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I'm Back! (Again)


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So, after my adventures in the world of nannying in NJ (I managed to spend 4 months with small children and never used duct tape! Aren't you impressed?), I returned to Texas since I couldn't find a job up there.


Since I hadn't any money, I moved in with my parents for a bit, and ended up living out in the shed (the only deprivation there was the lack of windows in my room).


I've discovered that me living with my parents is a bad, bad thing. I was depressed to the point where I stopped making plans. Once I realized that, and realized that I had enough money saved to move out, I did. Over Thanksgiving, while my parents were in Phoenix. Without specifically telling them first, but Mom knew I was looking for places. She told me the only thing in my price range was a tent. Some friends helped me move.


So, since I now feel free to leave my room without having to play 20 questions, I'm actually having things like a social life, and even a boyfriend. Shocking, I know.


And now I have to go pull EVERYTHING out of my cupboards since they're coming in to do pest control tomorrow. Maybe I'll actually get them organized when I put everything back in...


Anyways...missed y'all!



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