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Posts posted by Twilight

  1. Frankly I have never seen growth or whatever on the sides of the well. That is the purpose of the sanitation caps required in this area to be put on all wells. I would not want to drink from such a well! If'crud' of any kind grows then the well should be cleaned and sanitized.

  2. I really do not want to say...but let me put it this way..it did not get broken, or have any problems .

    I bought it new,and it was still in new shape even though I have canned 100's of lbs of meat and

    vegetables though it.I believe it will last for another 100 years or more. So it is still in the same

    condition. I do not think it has been used since I "lost it".

  3. I think one is updated. I gave my daughter the other one so I can not compare them.

    The one I gave her is green and the one I have is the 9th edition and is brown and blue.

    Do not expect the websites mentioned to function.


    Once upon a time I had her very first book.

  4. Here I can take my jars especially if they have lids on them to one of the thrift

    shops and they sell them for $.25 each. They are always happy to get them.


    Don't anyone want water bottles for craft? I buy at least 12 doz per month......

    I am not crafty, they would not cost much to ship empty.


    Somewhere was it on here ? the website of that man that could turn anything

    into a thing of beauty or usefulness? He made his own "cabins" out of other peoples trash

  5. Single... makes all the difference........older makes it more difference.

    Health problems...... I still have not gotten the lawn mowed! I used to

    could mow it in 3-4 hours

    I have mowed on it three days this time..I still have the worse to do

    and the rate it is growing it all needs to be mowed again.

  6. Thanks for sharing!!! Ethel and her tribe...oh yes her trainers and Jeepers too

    are so wonderful!!


    Pets mean so much to the young and old alike.

    I am so glad the AL lets me take my dog into the building. She is often

    petted by the residents..rather makes their day in a very small way.

  7. No you do not mix gas and oil in a riding mower.

    One problems is most mowers are supposed to have no more than 10 % ethanol. Some stations have less or none and others may have as much as 20% or more ethanol. The amount is not required to be posted on the tank.

    Ethanol will separate and I think it is the water that makes it backfire. I am sure there are more people that have a better answer or way to explain this.

  8. A decluttered home is suspicious, a cluttered home is discouraging for those who come to 'pry'....... just saying... if you are thinking about getting that kind of book..


    I could be a critic on these books! Raising a strong willed child...... where were these types of books 30 years ago when I was raising my iron willed daughter alone?

  9. I changed gas stations. I run low regular most times but ever once in a while I use premium.

    Yes backfiring is enough to scare the wits outlet you or about give you heart failure, being as it is so sharp!

  10. I did not mention horns...because ..horns in the show world for dairy

    goats are not allowed. I would never own a horned goat because of

    the extreme danger of those sharp horns. They can kill other goats

    deliberately. They can hurt people unintentionally (or not). My DS was

    bending over a kid that moved its head just right to pierce her lower


    So thank you, MtRider, for mentioning them because that is a very important fact

    that should be known about goats.


    Carelessness/foolishness with wild animals can end in demise.

  11. Guess all I have to worry about is my computer even coming on. It is old,

    so therefore there are no updates for it. Google decided it is too old and I

    lost my gmail account on this computer. I cannot sign in period...


    Adobe has not worked for awhile.......


    I do have the smart phone but I like to honestly type instead of pecking.

  12. This job is a real concern to me. Although I have been on this place countless

    times visiting, I have never been in shall we say control of it.


    Folks, there is one thing that is imperative !!! You must practice consistency

    with animals. At all times they must respect you that YOU are the master!!

    Frankly I do not approve of farm animals as pets, they must preform for you

    some way.

    They can be therapy but even so obedience is a must.

    I have now been over there 5 times milking, feeding etc. They respect me as

    they have no respect for the owner. I demand it, they respond. In all actuality

    animals behind a fence look for a protector and it should be you. But if they

    find they can walk all over you...... you are worthless to them and it is a bad thing

    to be worthless to an animal.

