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I'm first this morning?

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Gee, I'm never here first, where is everyone??? It's light enough now to get my duds on and go for my walk. I can't believe it's already 53 at 6:25. Too nice!


I'll have to get ready for work after my walk so I won't be back until later today. Have a great one!

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Well it's raining here and and 58 degrees. Don't think anything will get done outside today. Maybe I can get some inside work done. Got some cleaning to get done in the basement, so maybe I'll get some of that done.

Have a great day.

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Morning! It's 40 and grey today, hope it will get lighter, we were all talking about going camping this weekend. It's much funner with sunshine!

I get to go to work today. Hopefully I'll get ahold of the guy who has the room for rent, the faster I can rent it, the faster I can start advertising for clients!

Have a wonderful day.

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We have about a foot of snow outside and we're under a winter storm advisory until noon tomorrow. It's wet, heavy snow. Our back fence is down under the weight, dh is working on that now. We lost power for awhile last night, but I had already brought the baby in to bed with us and doubled up on everyone's blankets in anticipation of that, so no problems there. I'm going to go make up some ham salad and chicken salad and put them in the basement and make some soup and put it in the thermos just in case, and we'll be set if we lose it for the day.


Our trash truck has to back in to our alley to pick up our dumpster and I heard him trying for about half an hour this morning but he didn't make it, poor guy.


OK, I'm off to get the stuff done I need power to do! I'll be back later if we have it!


If not, I'll be playing monopoly and reading all day!


Mommy of 5

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It's raining here today. Too bad because we're going to Portland to see the Oregon Ceramic Showcase. It's a huge group of potters (I can see Cat now wondering about such big potters. lol) who display their stuff. It's amazing the variety. Not just bowls, plates and mugs but on to fountains, wall hangings and in such a variety it is great fun. This has been the last several years at the Oregon Convention Center and admission is free - however, if you have to park in their structure that's pricey. You can park elsewhere and take the light rail just across the street from the convention center. Did I say I was looking forward to this?

I'm still struggling with this dratted cold. I was up in the night taking medicine and waiting for it to take effect so I could sleep so I slept in this morning to an unheard of 9:00 (for me).

Have a great day folks!


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OMIGOSH! Jan, you and I were in the SAME building today!


We may have even passed each other and not known it!


Dang it! If I'd known yesterday, we could have met in real time!

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Nana, That is amazing! No that wasn't us. If you saw me walking around you would see a bright red nose with a kleenex in front of it at all times, snuffling along but determined to see all the pottery. We were there at about 5 to 6. Wouldn't ya know we had the opportunity to eat lunch and dinner out and I couldn't taste a thing because of this dratted cold. I actually saw a piece of pottery by Mark Heiman titled Peaceful Home and I was telling my son that was my name.

Another funny thing is Mom called me this morning (I didn't tell her I was in the area because I wouldn't take the chance she'd get this cold) and she was telling me a friend's neice took her to Bob's Red Mill yesterday and all about it and she said I'd love it. So that's another day.

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