Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι Part III
God has entrusted each of us with much of value as well. And to whom much is given, much is required. (Luke 12:48)
What has God placed in your hands, in your life, in your safe keeping and how will you Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι ?
Remember the usage list for Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι
1) to work, labour, do work
2) to trade, to make gains by trading, "do business"
3) to do, work out
a) exercise, perform, commit
b ) to cause to exist, produce
4) to work for, earn by working, to acquire
God has INVESTED in you and in turn expects you to INVEST wisely so that there is an INCREASE. This applies to every area of our lives. He calls us to accountability. He wants you to Ergazomai ἐργάζομαι .
In summary I feel that the Lord has revealed to me that each step I take, each thought I think, each dollar I spend, each word I speak, each moment that I live...should be ON PURPOSE and with a PURPOSE. I am to labour, trade, commit, produce and acquire so that I can give Him a return from His investment in me.
So, how does this apply to prepping? For me, I now believe that the Lord has directed me to be diverse in the way I invest my monies, times, energies, thoughts, talents. A wise investor is diversified. They don't put 'all of their eggs in one basket'. That way, if a basket is dropped, you haven't lost everything.
I will invest in all the aspects of my life. My children and family. My physical, spiritual and mental well being. My homestead. My prepping skills, tools, stocks. My home and family protection. It's not all about anyone of these things. I can improve all areas by investing wisely and reaping the benefits of a productive life.
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