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Everything posted by mommato3boys

  1. July 4 We all slept late this morning. I think it was the exhaustion from the past two days. Even the children slept in this morning. Well Aidan had had a nightmare so I am sure that is why he was still asleep. It was 7:00 when I crawled out of bed. I heard someone outside talking to Boss and the puppies, I was surprised to see Ray. He looked a little embarrassed by being here. He said I know I didn’t ask to stay over I hope you don’t mind. I have done the morning chores. He said he had even been down to W’s place and did the morning chores down there. Ma’am if I may be so bold to say that baby down there well there is something wrong it cries all the time. I nodded and said I know, it has lost its momma and he has be drug across country and has been bounced between people it just does not know what to do. As I sat on the ledge drinking my tea I noticed K ride up at W&A’s place she stayed only for a short time but when you left she had a bundle with her. I am pretty sure that bundle was Zoe. A little while later W loaded a pack mule with several bundles of stuff and set off towards P’s place. Looks like that situation has worked itself out. I was proud of W&A at putting their pride aside and filling the need in K’s life. K needed Zoe more than W&A did. The life here in the valley is hard enough but to faced with a bleak future on top of the hard life…. I was in the summer kitchen working on lunch When R&V arrived. I had spent all morning everything out of the cabin (there wasn’t much we had left everything in boxes and totes since we knew this was a temporary place) and got the cottage set up. I had unpacked the food that we had brought with us and was surprised to find a few things I thought I was out of but also surprised to realize that I was out of some things that I thought I had plenty of like yeast. Any we were officially out of the cabin and it was coming down. As V came in she asked if I had talked to W&A and I told her no but I was a witness to and exchanged earlier. She just smiled. She said K’s countenance had change in the matter of hours. She knows she maybe facing life as a single mom but she said at least she is a mom. I smiled and said well Nana how does if feel to be a grandma. She laughed and said she didn’t know she doesn’t get to hold her grandchild much. We both laughed. She said that B was going to be staying with K and E would live with them once they found their own place. I told V not to plan on E staying long with them. She just looked at me and I nodded towards Ray. I said if you didn’t notice last night Ray had eyes for E and it looked like E had eyes for Ray too. She just drank her coffee and watched Ray helping SF take down the cabin since we had moved out of it and into the cottage. She asked what I knew about Ray. I told her not much other that he was single and in his mid 20s, he was part of the B group and had ridden as security on our WT. He had been working security here and hiring out to help people. He had limited resources. I told her we had talked earlier while he was helping me move boxes and he said that he had a few household items. But not a lot. He did have a pot belly stove and some cookware and he said his mother had given him his grandmother’s dishes and a few of her quilts but that was it. He reckon he was going to have to get in touch with Mr. Rock and see if he could get some more household items. Ray didn’t think he could ask a woman to marry him if he didn’t have anything to offer. That is why he is world for animals and food. As V&I sat the watching the children play she asked what that smell was. I told her it was probably the goat in the pit. Ray had taken pity on my last night and put the goat in the pit. I told her I didn’t even know he had stayed but he realized that we would need help for a few days so he has taken over the room in the loft of the barn until we don’t need his services or until he finds his own place. We heard a loud thump and looked to see the last of the cabin come down. It was said in a way but it was nice now that the green house would get all the sun. V watched as SF & Ray carried the wood into the green house and asked what they were doing. I told her we had decided to recycle the wood and use it to build raised bed in the green house. She said she noticed I had a water source for the green house. I told her that is the heat source that is was coming out of a hot spring and running through the green house down to the hot pool. She said a hot pool, I could have used that last night. I told her to come on and I would give her the grand tour. I showed her the cave, the bee house, the hot spring. She was surprised when I stopped at the cottage and picked up a rifle and told Connor to keep the children close to the house. V just looked at me. I told her that she had best get used to wearing a hand gun and carrying a rifle. Out here we are the intruders. She just shuddered and said I never thought about it that way. As we walked on she noticed I kept her on my left side and always looked at her when she spoke. She stopped and said you have lost your hearing haven’t you. I told her not completely but my hearing in my right ear had gotten worse. The hearing aids don’t help much if there is a lot of back ground noise. I told her about not hearing SF and him grounding me to the yard and then the cougar incident. If I thought she was white when I told her she would get used to toting a gun she was really white now. I thought she was going to faint on me. She started to cry and I said don’t you dare…don’t you dare cry I refused to give in and you are not giving in either. She just hugged my neck and said she would be strong. I showed her where I property line was, we walked on around and I showed her the gardens then we were back on the ledge. I told her this was my quite