    Goats for instance must never be allowed to climb on you and you start that

    training as kids. They were born on the ground they stay on the ground. You

    feed them bottles... you feed at udder height not with them standing on their back legs

    or on the fence! You keep them low they stay low. train them as babies and do not let

    them forget their training.

    Furthermore, the goats of all ages belong behind a fence. They get out, fix the fence,

    put up and maintain a hot wire if necessary but they stay where they are put.!! Why?

    Goats like to go where they can be a pest and get in trouble, try you to see what they

    can get by with. They can be greedy get into feed and gorge causing bloat, founder,

    or even death. They do not belong on the front porch, you should have enough pride

    to keep your porch clean of goat poop which you can only do by keeping the goats

    where they belong!!

    So the two spoilt does were out when I went over, had cleaned

    up the chicken feed etc.. made a royal pain of themselves. Their evening feed dishes

    were definitely deficient. I have no idea how they are getting out but I do know in

    my visits to this place in the past, they were out more than they were in. This is encouraging

    bad behavior!

    Not here but someone else I know... her goats got out and slept in the road, I have

    no idea how many goats she lost because of this but it was quite a few. Another one

    I know lived on the highway and her goats got hit and did vehicle damage that she had

    to pay for. Goats can eat poisonous plants and die. This is why it is the owners responsibility

    to control over where their animals are. And there are many other reasons.


    The LGD is kept in a small pen because he is food aggressive , train him now!! I stood

    over him and ever time he growled I said NO! that was the end of that.


    This is a seriously dysfunctional family I am working for and it is with deep concern I see

    these things for they have toddlers. But the children have no more training than the animals

    nor respect for them. The children are allowed to play in the feed room with the feed......

    which they do and waste no end of it.


    I had no idea things were in this condition and I do not ever want to take care of this place

    again. I want nothing to happen on my watch and I will take care of them as if they were my

    own animals. I pointed out before they left that the chickens are sick..she did not leave me medicine.

    I destroyed one this morning...

    Chicks that had been in the brooder in the house until they left

    Sunday were put out in the yard in a cage on the ground near the eaves of the house. There is little

    I can do to change the situation.

    All I can say this is a grief to me for I know the breeding of many of these does and hate to see

    what is happening to them.

    I grieve for the children because of what is happening to them, not sure they have the strength of character to

    make anything of themselves when they are on their own.


    Sorry this is so long ..but any of you that do not have animals but want to get them...learn all you can before

    you obtain any type of animal or poultry. Make sure you can provide a safe environment for them, be prepared

    for any type of weather,and please do not get in over your head!!! It takes strength ,money, determination to live

    on a farm and take care of everything. You also must be willing to listen to a mentor!

  13. I started doing this when in my teens..... have continued it off and on through the years....now have had two jobs in the last 30 days.

    For 21 years before I moved this place my DD and I had a nice show string of productive dairy goats. We got other people started in dairy goats and in showing etc.

    But when I sold the farm I retired from such life and did not miss it very much.


    My last two jobs have been with goats.......a fine show herd of meat goats and now a herd of dairy goats.

    This job will be for 6 days...and it entails far more than I was told but that is what you run into in a job like this.

    Like drive over 4 times a day and feed the week old kids...two times a day is the limit with what I am being paid so I toted the kids home and I am going to regret it. But I do not have time to be running over there all day.


    No I do not ever want to have goats again, or if I do 1-2 will be enough certainly not the over 40 I was caring for at our own farm.


    Just because I am retired does not mean that I have nothing to do!!!!! Besides two acres to mow , daily picking up of limbs, keeping the house in good repair, and the list goes on..... I only got 1/2 or less of the lawn mowed this morning, with all the rain we have had it has known no slowing down of growth.



  14. You know , it is easy to make your own trail mix........

    the way you like it best......... add or take away.


    For a sweet mix, I like roasted peanuts, chocolate

    chips, coconut-shreds or flakes, raisins or dates,


    the choices are numerous............

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