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Happy Thanks Giving To All!!


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Well the turkey is in the oven ...the pies are made just have to peel the yams and potatoes and make the gravy then I will be done OH NO! dont forget the cleanup 11 people with countless plates and silverware(grumble grumble) Well have fun everyone and dont eat tooooo much!

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I know the feeling. The difference is mine is with enchiladas, beans, mexican rice, and who knows what else. My DH's family doesnt like turkey. Thanksgiving has been held in this house since 1928 when it was built so I guess I better not complain too much. Hope everyone has a blessed day.



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Happy T-day to all of you!


my DH (the "D" in DH doesn't always stand for Dear!) has been practicing to eat for a week! something about conditioning himself for all the food so no matter how much he eats, he won't eat too much! ?????? huh?

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I just finished making the rest of my contribution. In a few minutes we are off to DS's house for the rest of the meal.


It is a beautiful day, crisp, clear and for the first time chilly! I may actually put on a sweater.


Have a great day everyone. Especially to those who are alone (and not by their choice)

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i hope you all enjoy your thanksgiving day... with all the dishes and cooking and inlaws and outlaws and such. and build your memnories.

our plans started out with just the two of us having a nice quite meal together, from there went to plannning a big dinner with some friends and their family.. to now staying at home with Dh sick in bed. and a cup of soup.

so enjoy the day and all it has to offer; for tomorrow might be just a cup of soup.

blessing to all...

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