spot. I could sit here in the mornings and watch moose come to the stream below, I would watch the sun rise and set and I had a clear view of all three of the boys places. I could see for miles from my spot. I told her I could see smoke from different homesteads. I didn’t know whose was whose but I knew in which direction they were. I pointed across the river and said that smoke is probably form Michael and Lori’s place. The smoke over here at the bottom stream was from The Q’s, I told her she would love Quilty and I could wait to introduce here. She asked if that was the gentleman that rode out with us yesterday and I told her yes it was. I pointed towards the smoke from the other side of where base camp was and told her that was probably Mother’s place, and Doc&Mt.Rider’s place. And the smoke in the directly in front of us was probably Annarchy or Big D’s place. She agreed I had the best view of the valley and I could see for miles and miles. I told her I couldn’t wait til fall when the leaves started changing colors. She agreed. Our tour was interrupted by Sophie and Emma arguing over something and Connor trying to be the peace keeper. I told V I needed to go to Connor’s rescue. With the girls settled and Connor trying his hand at chopping wood under the watchful eye of B that had arrived while we were on our tour, Vand I started to work on dinner. We had gathered enough patty pan squash and zucchini that we would have grilled veggies for dinner. We also had enough lettuce, cucumbers and radishes that we could a salad also. We had enough potatoes left that we could have potato salad. V called my attention to the bread I had set to rise earlier. I had totally forgotten about it so I fired up the adobe oven and got it hot and stuck the bread. While the bread was cooking I went and got a couple of jars of apple pie filing and made a couple of apple pies. V had the potatoes cooking for the potato salad and was working on the salad. After the pies were ready to go in the oven I started on the veggies that were to be grilled. I called to SF and Ray and asked them if they would get the goat out of the pit and they said sure. R&B were impressed by the fire pit that we had built. Sf told R that he was the best thing that we had come up with since arriving. It made the meat so tender it feel off the bone. Ray and B carried it in and laid it on the work table and went back to working in the green house. Aidan and Connor were stacking rocks in the green house for raised beds and the girls were playing with a tea set at the other end of the kitchen. I looked around at my family and felt the peace settle over me. Mollie was watching over the children and Boss and Bryce along with R&V’s Australian sheep dogs were down in the valley with the other animals. The others arrived and we all settled down for lunch. SF asked the Lord to bless the food and gave thanks that R&V and all the children had arrived safely. After the prayer I noticed Aidan was signing to SF but didn’t catch all of it. But SF chuckled and spoke as he signed back to Aidan that yes this was our promised land…our land of milk and honey. The smile that light up Aidan’s face was beautiful. He smiled with his eyes. After we finished eating E,A&K and the older girls took care of the dishes. Sophie and Emma had fallen asleep on the lounge chairs and Aidan and the younger boys were asleep in the hammock. SF said that he and the guys were going to ride out and look around before it was time for evening chores. V was rocking Zoe. Yes God was good…..now if the others would hurry home…I said a quick prayer for P&N, T and Ty. I knew T would never join us here but I prayed that Ty would find his way here and soon K needed him. Several hours later A gathered up the Miller children and headed home. As she started down the mountain we noticed that the men folk were down at the lower pasture separating out our animals from others. B&W were herding their animals towards W’s barn and Ray was herding the others up the mountain to the barn. Connor ran to open up the barn and the stalls. Once the animals were in he closed all the stalls. He watched Ray give out the evening rations and hay. He sent Aidan and Connor with buckets to get water. R&SF joined us under the trees where it was cooler. R said that they had found some dry caves and that he wanted V to look at them tomorrow. They were across the river but they were close to us. Ray joined us and said he had also found a place also, it was across the river from W&A up the mountain. He said it didn’t have as good as view as my ledge but he could see for miles too. He said what he liked about over there was there were a lot of terrace like ledges so that he could have small terrace gardens and there is a large plateau to the side that he could use as a pasture. The whole time Ray was talking E was hanging his every word. V even noticed. R said he would take V to see what he had found tomorrow but for now there were beds calling their names. We said good night and R&V rode off and E rode off towards P’s place with Ray beside her. SF said he believed Ray had picked out that land with E in mind. It was not what he had originally picked out. I said really. He said yeah originally he had picked land down in the valley so he could grow grain but thought E would like the land up the mountain better. I just smiled and herded so very dirty children to the tub out back. I told SF he was on water duty. Several hours later after the children were bathed and in bed. I was sinking down in a hot tub myself. I felt the tired muscles relaxing. SF woke me and told me the water was getting cold and I needed to go to bed. I stood and wrapped my robe around me and headed to our bedroom after peeking in on the children. Hopefully tonight would be a better night for Aidan. It was later when SF come to bed, I asked him where he had been he said he and Ray had been talking.
