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Moody Monday???

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Lois quickly scoots in the door to avoid Cat's red jello... It got up to 75 today. I took my computer down this morning to have it looked at it was making a noise, Bob removed the cover and found that a wire had moved that went to the fan, he moved it and the noise stopped. He had installed the extra fan ... so no charge...

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It's rainy here today and 52 degrees right now.

I'm just home for lunch. Got my "resignation" package at work today. I have to turn in time cards and schedule an "exit interview". People keep asking me what I'm going to say. I think the truth is okay but I don't think they want to hear it. Talk about spin doctors. So at this moment I've got 8 - 1/2 days to go.

Cat: I've never had morels. I don't have a mushroom wizard here like I did in Portland. We used to get chanterelles, shaggy mains, something my friend called Prince which were wonderful, and shiitakes. Wonderful.

Lois: Glad your computer problem was solved easily.


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i haven't had a chance to get out and look for any Morals ... we got a good rain last couple of nights so they should be up. 22.. that is a good mess. Cat do you ever freeze them or dry them for later?


Rainned off and on all day. staying busy tring to clean up the house after last week spending as much time outside.


what color roses?

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Moody Monday definitely fits!


Worked till 1:30 last night. It's awfully hard to get up early when youw ork that late, LOL.


I had planned on making chat but littlest DD needed to cuddle with mommy, and as much as I have come to love you ladies, I wasn't passing up that opportunity!


Today all I got done were pancakes for breakfast this week and some no bake chocolate and oatmeal thingies that look like piles of well, umm...stuff in the back yard that I need to rake up, LOL. Apparently they taste good, tho!


I did actually get some work done, and I've made a few bucks tonight so far, so maybe I won't have to stay up as late. Tomorrow is my official day off, which means I only have to do sales stuff. Will be nice to get to bed early, LOL.


The younger kids decided the house was a spaceship so I spent most of the day running around with a colandar on my head. I could just picture myself answering the door LOL. Apparently colandars make great helmets for both space exploration and under water diving! It was a mad rush at dinner time to find one and wash it, tho, hehe.


Tomorrow I'm gonna make some muffins more more breakfast and some cinnamon breakfast bread, and some other kind of treat. That may be overly ambitious, hehe. Dinner will be easy tho...spaghetti from sauce that was frozen with italian bread that was frozen from last time I made pasta!


OK, I'm gonna go see if I can get the phone to ring anymore!


Mommy of 5

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Last year we were at the Farmer's Market buying shiitakes and asked the guy where he got them. He pointed up the hill and said "See that tree way up there?" We looked where he pointed and said "Yes" and he said "Well, I didn't get them there." It's true they won't tell their places unless they're looking for a mushroom hunting buddy.

A colander on your head, eh? I bet the kids loved it. Do you suppose if I wore one to work tomorrow they'd decide to let me quit sooner?

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OK, OK....I don't usually care about typos, heck, I make my fair share of them, but that one struck me as hilarious!


Peacefulhome...wear a metal colandar and put aluminum foil antennae on it and tell them you're hoping to hear the aliens' secret messages with it...THAT may make them let you quit sooner. Then again, it may play havoc with any future reference they give, if you'll be needing one, LOL.


Mommy of 5

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