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The Monday After

Judy Moist

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Ok, everyone it is over, time to clean up and now get ready for New years.... I hope everyone had a lovely holiday.


Becca Anne thanks for the words, I just miss my mom and dad so much. I have gotten used to dad being gone, but this is the second christmas without mom (she passed away in 2003).It is still hard not having her here for christmas....But as far as my brothers and sisters are concerned, I don't know what their problems are. Every Year I send them a card and a box full of homemade goodies. My youngest sister always brings something for the boys. But the rest of them will not call, or send a card , nothing. It seems since mom died,that not only am I grieveing for the loss of her, but for the rest of my family also... so it just makes it harder. But now I am tired of grieving, it is time to move on...


I have decided that next year, instead of wasting my time and energy on those who doesn't care. I will adopt a family who is in need, for the holidays.


Well I have got to get the laundry started, and get this place shoveled out. And yes Becca Anne, I am still picking up the blasted tie thingys too, I am still untying toys out of their boxes....10 ties for 4 little wheels, cracks me up.


One more thing before I go, I hope that I was able to bring some good news to one family. There is this guy that I used to go to school with, we were sweethearts in elementary school. He died last year with cancer, unexpectedly. He didn't even know he was sick, until 5 days before his death. Well I was reading the newspaper, and they had this insert in it, an Official STate notice of unclaimed properties. His wife was listed on the list. This unclaimed properties, is usually unclaimed monies from bank accounts, insurance claims etc..... So I contacted another friend of mine who is good friends with the wife. She contacted Rachel, Rachel is surprised, she said she has absolutely no idea what it could be. So she is checking into it today and is going to let us know what she finds out. I just pray that maybe it was a policy, that she didn't know about and that it is really good, she was left with 3 small children to care for, and they had just bought some land and a new double wide to put on it. She has been left with all that....So maybe her christmas or her New Year will be just a little brighter....

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Oh, unike, what wonderful news you were able to share! Hopefully it will benefit them in some way.


We are trying to get back to "normal". I think the virus has (finally!) run it's course.


The heating element on the dryer went out, so I have to go to the laundrymat today to do up some laundry. I'm going to do nine loads, then nine more tomorrow, and we should be OK for the week. Then I can do a bit more next week and that should hold us over until we can get a new heating element.


DH and my roommate's daughter leave this afternoon to go pick up my oldest DD. They will be home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

I am cooking chicken for them to take with them. They are staying at the Amerisuites to pick her up. I highly recommend this hotel to anyone traveling with kids. There is a fridge and microwave in the room, and they serve hot breakfast. We usually travel 3 or 4 times a year for kid drop offs and pick ups when my oldest two go to see their dad, and being able to cook in the room and have a fridge saves us money on going out to eat. Plus, when you get the room with a double bed, you also get a fold out couch, so no one has to sleep on the floor. If you needed to add cots, there is plenty of room because you have the living room/kitchen area. Both times we've stayed there, we've spent about $65/night, and once was during tourist season, so I was pretty impressed with that rate. WE could have gotten a regular room for about $40, but one of us would have had to sleep on a cot or on the floor, and we'd have had to pay for meals rather than cooking in the room.


Other than doing laundry and cooking, I will be working on my blog tonight. I just started it and am pretty excited. I will be sharing what our life is like as we move on to our own land. http://moderncountrywife.blog-city.com HOpe anyone who visits enjoys it!


OK, I am off to the store. We didn't make it to shopping yesterday cause I felt icky, and thought I was coming down with the bug everyone else has had. Don't think anyone at Walmart would have appreciated me sharing that one!

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Oh goodness, don't feel bad...


That's more than a week's worth, plus everyone being sick. I am washing everyone's bedding tomorrow.


See, the dryer wasn't heating, so we asked DH to clean out the lint trap, which we have going upwards in to the house to help with heating and humidity. He forgot that night, so now we have two days' worth of laundry to get through. He cleaned it, I turned it on, next morning, still no clothes dry. Next morning I pull out washer and dryer thinking he did bare minimum job of cleaning it. I pull the hose off and completely clean it out-not much in there. Test dryer on all cycles. NO HEAT. So then I start gathering laundry to be done-two of the loads HAVE to be the load that was in the dryer and never got dry, and the load that had been sitting in the washer waiting to be washed. So I ended up doing about 8 loads that day, thinking if I did that two days in a row, we'd be caught up through Christmas at least. I packed up a whole bunch of stuff (9 loads) in to the car to do the next day. Then we got two feet of snow, then it was Christmas, then it was Sunday, and I was pretty sure our tiny little laundrymat would be packed, plus I felt icky. So now we're way behind again.


It's really not as bad as it sounds. 3 loads will go into the one triple loader machine they have, so it will go faster. I'll be able to put blankets in that one tomorrow!


So don't feel bad!

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I also wanted to tell you, yep, I've been through one of those pucky kind of holidays before also, ain't they just so much fun!!!! Oh I am so glad you are all feeling better, just don't stay out in that cold air and get sick again.....and don't kill your self lifting all those heavy baskets.....

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