  2. Once everyone was down the hill some of B’s group left. I noticed that the young ladies that P&N had escorted pulled out with B’s group. That situation is going to be interesting. Chef was down the hill right after lunch and joined V&I and some of the other women who had started working on a community meal for dinner. It was good to see Chef again. Although I think this trip was more stressful on him that he admits to, I wonder if he had family come on this WT, I will have to remember to ask him. Dinner that night was a grand affair with singing, dancing and lots of laughter. Many were telling about our WT and all that we had to deal with. We told of our new life in the valley then someone asked about the outside what It was like. It was quite for a while as the newcomers shared what they had faced, what they had to leave behind and what it had cost them. We all gave thanks for our safety then one of the young people said enough doom and gloom this is supposed to be a celebration let’s dance some more. So someone picked up the fiddle and the ho-down began. With sleeping children in our arms we wandered back to our wagons. The buckboard was down the mountain and loaded with all children’s thing plus what Kyle and his brother were able to bring. We decided to stay the night here at base camp since P&N would be going back to the Rocking J in the morning. P had Aidan and N was half carrying half leading Connor back to the wagon. Both P&N had disappointment written all over their face. At first they did not notice Abby & Beth’s wagon missing but when they had fixed their plates and looked for them I could tell they were heartbroken. They can deny it all they want but those boys feel something for those to girls and it is not contempt. I had to smile reminds me of how SF and I got started…boy if that was a love hate relationship nothing was. I prayed that if it was meant to be that the good Lord would put them together. Our wagon had been taken to the top so that they could use it to bring back the next group plus some things that they had to leave behind. After the stories tonight I am not sure I want them going back but I know there is no way I can stop them…I already asked and both boys just hugged me and said this is something they have to do. This is what they signed on for. P had said that this was a smaller group coming and not as many children. So they would be moving faster. They hope to be back in about 4 weeks. But the 4th is this weekend and you won’t be here. He just smiled and said we still have Labor Day in September we will make it a big party. I hung my head and said fine. SF was standing beside me and knew I did not like have my family separated like this but I knew they had to do what they thought best. After getting the children settled in bed we went about gathering stuff for P&N to have on the trip back. R had dug out ammo so that we didn’t have to ride back to the mountain and get more plus he gave them the rifles that his younger brother had sent them. The last time we were all together P&N had given R’s younger brother the money to buy them SK and he had come through with not only those but ammo. It was almost their entire savings but they got what they wanted. Now days I am glad they have them. R told sf that wasn’t all he sent them but they don’t know that. As we packed up stuff and got it ready to load on the pack mule in the morning we heard the eeriest soul wrenching sound…a lone wolf in the distance. It was almost like an omen of things to come. July 3 (before the roosters were even awake) The boys gentle shook me and their dad awake this morning. They were headed back up the hill. They wanted to be on the trail before the sun was up. SF and I crawled out of bed and walked with them to the base of the hill. P said be sure and tell Connor and Aidan they would be back. I asked if they didn’t want to stay and say good-bye. They both shook their heads; N said they had said their good-byes last night and both boys had cried so they didn’t want to put them through that again. P said they had left each boy a gift with a note. They hugged our necks and started up the hill. P stopped and turned back and asked if I had read T letters yet and I told him no I had planned on waiting until we were back on the mountain to do that. I said if you see him tell him I love him and to be careful oh and thank you for whatever it was he had sent. P nodded and we watch as they were just a glow of a flash light half way up the hill. I told SF I didn’t think I could go back to sleep so I headed to get breakfast started. He headed over to see if we could be able to get our animals today. It was too far for us to go back to the mountain then have to turn around and come back again. Mr. S was at our campsite when we got back he already had coffee. He asked if P&N were headed back to the Ranch this morning. I nodded and said they group going back wanted to be on the trail when the sun come up. P&N were the only ones to stay down here last night so they had to get an early start. He smiled and said that we had some mighty fine boys. I said thank you. I could tell that this was not a social call but he was waiting for SF to join us before he spoke. Coffee was just about ready when SF walked back he and Mr. S shook hands and was chatting while I went about making biscuits. Mr. S cleared his throat and said that we were aware that a good many orphans had come on this WT. SF said yes that we had 4 of them ourselves. Mr. S said he was thankful for that but he had a family of 4 older children that he still had not found a home for. The youngest was 