of the way, based on accurate information, prayer and common sense. Do not, under any circumstances, let fear have the upper hand.


Remember: This is your nation, your state, your community, your home and personal possessions. The powers-that-be are nothing more than public servants. You have rights in every situation, no matter what you are being told. Record confrontations and post them on the internet or burn them to CD or DVD and distribute! Contact local media, independent media, your congresspeople, your mayor, everyone you can think of, and tell them what is happening, even if they won't listen. Don't sit in silence while your rights are being violated! Encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same thing.


Carry phone numbers for various kinds of legal aid. If the Constitution is suspended, legal aid agencies will be overwhelmed of course, but it won't hurt to try, and it could save your property or your life.


Get and read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Be prepared to educate law enforcement and government officials in your area should worse come to worst. They, too, are your neighbors and they have taken an oath to protect the Constitution above all else, yet few even know what it says. Let them know you support them 100% in upholding the Constitution, but that you will not submit to illegal government activity and you don't expect them to, either, as fellow citizens.





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