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Last Saturday of Summer


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Mornin' ya'll! :bouquet:


My bunch is still asleep. I'm enjoying my coffee and the quiet time. Please help yourself to a cup.......... :cheeky-smiley-067:


I'm hoping for a quiet weekend at home. We have an errand or two to do but thats it.


Sickness has been running rampant in our county-especially the schools. :fever: Seasonal flu and h1n1 are here. I have set the hand sanitizer stuff on my desk at work to invite fellow coworkers and customers to use it. My manager and I are constantly using it. I am trying to keep my work caught up-both at home and at the office. I will not go to work sick and continue the spread-the-germs-cycle! :motz_6:


This week a customer told me her 14 year old had to go to the emergency room because he couldn't breathe. Scared her. He was diagnosed with seasonal flu(after bloodwork)and given Tamiflu. she said the pills were $12 each. He needed 10. After all this, she tells me she doesn't have insurance. Bless her heart. We do what we have to , don't we? I've been praying for her and her family...... :pray:


I'm hoping to do some cross stitching of Christmas ornaments today. That is my favorite way to relax.


What are ya'll doin' today?



Have a fantabulous day whatever you do!!!!!!!! :wink (2):






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Good Morning All! I mean Ahoy Maties!!!!


$120 for Tamilflu sounds like the populace is being fleeced! That is just a shame! I have no insurance either and go to Algodonnes, Mexico for meds.


This morning I am making pickled jalapenos for DH. Using my new pressure canner for my waterbath. This week I will try to be brave enough to actually pressure can some beef or chicken! Mom11 says she will stay on the phone with me if I want. Probably, yes!


We will be leaving for AZ in two weeks so we are starting the "getting ready process". DH is working on back brakes and changing the oil in our truck today. Now that I have my canner I am trying to get a good bit done before we leave since I will be starting work in less than three weeks.


It has sure been a great summer for me! A learning summer and this winter hope to put to use more of what I learned. I bought my Brother sewing machine with the monies from my ebay sales but the trailer I am in right now is too small to even set it up in. We will move into a bigger trailer in two weeks and then I can make aprons and dog clothes to sell! Folks in Quartzsite will buy most anything! Thank Goodness!


I hope you all have a great day!

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Good evening,


I haven't been here in quite some time. Summer flew by. My Mom passed away earlier this month and we had a memorial service for her last Saturday in another city. This weekend my sons are here and we're talking about what we will do with the things she left. There are two old, old wedding bands - we think one was my grandmother's and the other was from a family friend who died in childbirth probably over 80 years ago.


Mommafitz, I love being the first one up. I hope you and your family stay well. I haven't heard of the flu here although I've heard one case was diagnosed in our state. I need to put hand sanitizer on my list.


snapshotmiki, From places I've been recently it looks like aprons are making a revival. I never gave mine up. Enjoy your new sewing machine.

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Peaceful, I am so sorry to hear about your mom. :hug3:


We lost our niece Aug.13 and it has been very trying emotionally for our family.


Take one day at a time, Sweetie. Realize some days are gonne be better than others......................




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