4 and the oldest was 12. He said the problem was the 6 year old was ADHD and without his meds he was a terror on wheels. I looked at SF and said we don’t have room for 4 more where would I put them? Hang them from the rafters? Mr. S laughed and said he wasn’t thinking about us but W&A. SF&I just looked at each other. SF gave me a pointed stare and told Mr. S that he would have to W&A that we could not speak for them. But we would see that the children were care for until he could find them a home if need be. Mr. S said that he had his goddaughters looking after them right now but after yesterday he didn’t know how much longer that would last. It seems the 6 yr old lead them on a merry chase and they ended up drowned rats in the river. I tried to hide my smile but Mr. S looked me and said that it seems it was not the first time they were dunked either. He asked what was it with the men of my family tossing their women in the water. SF was laughing so hard that he almost tipped his chair over. He said Mr. S it is the only way we can cool their temper and ours. Both men were laughing by now especially when I stomped away. Mr. S looked at SF and said looks like there maybe another dunking on the horizon. Sf grinned and said yeah but I am afraid to guess which one will be the dunker and which one will be the dunkee. Both men were still chuckling when I returned with eggs and ham. I asked Mr. S if he cared to stay for breakfast and he declined he said that he would need to be at the table this morning to help with the Miller children. Before he left I said Mr. S the little boy’s behavioral problems can be controlled with diet and consistency. I said try giving him milk coffee this morning and see if that doesn’t slow him down. He asked if the caffeine would make him worse. I asked if the boy was left handed, he thought for a minute and I believe he is. I said that W is left handed and when he has a lot of sugar he is wild even to this day, but caffeine actually slows him down. It is like it wakes his brain up and his brain and body both work together then. I told him that W could not eat starchy food because they turned to sugar. That he had always been on a low carb high protein diet because of that. I said it wasn’t a cure by any means but it did help. (and yes IRL this is the way we live and the was W eats even to this day and he is 22 because he is right brain dominate meds affect him differently) He said he would give it a try. The sun was coming over the mountain when the adults started stirring. We decided to let the children sleep as long as possible this morning. Mr. Smith came back and spoke with W&A and they agreed to take the Miller children. So instead of 4 wagons and a buckboard we had 5 wagons and a buckboard. And lots of animals. Thanks goodness R&V had brought tack for all the horses. We saw Mr. Q and he looked like he was on cloud 9. He was packing and repacking his wagon. I walked over to offer him and hand and he introduced me to his family. The children were cousins so The Q’s were going to keep them together. I told him Ms. Q was going to flitter all over herself when he got home with all these children. He laughed and said she would be in hog heaven especially after I tell her Jerry will be joining us once he gets here with MtRider's family. He said but at the rate he was going Jerry would be back before he got the wagon packed and back to Mt Dew Lane. I motioned the older two children over and asked them if they ever played Tetris and they both nodded. I said well we are going to play Tetris you all this stuff. So up you go you are the stackers. So we spread out and handed stuff up and they stacked them as they were instructed. Mr. Q stood back and watched. I told him it was the hazards of growing up as a military brat you learn to stack stuff in small spaces. SF told him he was welcome to ride along with us we would be pulling out as soon as the animals were herded this way. So now we were up to 7 wagons and a buckboard and lots of animals. Mr. Q’s group was 5 and 1 wagon, R&V’s group had 5 and 4 wagons, W&A was a borrowed wagon and 9 people and then there were 6 of us headed back. Man that mountain was going to full. Kyle and B were put in charge of the animals. So they were rounding them up and heading them to the river to drink before we left. W was driving the borrowed wagon and A was driving the buckboard. I was ridding Trouble. R had insisted that P&N take two of the new horses on this trip. He said they would be fresher than Mister and Trouble. SF was on Mister. Kyle and B were on horses that R&V had brought. We have good bye and shared hugs and then headed to the mountain. I looked back to see Abby and Beth with tears rolling down their faces. I rode up to SF and said maybe W&A taking the Miller children wasn’t such a good idea. And he asked why and I told him about the girls standing there crying. He said they were upset that P&N had left without saying good bye. They thought the boys were staying in the valley. OH…… We waved good-bye to Mr.Q and his family as they turned on to Mt. Dew Lane. We headed to W&A place because they have the bigger barn. And the buckboard had most of Kyle and Sean’s stuff. We got all the animals settled for now until we could short them out later. R&V would be staying at N’s place and K, E&B would be staying at P’s place until the boys returned and they decided where they would select their land. I told them once they get freshened up to come up the mountain and we would make lunch. SF tied Trouble to the back of the buckboard as I took the reins and turned the mule team to the trail