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It's Friday and chilly

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Got up this morning to 52* and foggy. It is supposed to be a beautiful day today, a high in the 70*s.


I am in an aggravated mood today, with dh and his boss. Here, they missed a week and a half of work due to weather off of all those hurricanes. It is going to be a perfect working day, so instead of working to make up missed time, and to get in extra funds for upcoming winter months, they are going to take today off from work.They just do not think ahead. Here in a couple of weeks they will both be whining, because they are lacking in funds,Oh well, work when you can. After all that time off they should be raring to go.

Then last night, trying to listen to the presidential debates, he freaking wants to analyze every move and action Kerry and Bush makes, talks during the whole darn thing. I finally went to the bedroom to listen too it.

. I know come saturday and sunday, he will sleep those two days away...Not this weekend he won't I'm not putting up with it. There is too much work that needs to be done and he is going to get it caught up this weekend. His best friend and his family are coming up around the end of october, so he is going to help get ready for them. I want my yard and flower beds cleaned out. AM I A SLAVE DRIVER OR WHAT!!!!!


Ok, through blowing my cool and telling you my life story....


Oh, I guess my message is getting across, I just heard the mower start up, he has cleaned up my green bean bed and cleaning it up, looks like he has been cleaning out the front flower bed. Oh well I guess a little b-------,(you fill in the blank)

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Good morning everyone.

Unikemom, your DH sounds a lot like mine. He missed Mon and Tue this week from having this nasty cold going around, and instead of sleeping or just taking it easy, he sat up and played video games all day! Then wants to take another day off just because. Not a good idea with a one income family! Men! That's great for me, because now I will have money for the phone bill (but still I plan on having it shut off for a couple weeks for my brother's benefit). She came over yesterday and got an hour and a half massage. Then she even gave me a $4 tip! She said she wanted to give me more, but that's all she had. That's kind of weird to me, I'm paying off a debt, and she's giving me a tip for it? Oh well.


I'm working on the ornaments, I have all the pieces for them, and have finished one, but am not sure I like it, I may have to try a third ornament. I've never made ornaments before, except with my DD when she was 6, and I don't think anyone wants any of our brown paper bag candy canes, lol.


Hope everyone has a great day.


Blessed be.

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It is beautiful here today but only 56 right now. My son and I are going to go out to the park to walk. I wanted to go to pool aerobics this morning but I woke up in the night and it was too hard to get going this morning. I am really looking forward to walking around Ft. Stevens. We'll walk on the bike paths.

I deep cleaned my kitchen countertops this morning, stovetop and burners. How do the burners get so icky so fast? Like refrigerators, I think. Isn't it great when things are all cleaned up?

Unike: Sounds like you are on a roll this morning and it was "catching". With my DH back at work it changes how things get done around here. When he was "retired" all he had to think about was when the lawn needed mowing, etc.

Wiccad: Terrific news about exchanging rent due for massage and good for you hiding the phone. Let's just hope he doesn't have a phone jack in his room.

Have a great day everyone.


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