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A moderate and mannered Prepper's views and findings.

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15% off at Harmony House foods - having a stash of commercially dried and sealed in a plastic jug vegetables, freeze dried fruit or precooked beans is a wonderful thing.   In everyday life, the 'pantry stuffer' is amazingly convenient. If you happen to be out of celery - no problem! rehydrate some. Recipe call for shallots? or leeks? You've got it covered! I love it. Having a jug of jalapenos has also been convenient for my heat loving teenage sons <g>   The free shipping is ni




15% off Honeyville grains April 9-14th, BUNNY is the discount code            




This will be another step back to being the Land of the Free!                     http://blogs.usatoday.com/ondeadline/2009/...ts-say-con.html       There have been people refusing to fill Birth control scrips because they do not believe in Birth Control. I found this completely unacceptable. If you work in a pharmacy your job is to give me my meds, no matter what your beliefs.   Otherwise, you are inflicting your beliefs on me. What is next? not believing in pork?



Yes. Good knives are worth it.

My knives came and we did some slicing and comparing with my old set.       Holy cow! I was cutting paper thin slices of onion effortlessly. I had sort of assumed that doing that needed more training and patience then I posess.   I thought 'finely dice' was something my impatience and not-so-great fine muscle control made impossible.   My oh my oh my. I am so glad I indulged myself. It was not me, it was my cheap and old knives!       However - if you need knives and cannot drop



Major splurge/prep

So I have been learning to make everything from scratch in the 15 or so months I have been busting my butt learning to prep. I've learned a lot, perhaps even doubling my knowledge of cooking.   I have been using a set of revere knives very similar to this: http://www.builderssquare.com/xp_12073652-...et_FR61107.aspx       So Sunday I bought a super nice set, one that will last me the rest of my life. Here they are.   http://www.cutleryandmore.com/details.asp?SKU=14171       Yes,



MrsS is not the place

...to expect to be able to talk news or politics rationally.   I will only use this board for food type prepping information from now on.   Survivalistboards.com is a far better place for news and discussing just what is going on. The people there are far more polite and accepting of other viewpoints. A fair amount of them think about the news and try to figure out what is going on. Heck, even Zombie Squad is a better news and opinion source.   Even a lot of the people posting from the



American voters

the latest poll shows about 40% Democrat, 26% unaffiliated 32%Republican.   http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_con...partisan_trends   Not all Democrats are against the 2nd ammendment, not all Republicans are for it. You pick a party that is closest to your viewpoint, or you are independent. If you think for yourself at all, how can any party match your views exactly?   A party is not a religion, you should not blindly and faithfully follow all its planks. At least, you shouldn't if



Wikipedia - social conservative

Social conservatism is a political or moral ideology that believes the government has a role in encouraging or enforcing traditional values or behaviors based on the belief that these are what keep people civilized and decent. A second meaning of the term social conservativism has developed in the Nordic countries and continental Europe. Here it refers to liberal conservatives supporting modern European welfare states. Social conservatism is distinct from cultural conservatism which focuses on c



American Thinker

http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/10/cor...ve_beliefs.html       very interesting. The question is, do Conservatives really think like this? They sure managed to get every progressive stance wrong - and in the ususual sneering way I've learned to detest from conservatives. I wonder if I can find the same sort of article from the other viewpoint?       this is close, the sneering is no more attractive the other way...         patriotism progressive style:   no sneerin




What's most outrageous is to witness the GOP suddenly gain renewed religion when it comes to fiscal prudence. From 2000-2007, the GOP controlled government spent our money like there was no tomorrow, as shown in this graph:     Notice the two rising red lines. The deficit as a % of GDP has risen under Reagan, Bush I and Bush II.   It's hard to imagine Republicans becoming any more of a joke. from: http://theangryliberal.blogspot.com/             Obviously Republicans ar



You have to love George Carlin

I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. George Carlin     There it is. Why we need to have the seperation of church and state explained perfectly.           Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. George Carlin     That would be me. I am disappointed and disillusioned by the Republican party. It is not the party o



1954? who knew?

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."   -- The "godless" Pledge of Allegiance, as it was recited by generations of school children, before Congress inserted a religious phrase, "under God," in 1954.




I know I own two manual and one electric, which I put away so we could all get used to using manual ones and to save a few pennies of electricity.       So when one broke today (and the kids didn't tell me) I should have been fine.       I could not find the other manual and the electric is in the completely overcrowded and rather disorganized cellar store room. After ten minutes search and getting very mad at myself for putting the cleaning and organizing off while I search for news o



All sides agree the economy is bad. Apocolypse must be soon.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mike-lux/con...s_b_164066.html   very interesting POV. It agrees with what I have seen the past 4 -8 years too.       I think we need a balance of the two politrical positions. If progressives run things too long, you do tend to see too much social progerams and taxes. Too much means that business starts to suffer, which harms us all.   Unfortunately, when conservatives run things for too long you get...well, what is happening now as a worst case. A gene



progressive news?

how neat!       I have Conservative:the various survival sites   Liberal:HuffingtonPost.com   Mainstream:CNN.com and MSN.com   and now Progressive! alterNet.org   given enough POV's I can figure anything out.   I sent a thankyou to the guy who posted the link. Survivalistboards.com is a good news site and the people can disagree with you and stay civil! I am reminded why I generally prefer male company to female. They can disagree without hating you and your family too  



February Economic news and my take on it

The Dow went below 8,000 for 2 days. The 8k mark is supposed to be a psychological benchmark. From what I wunderstan, this means if the DOW stays under 8k, it will start creeping down toward 7k.       This is bad because the stock market is basically money being saved in the expectation a company or a group of companies will do well. So, the DOW and the stockmarket are important to keep an eye on wether or not you have money in it. It tells you what Americans who have money think.    



Lady and Ladylike

There is an interesting thread going on in MrsS involving Ladylike behavior.       I have known most of my life that 'lady' and 'ladylike' where terms used to control behavior, from what I read on the thread, I am right. I have been saved from most of the conditioning by my pig-headedness and the rather obvious fact that anything a normal man can do, I can too. I am so glad I am tall and strong naturally!   There is a different version of Ladylike in the South apparently, but I do not th



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