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Good morning

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Good Morning Snowie, it sounds lovely in your neighborhood. We are overcast right now and it is supposed to rain for the rest of the day. Off to see my brother today. He leaves tomorrow for his sailing trip. He is very excited. Should be a good party tonight. Back tomorrow to see Bruce in the hospital and celebrate father's day with him.

Have a great weekend.

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Morning! Snowmom and the gang! I'm having a heck of a time getting here at times... It's so slow and I get impatient with the slowness of the board,Grrrrrrr....

Today was a good day and I was able to read everyone's posts....

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Good day to all! It's a nice day here in the heart of Texas also. Cloudy, and a promise of more rain, which we sorely need! The clouds have brought our temp down to the low 80s and nights are cool in the 60s. Finally we have a bit of Springtime!


I'm at work today, coding a preface and a subject index to be made into pages for a new textbook. It sounds bookish but really it isn't. Much harder to raise kids than to do this kind of work!


Happy father's day to all dads everywhere. My grown kiddos lost their dad to colon cancer last December. The doctor didn't find it until it was too late. Jimmy and I had been divorced (after a very young and tumultuous marriage--another story!) and he remarried long ago, but I still felt the loss.


I will be done with my hours at around 6 pm tonight, and then my "real" life will begin ... at home, of course! My commute is about 40 minutes, and when I get home, I hope to make some progress on an "earthworm condo" I'm building for earthworm composting inside the house (Mother Nature's garbage disposal--at least for veggies).


I hope everyone is having the very best day they can imagine--and then some! sg

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Good Morning Everyone... oh Snowie you must be soo excited about meeting Dee. Hey Dee, I planted the last of the seeds you send me yesterday. thanks again.

Hi Sgirl... your earth worm condo sounds cool.


We got Pat off on his trip, he sailed away into the wild blue yonder on his little boat "The Sunflower".

Bruce is out of hospital staying with his sister right now. His heart seems to be holding up right now. He will be staying with her for about three weeks and then when we get the financial stuff out of the way. We will have to find a place for him to live. He needs 24 hour care and cannot be left alone.

It is sunny and going to be a hot one....high 80's low 90's for us today and tomorrow. Gonna have fun in the sun.

Have a great one everyone.


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Wow SeldieG.....your work DOES sound complicated.......and ya mean......you've got those worms INSIDE your house? ewwwwwww


Oh Snowmommie......I'm sooooo Happy for you that you are meeting up with Dee....Is Mary going? How about Becca? Anybody else?? YOU better take tons of Photo's and post em...so we can see everybody!!!! I hope you guys' get great weather!

Oh Brigie....i'm soo happy for Pat....he's doing what he loves.....he sure deserves this!!

Glad Bruce has such a loving sister to take him in...guess it's one day at a time from here on out with him.

Hi May...Mr. Cavey....Happy....Dee.....And everybody else!

I love you guys!

We're having awesome weather....it's sunny and 68 degrees....and it was in the 50s last night.....sing with me now......Heaven.....i'm in heaven.....fa la la la la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Sure wish I could join the party! We will all be expecting a full report!


We had a perfect Father's Day. Not too hot or any rain. DS and his family came up and we spent alot of time with ice tea, cake and ice cream making on our porch. Both of the Dad's just wanted to kick back and relax. DH is still getting over his horrible hack from his cold last week.


I know what it feels like dealing with the exes. When there are children involved they will always have a place in our lives. Like it or not we have to do our best for the sake of the kids. (Even if the kids are grown up and over 6 feet tall)

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Hi, gang , Hope things are going ok with everyone.... still slow getting here but I don't see a lot of posters these days so reading doesn't take as long....

Well we did the BBQ thing for father's day , fun was had by all.... the grand kids had ice put down their back, and kept coming back for more..

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teetee laaaa laaa la ta lala (singing) Sounds like everyone is doing good


I love and miss the sound of children laughing. My grnadchildren are all so far away.


But still it has been a wonderful couple of days. Sunshine, birds singing, smell of fresh mowed grass. and all the rest that goes with summer


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Snowie.......I just Had to tell you i can hear your joy reading your post......I'm sooooo Happy for you!!

Happy Birthday to Old Pine!!

You too Brigie....(again).......love ya gal!

Hi Theyd......great to see ya.....

Have a great day ya'll!!!

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Tra lalalalalalalaHappy Birthday to you Old Pine....we share the same birthday how cool is that? I knew I liked you, two geminis watch out..........

Snowie got a pig, snowie got a pig.. tee hee

What a nice surprise you got snowie... so happy for you. even though it wasn't a pig.

May sorry you had to put your dog to sleep, very sad.


My ex is back in the hospital, had some small strokes yesterday, heavy sigh. will take the kids up to see him tonight at the hospital..


Wonder if I can get away with celebrating my birthday again today at work? They were so nice to me yesterday..


lalalalalalalalala, no rain here.


Have a great day everyone.

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I'm soooooo sorry to read that May......it must have been a very hard decision...my heart goes out to you!!!!


Oh boy Brigie....a stroke? He's sooo young......i'm sorry Bruce is not doing well.


GROUP HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Happy Saturday everyone... I tried to get on here yesterday, but had all sorts of problems... anyway here I am......My parents are coming over today to help me build my deck on the back of the my house. It's raining right now so I sure hope the weather smartens up.


Hope you all have a good day.



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