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Wednesday Morning

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Morning everyone!


I GUESS the reason we can't use "brown water" is cause a lot of people have wells here, and they are worried about soap or other contaminants getting into the water. If they would have a workshop about it, seems it would solve a lot of the problems. Seems to me, for a county so drought stricken that we qualified for federal assistance in 2002, that we are wasting a lot of water that way.


Today I'm baking more cookies and working on the kitchen. I never seem to get it clean, LOL. I want to try to get outside but it is pretty chilly!


Talk to you soon!


Mommy of 5

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Well it's 3 pm and I just booted up the puter... We got the sink set and the plumbing all hooked up again. so I can do dishes properly. the fridge is scrubed where I usually can't get to it as we had to move it out to get the back splash on. so just clean the ceiling, walls and floor and one room is done.......

Hope to get to work on the bathroom soon as I need to repaint it.

Got to get some more MSM. It seems the older I get the more it takes to prevent the pain in my arm. Thank heaven it works for me.

48 for a high today but supposd to get up to 55 tomorrow.

Ya all have a great rest of the day.

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don't ya just hate it when your dog takes off; our Max took off the other day on us; she didn't get far when we caught up with her. Our fence is 6 foot and she can still clear it. so we have to tie her out if we are not out here with her


today we planted a couple of post for bird feeders.

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Apparently, AK was right when he said he had closed the gate! LP let the dog out this afternoon, and the gate was open, again! GRRRRR!


Last night, I spent a good hour fussing at the dog, telling him how bad he was for running out of the yard, and that I was so mad at him, I didn't want to forgive him. I even took time to explain to him that he could get hurt or worse... then I told him I loved him and didn't want anything bad to happen to him. He laid his head in my lap and looked so sad, I finally told him I forgive him, but that he'd better not ever run away again.


Today when Max ran out and saw the open gate, he ran back to the door and made LP go out with him. He showed LP the open gate, so he could close it!

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Glad to hear Lois can now live normally. A real kitchen again!


DH and I spent the morning shopping for a new bed. We put it off as long as we could. He's upstairs now trying it out.


It got pretty warm today. Up to 79 degrees. All the plants are really shooting up. In about a week I will have plenty of cutting lettuce. Now we need some rain!


Take care.

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I finally gathered up everything for my secret pal's box & sent it out. I also packed up a delayed promise to theyd and mailed it out. And I'm jealous that you have stuff growing!! All I have are volunteer sunflower seeds around the bird feeder.



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Repy to Cat:

I am also adding this to a post in the Spa



Taken from Cliff Scott’s website: http://www.cliffscott.com/msm_products.htm#top

MSM is not a medicine, drug or a food additive. It is a nutritional food supplement found in all foods – milk, fruits, meats and vegetables. MSM is a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms. MSM is the 3rd largest ingredient found in your body. Your body is made up of water, salt and MSM

The body uses MSM to create new, good healthy cells. Vitamins and amino acids work with MSM during this process. Without proper levels of MSM, our bodies are unable to build good healthy cells, and this leads to illness. Our bodies are producing new cells 24 hours per day. If your body doesn’t receive the proper nutrition and building materials it needs, it will produce bad, dysfunctional cells, deficient of the basic ingredients that constitute a healthy cell. If we want a good flexible cell, capable of maintaining good health, we need to supplement our diets with MSM, to enable the body to heal itself. Your body knows what it needs better than any doctor. It will use MSM wherever it is needed in your system. Give your body the MSM it needs so it can provide more nutrition and heal itself.

Because of its volatile nature, MSM is quickly lost from food when it is processed, cooked and/or stored. The second you pick fruit or vegetables from the tree or vine it begins rapidly losing MSM. Even in meat, MSM is not as abundant as it used to be. Today, animals are being fed with dried, stored grasses, hay and grains, deficient in MSM. When your body uses the MSM molecule to produce a new cell, the MSM is lost forever. We need to continuously replace the bodies needed supply of MSM to produce new, good healthy cells. A conventional diet does not supply the minimum requirement of MSM. It is absent in synthetic food additives, dietary mineral compositions, food substitutes and most fillers used to dilute or modify foods. With today’s modern diet of cooked and otherwise processed and diluted foods, most – if not all – diets of civilized man are deficient in this critically important ingredient.


How safe is MSM?

MSM is as safe as drinking pure water. Because of its inert nature, MSM is non-allergenic, non-pyretic, and has no interfering or undesirable pharmacological effects. You cannot overdose with MSM. The body will use what it needs. And after 12 hours, will flush any excess amounts out of the body. MSM will flush what the body does not retain semi-permanently every 12 hours, and because it is a free radical and foreign protein scavenger, MSM cleans the blood stream, so allergies to food and pollens go away in about 3 to 4 days. To maintain good healthy cells, take MSM in the morning and the evening.


An Essential Dietary Sulfur!

MSM was isolated by Robert Herschler and Dr. Stanley Jacob of the Oregon Health Sciences University. MSM, or methyl sulfonyl methane, is a natural organic compound, found in all living things. In his research, Dr. Jacob determined that the sulfur in MSM called sulfonyl, is as safe and as important as vitamin C in our diet, unlike the bad sulfurs: sulfa, sulfate, sulfite and sulfide.


Sulfur A Major Key To Health:

MSM comes from the ocean and is a prime source of bio-available sulfur, which is lost from our food by processing, drying, cooking and preserving. MSM is an important food (not a drug or medicine) and plays many roles in the body, including the stimulation of the growth of healthy skin, hair and nails. It is needed by the body for healthy connective tissues and joint function, proper enzyme activity and hormone balance, along with the proper function of the immune system.


What MSM Does

Many years of clinical use at Oregon Health Sciences University have demonstrated that MSM delivers the following pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits without serious side effects: *Inhibition of pain impulses along nerve fibers *Lessening of inflammation *Increase blood supply *Reduction of muscle spasm *Softening of scar tissue. MSM makes cell walls permeable, allowing water and nutrients to freely flow into cells and allowing wastes and toxins to properly flow out. The building blocks of the body, amino acids, are all sulfur bounders and play a major role in the production of hormones and enzymes which regulate the body’s activities. MSM provides the flexible bond between the cells. Some cells are prone to lose their flexibility, like scar tissue, wrinkles, vericose veins, hardened arteries and damaged lung tissues.



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Although Max barks at everyone that comes on this side of the street, we have never really gotten a complaint. I usually go out and stop him, or knock on the window to get him to come in, when he starts getting obnoxious. One of our neighbors thinks he's a bit frightening, but I know she or her husband would never do anything like that. Besides, they like Max a lot more than the two dogs that live in the house between our houses.


It's a bit of a unique situation here; we don't have alleys, so our properties are backed by another yard. We have a corner lot, with no homes across from us either directly in front, or on the right. We really only have 2 neighboring homes that would be directly affected by anything on our property- the house next door on the left, and the one directly behind us. The ones behind us have watched Max grow from a pup, and have never said a word to us about him, other than that he is a beautiful dog.


The neighbors to the left have been here for about a year, and their only kid and LP have become best friends. They've even spent the night back and forth. Max hasn't had a problem with any of the kids LP has over because we introduce them to him and let him know that he has to behave. If he gets rowdy, we put him in the laundry room.


I have to wonder if this isn't someone trying to see what we may have in the side yard...

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