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just venting....

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i for one am so tried of this miserble wheather!! just sick and tried of it all... we have had gray skies, ice, snow, and below zero all winter long or so it seems for the last 6 months... we had snow for deer season on...and on and on.. this has not been a very good year and it is getting to me. there has been on thing after another. My poor DH has been so so sick and the dippy doctors can't seem to fine out what is causing his promblems. All they tell him is we will try and make you as comfortalbe as we can. I swear i want to slap the next one that tells us that. At least one of them did say he doesn't know what is going on.

I believe in God and knows He is there. And have seen His workings; I do count my blessings everyday and the list just keeps getting shorter. My family lives about 800 miles from us so we can't even enjoy them. My group of friends is getting smaller... and i don't blame them one bit .. who would want to hang with some one who is so needy. GRRRRRRRRR LIFE!!! and it's changellages. And here lately I can't seem to do anything right. I can barley get my clothes on correctly. and i can't even spell. oh, well ... things will work out some how and some day soon I sure hope it will be soon.

thank you for the venting time.

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Theyd I know what you're saying. I was in a blue funk for a month or more but finally got out of it....thank God!!! Winter surely has to be over soon, doesn't it? We got a taste of summer last week with our 80+ degrees and then back into winter with another 6-8" of snow yesterday....grrrrrr


Just wait until the sun shines, the snow goes away and your hubby feels better and you'll be smiling again.


Keep looking up, it's surely got to get better!

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Theyd, you know that we are your friends here! I know life is tough...if you go back and read the posts, you will notice that we all have, at one point or another, gone through a bad time. Some last longer than others. Some are more dificult than others. But through it all we have been here for each other and will make it through it. Keep you chin up!

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I'm sorry that you're having such a rotten time of things right now. Sounds like a touch of cabin fever too. Hopefully, when the sun starts shining, and you can get outside, you'll feel better.


What symptoms does your dh have? Caveman was very ill for several weeks, and now I've got in, and it's no fun at all. I feel like I'm hacking my guts out, and my stomach and chest muscles are all so sore. Also makes me very tired, and hard to stay up for more than a few minutes. Caveman went to the Dr. when he had his, and was told it was a nasty strain that just had to run it's course. Wish it would run faster!

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Mare the better question would be what isn't DH symptoms.

he has high blood presuser, high sugar and COPD. but the most recent is he has pain 7/24 and they can't find what is causing it they ruled out that one (can't spell) fibermyalga,and roomatory art.


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Hang in there They'd. By the way how did you pick your online name? Its wild!

I think this winter has been long enough for everyone. When we get good weather we will probably go right into summer and miss spring.

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I am so sorry your husband is in so much pain and you must feel so helpless that you can't make it better! His symptoms sound kind of similar to my friend's. She ended up being diagnosed with Lupus after seeing a Rhumitoid specialist. It took a long time and many Dr's to come up with her diagnosis.


I always get depressed in Feb fromt he cloudy weather. Thiis year the SAD missed me, instead I got some real things to be depressed about! We're here anytime for you. Hope the sun comes out soon for you in the sky and in your life {{{{{{{Theyd}}}}}}}

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Have you thought of any thing that might corraspond (sp) with the on set of your husband's illness, i'm thinking of an allergic reaction to something in his surroundings, maybe new carpet, varnish, even a new brand of washing powder can set off a reaction.....

I know at first glance it doesn't sound like a reaction, most people think in terms of hives, breathing proplems, so forth.... I believe that many of our proplems are the cause of the chemicals that are in many of our products these days...

If you could go back to a few weeks or even a few months before he started feeling bad maybe you can figure out what the problem is yourself, after all the doctors don't see him except for a few minutes at a time, and frankly they don't have a stake in his future as you do...


How do I know this? My husband is an allergy magnet.. I can't just pick up a new brand of washing powder, bath soap, some foods, sprays to make the house smell nice, you get the picture....

When we were first married, it was a terrible time for both of us, he got shots and they helped some but he developed different allergys over the years so now when he starts to complain, I start to back track and figure out the cause.....


Also, I found out only in the last year that my migraine headachs were caused by the coffee that I ws drinking, I had these headachs for over 30 years and believe it or not my cure ws because of y2k..... I have always drank coffee with chickory in it ....

I bought jars of instant coffee for my y2k stash from dollar general and after the scare was over and I ran out of my regular coffee I remembered that I had the instant coffee, so I drank it over several days and decided it was easier to make one cup at a time rather than a full pot....

Well it became my coffee of choice after a couple of months had passed, I realized that I had not gotten the migrine headachs for a while, it's now been over two years and no headachs!

For those people that suffer migrines know what i'm talking about, you feel if your head would just fall off you would feel better, this is getting a little long, so better stop now..

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Theyd, you know you can vent any time you want to here. I have problems in the heat and humidity, with sinus and allergies so when we get to warm and the humidity goes up, I don't go outside much at all.


I do hope you will be able to find a dr. that will be able to help.



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The toxins that we come in contact with everyday cause a strain on our liver and can often be the culprit in these cases. There is an antioxydent that might help, and will not hurt, it is called grape seed extract.

100 milligams 2 times a day might help. They have it at Sam's about 200 tablets for around $16.

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