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Determine personal benefits and barriers.

Determine readiness to change.

Do at least 15 minutes of physical activity per day, two to three days this week.




The benefits of Exercize



Have more energy

Set an example for my family

Become physically stronger

Feel better

Lose extra pounds

Live longer by reducing risk of heart disease and stroke

Maintain a healthy weight

Look my best

Sleep better

Build stronger bones

Reduce stress, anxiety and depression

Have fun




Do you talk yourself out of exercizing using these excuses:

Don't know how to exercise

Too stressed

Not enough time

Not enough money

No one to exercise with

Feel pain when exercising

Taking time away from family

Family not supportive

Concerned about appearance

Think I'm old

Don't like to sweat

Think physical activity is boring




What's Holding You Back?

Time? If you don't have a block of 30 minutes to be active, take it in 10-minute segments.


Stressed? Physical activity is a proven stress buster. It actually leaves you feeling relaxed, refreshed and more energetic.


Don't know how? Relax. You don't need special skills. Most everyone developed a physical activity skill around the age of one year. It's called walking.


Clothes? Loose, comfortable clothing and a good-fitting pair of shoes are all you really need. You don't even have to change clothes to be physically active when walking to and from your car, to the office, up and down the stairs and through the mall.


Time away from family? By spending active time together, you're teaching your children important health values that can last a lifetime. It's a great investment. Try raking leaves, washing the car, sweeping the sidewalk or walking the dog together. Go to the park or ride bikes together. Families who are active together stay healthy together.


Interruptions, lapses and relapses will happen. Will you be perfect every day? Of course not! No one's perfect so you shouldn't expect to be. Expect lapses and plan in advance how you'll deal with them.


What can you do to increase your chances of staying on track? Read these ideas, then select two to put into action.



I'll rely on a friend who encourages me to be physically active when I don't feel up to it.

I'll use self-rewards each week I complete my goal.

I'll keep comfortable walking shoes handy when I travel, at the office or in my car.

I'll keep a gym bag packed for spur-of-the-moment opportunities.

I'll get a jump rope that I can use on the road or at home.

I'll keep motivational messages or cartoons on my mirror.

I'll have a cold/hot weather back-up plan.


If you lapse view it as a powerful learning opportunity and make a plan to do things differently. These tips will help ease your frustration if you do get off track with your regular physical activity and healthy eating plan.



Don't panic. Everyone has lapses. Embrace them as a way to learn more skills for making your new habit a natural part of your life. Bet you fell down a few dozen times when you were trying to walk as a kid. That didn't stop you, did it?

Nix the guilt. Negative feelings make it harder to get back on track. It's just a temporary setback, and you have the knowledge and skills to get moving again.

Analyze the situation. What happened before you lapsed? Were you unprepared? Did you encounter some of your personal triggers? You can make plans to deal with your lapse better in the future if you know what caused it. It's important to get back on track as soon as you can. The quicker you put these tips into place, the greater your chances of success.


Do You Have Fewer Barriers Now?

Let's revisit that list of benefits and barriers for physical activity. You'll need to do this exercise again. Have your benefits increased and barriers decreased? Focusing on your benefits for physical activity will help to lessen the impact of setbacks, and to get you back on track as soon as possible. It's just like getting back on a horse once you've fallen off. You'll have more reasons to get back in the saddle than to stay on the ground.


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