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Gone Over The Garden Edge


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Top Ten Signs You Have Gone Over the Garden Edge.....



10. Your favorite poem is "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.


9. Your kids are named Rose, Violet, Daisy and Zucchini.


8. You have 8 X 10 family pictures of your Tomatoes and Peppers on your office shelf.


7. Your idea of Saturday Date Night is going out in the garden and hand pollinating the plants.


6. You think a cocktail is liquid fertilizer.


5. You rush home from work and go straight to the garden and hug your roses. (Ouch!) Then, you go in to your house and see you family.


4. On Christmas Eve, visions of "Sugar Peas" dance in your head.


3. After the first frost, you are seen holding funeral services in your garden.


2. You take your kids multiple vitamins from them to use as a supplement to your plants fertilizer.



And, the number one sign that you have gone over the garden edge is..


1. Every Spring your family files a "Missing Person's" report. You remain missing all summer, and mysteriously re-appear in the fall.


Top Ten signs you have too much Zucchini.....



10. Your neighbor finds them every morning in his mailbox.


9. You are eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snacks too. (now, that's not so funny!)


8. You have a flute made out of a Zucchini. (It's actually been done!)


7. The stores pay you to take some off their shelves.


6. Even the field mice stop eating it.


5. You till under the Zucchini plants, but still have more today than you had yesterday.


4. Nightmares about a giant Zucchini wakes you in the night.


3. Your kids are using it for building blocks.


2. You spray your zucchini plants with sugar water to attract insects. But, they won't bite.



And, the number one sign that you have too much Zucchini..

1. The President of the U.S. declares Zucchini growers to be terrorists.






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> Top Ten Signs You Have Gone Over the Garden Edge.....

Me never.


As to too much Zucchini....

I am hoping this year I have too much Zucchini. Last year, I planted 13 Zucchini plants. The weather, in the UK, was so awful, when I came back from 2 weeks away and I found all of 5 Zucchinis!

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