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Rainy Friday

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Hello all. After hours in the hospital Rach came away with news that wasn't bad at all. The doc said her heart is fine... It's just nerves.. She is very overly paranoid. She makes herself sick if she hears it might storm. He gave her meds to keep her heart rate down. She was on Atenenol same as me.. But he switched it to Toporol xl...My ho is he should put her on a mild nerve pill to take the edge off...

Thanks for the prayers.

Nana will pray for your precious cat.

Today my son gets home from camp, I pick him up at 11, wash his clothes and get him to his Grandmothers. She is taking him to a play called Charlie. Then back to pick hubby up from his ride to work friends house....Then you know what? I think since I haven't been to the store as in walmart to do any kind of shopping since JUNE 16th, I will go tonight... I am thinking school shopping, just supplies like paper glue crayons backpacks, I don't usually buy the kids new clothes for school. Except at used stores and even that has to wait this year.. And grocery shopping.....I have been craving a steak for I don't know how long...But it will probably be in the shape of a McD's cheeseburger, thats ok I would be thankful for that too! Must close for now . Need a little nap before I need to start running.. Take care and God Bless!!!!



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DD is improving every day, she stopped in this morning for coffee with us, and just left a few min. ago.

Everyone else is doing real good . Thanks for asking.

Nana, hope all news is good news for you.

Buttercup glad to hear that your friend is doing ok.

Peace, have a woderfully blessed day,

Snowmom, hope you get caught up.

love ya all.

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Guest Guest

Hi all. Long time no see HUH? Been busy trying to get ready for vacation. Going to Lake Tahoe with some friends from Tampa. Will be great to see them cause haven't for a year. Never been there before so looking forward to it. Took the dogs up yesterday to dad and moms. Came home this morning to mow and it's raining. So doing laundry and cleaning house instead. Have a great day all. Diane

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It's almost evening here now but it's still Friday.

We had some light rain this morning, too. I left early to go to a couple of garage sales. Only thing I got was a couple of golf humor books for DH. I discovered the second place I went to (an estate sale but it was early the first day and there sure wasn't much) is where a lady at church lived. A father and daughter from the church were there shopping and told me that. Unfortunately the man who passed on didn't leave things the way he told his (second) wife it would be and she was forced out of the house. Another thing is that house had a magnificent view of the bay but someone bought a tiny little house nextdoor to it (we always called it the captain's house because it had a round porthole kind of window in the front door and a lot of nautical things around)-anyone the person who bought it built around it a multi-story, enormous house so the house I was at lost half the view they had plus the way the new house was angled they could look right into their bedroom window. I wouldn't think it was legal to invade privacy like that. I mean, if they HAD to have the big house don't put windows there. Oh, well.

I talked to Mom today and next week I'm going to look around the community for retirement places.

The week went mighty fast for me.

I missed a day walking outside to look at what was happening in the yard so today when I went out I found some new things in bloom. One was a flower I bought at the market, planted with some geraniums in a pot and then the deer ate it all up. I forgot what the flower looked like and almost bought another like it so it was a treat to see it's grown back and I already have it. It's something in the morningglory family but it's not invasive. White with a bit of yellow in the center and blue rim. Also one of my nasturciums I transplanted into a hanging basket is blooming so it must be happy there. I went to grab my camera and remembered our son borrowed it for a week .



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