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Everything posted by TheCG

  1. I'm looking at all y'all's gardens, going, "Hey, the basil plant is still alive!" 'cause it's my only intentional plant that's still living. I need a new rosemary bush.
  2. I've read 20 or 30 of the Red River books and enjoyed them a lot. The library had them where I could download them on Kindle for a few weeks instead of hauling the whole stack of them home.
  3. I think I need to start getting my shopping done early, when it's cool out. Once it gets over 95F or so, it's just too hot to be traipsing across the parking lot and going in and out of cool buildings. When we left a friend's place around 8:30 last night, the truck still said it was 90F out. Today, I slept all the way until about 8:45 and sent hubby off to church on his own. I'm tired.
  4. Eye doctor appointment for me today. The kids go in about a month. Put in a bunch of job applications. Nothing back yet. I'll probably end up getting a job by my usual route, which is randomly bumping into somebody I know who needs something for _____. I think that with the oilfield picking back up, there's a bit of a glut of office workers because the husbands come out for the good-paying oilfield jobs and some of the wives tag along. I now have 2 of the ladies up at church trying to convince the church that they need a part-time office manager and that it should be me. Even if I have a job when it comes to that point, they do need SOMEbody and should put it out there.
  5. I think you figured out what to get her for Mother's Day (if she'd be technologically capable enough).
  6. It's never been a focus in med schools since the Rockefellers got involved in standardizing medicine. Most doctors might have one class that's an hour a week for one semester that covers diseases related to nutritional deficiencies, like rickets and beri beri, but nothing on optimal nutrition. I was reading something from a doctor who now focuses on nutrition - his son was hospitalized with complications from rickets (low low low vitamin D), and he had no clue that there was any problem! As Chris Kresser likes to point out, "There's no definition of health in medical textbooks, the primary focus is on disease."
  7. Unscented dryer sheets is what I've always been told. Just strew them about inside and shut it up for a day or 2, and they absorb the smell.
  8. I'm the sort that watches when they're doing things, and when it went off, then came back on at almost the proper speed, I called the office and asked the lady to tell them that whatever they just did worked, please don't break it again. She started laughing and called the guys who were working on it.
  9. Lookie, lookie, at the pretty picture! Blood Sugar Changes
  10. Nah, it was just on the wrong frequency. And there's no lines, so our options are satellite or microwave radio.
  11. Today, I made a double batch of low carb pancakes for Mom and me. She wanted some to take out camping, I wanted some for...NOMNOMNOM. They came out saltier, I think 'cause I used vegan cream cheese that's a bit saltier than regular and cooked them in salted butter. They're fine once you add plenty of low carb syrup. I need to remember to tell her to make sure she doesn't let the dog lick her plate since the syrup has xylitol. Internet people are trying to figure out why our internet is running at about .36 Mbps (we're supposed to be getting state-of-the-art-top-of-the-line-for-our-area 15 Mbps). They might be out here traipsing up on the roof later to move the receiver.
  12. You can come visit me and it'll be almost 90 today!
  13. Facebook doesn't like links without either a preview or the hyperlink, sadly. Or fortunately. Depending on your friends.
  14. They came out pretty tasty. I didn't have any cocoa powder, I should fix that. I tend not to use grains at all, as I have a known problem to enough of them that it's not something I want to experiment with. Seriously, 120g sugar raises my blood sugar to 135. A small bowl of real oatmeal (ie, not instant) raises it to 160. My system is weeeeeird.
  15. I have a bazillion resources, but as with most things, it's a matter of my brain cooperating enough for me to keep with it. 10 days in this time (I've done it several times, including for several months last summer, but tend to have issues about 3 weeks in). Oh, and these are about to come out of the oven: https://asweetlife.org/low-carb-gingerbread-blender-muffins/ Taking those, jalapeno poppers, and Zevia & vodka with me for drinking tonight instead of my usual margaritas or ciders.
  16. My main "prep" I'm working on right now is ME. I'm not going to be much use if I'm not healthy. Been doing keto pretty strictly for a week and a half, and dropped my fasting blood sugar by 30, from 115, which means it's not in the pre-diabetic range anymore and is actually at a pretty good number for anybody (80-85). Ate too many carbs yesterday (but not an absurd amount) and it was back up to 95 this morning. I'm going to have to stay on top of this. I'm slowly losing weight and starting to have more energy.
  17. For the cabbage? Preheat oven to 350F. Cut up a head of cabbage into bite size pieces. Dump it in a big baking pan. Add your favorite cooking oil. I used avocado oil. I've used bacon grease & butter before. Season it (I used Magic Mushroom Powder - that stuff is epic). Stir. Season it more, stir again. Shove in the oven. I left it in for about 25 minutes, I believe. Some pieces start getting black and crispy around the edges. You can stir it about halfway through.
  18. How to Grow Own Bread https://www.amazon.com/How-Grow-Bread-Step-Step-ebook/dp/B071ZSFBXW
  19. Yikes, Mt_ Rider! I hope you feel better soon. I'm cooking large amounts (for me - those of you who can can stop laughing now) of veggies at the moment. 2 cake pans (9x13) full of broccoli, a head of cabbage, a big package of sliced mushrooms, a thing of sliced fajita veggies, and a bag of chopped onions. I expect not to have anything but onions and peppers left by Wednesday...and maybe some of my tiny containers of mushrooms that are portioned out to go on top of burgers. The last time I made cabbage this way, the teenager went back for fourths! Gotta say, definitely one of the cheapest ways to feed a teen that isn't pure starch.
  20. And yet they're still showing them on their website.
  21. If you ever end up stranded near Midland and need a ride, give me a holler (and by Midland, I mean a couple hours either direction - I'm generally up for a bit of a drive and can arrange to have the kids go hang with the grandparents). I wonder what makes them do that. I'm hypermobile and have literally stood up out of bed and had my knee decide it was going to go the wrong direction that day. I saw a massage therapist earlier this week who told me that my normal standing position is with my knees hyper-extended...inward. I used to work at Target right after I hit my knee good skiing. The carts there were the right height for me so I could just grab on and keep my left leg straight the entire time I was walking.
  22. Huh. Guess we might be making a trip there Monday night. I think the kids still have gift cards...
  23. That's what they tried to tell me was wrong with my tires, when all that happened was we knocked the weight off when we hit a pot hole, and the guy fixing it didn't clean it enough for the new one to re-adhere, so 300 miles down the road, the wobble came back. I buy the lemon-flavored fish oil from Carlson (or from a professional supplement line I have access to). It doesn't taste fishy at all, and if you put it in a smoothie, it gives it a lovely lemony boost.
  24. My mother's paying out the wazoo for both of us to go see a functional medicine doctor next month. Regular doctors can't figure out what's going on with her, and she's worried about me 'cause my health is worse than hers was when she was my age.
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