up the side of the mountain. When we arrived Ray come out of the barn to meet us. We introduced our children to him and each of the boys shook his hand but the girls hid behind me. I told him the others would be up as soon as they washed the trail dust off. He said he would be going then. I said there was no rush he was welcome to stay, meet everyone and have dinner with us. He said speaking of dinner he went fishing again and there was a whole barrel of fish. I told him had better start cleaning them because that is what we would have for dinner. Ray was so easy to read, I asked him what he had eating while we were gone he said he had roasted the squirrels that was left and the dove and quail and he had fish but had been his cooking. I laughed and told him to start on the fish and I would start on the hushpuppies and grits. While Ray cleaned the fish Connor and Aidan stood watching him. The girls were cranky so gave them biscuits and jerky as a snack and told them we would eat supper when they got up. When I entered the summer kitchen the boys were starting to the side watching Ray. I sent them to help SF in unloading the wagon. I told Aidan to bring me the bag of potatoes. Ray looked at the boys as they left and said so the deaf boy that y’all are taking in. I just looked at him. Ray looked up when I didn’t speak and realized he had offended me. He said sorry ma’am I didn’t mean to offend you. I just had heard Mr. S talking about him. I just nodded and told him that we would need all the fish that there would be 21 of us including him. Ray looked up and said 21 people? I said yes and half of those are over the age 16 and that is not all of us. I told him that P&N had gone back to the Rocking J to help get Mt.Rider’s family here. They had not made the ranch when this group had left. I had the fish on the grill and the oil heating to cook the hush puppies and the grits were cooking. Then I remembered the 5 cabbages that the P&N had brought back with them and I went to find them so I could make coleslaw. Looking at the unorganized mess felt like a weight on my shoulders. I still had to get the cabin emptied and moved into the cottage then I had to unpacked all the children’s things and find out what they have and what they need. I found the cabbage and grabbed 2 and headed back to the summer kitchen. R&V and everyone from the valley had arrived. Zoe wasn’t happy and A looked to be at her wits end. I was going to have to talk to A and find out how she feels about having so many children. Ray walked over and asked who the black haired girl was. I had to look around to see who he was talking about. I said oh that was E that is R&V’s youngest daughter. I told him we would introduce him as soon as everyone was in here. E noticed Ray staring and smiled. I leaned over and whispered to Ray that if he kept staring he was going to chase her off. He blushed and excused himself. At dinner we discussed the lay out the land. SF pulled out the map that we had made and we told them about the caves that had been found in the mountains. We told them we would start at the top and work our way back this way so they could see the whole valley before they made a choice as to where they wanted to live. V said that was easy they wanted to be down here near us. Ray told his he had ridden across the river while we were gone and he was thinking about asking for his 40 acres over there. R said they didn’t want to be right on top of us but they did want to be close. B said he wanted a cave to live in. V said that might be too damp for her. I told her the ones that do not have water in them seem to be pretty dry. I told her about Mt.Rider and Mother’s clans being cave dwellers. R said it would give them somewhere for this winter at least. Then they could build. The first thing was to find land and get a barn and corral built a green house built and a garden in. Ray said he had thought about any of that. That he was staying at the Lodge and had been working security and hiring out. SF said that he may have a full time job here for a while if he would work for food. Ray said that is better than nothing. That he had 2 pigs and 3 chicks. R told him if he was serious about hiring on he would need all the help he could get. The sun was going down when W&A rounded up their clan and started back down the hill. K burst into tears and headed towards P place B went with her to make sure she got back ok. V and I just looked at one another. Yes I would have to talk to A tomorrow. The girls were curled up in SF’s lap and Aidan had fallen asleep at the table. I got a bucket and filled it with warm water and woke Aidan and sent him to wash up and get in bed. SF told Connor to get a bucket and fill it with warm water and follow me. At first I thought we were going to have problems but he stood and followed. After I got those 2 in bed I picked up Sophie and SF carried Emma to their room and we tucked them in. I told SF they could get a bath tomorrow.
  3. (sorry these are long but I still haven't figure out the new computer at home so I won't be posting a lot this weekend while I work out the the bugs) Day 2 of the new arrivals..... Morning came early the guys were up and moving slowly but moving before the sun was up. I had pancakes with fresh honey and LOTS of coffee for them. All of the men folks headed back up the “hill” this morning even R&B&Kyle went up to help. A was exhausted this morning from being up with Zoe off and on all night. K face was swollen from crying all night. And this momma’s heart was breaking. No super glue, duct tape or hot glue gun was going to fix this problem. I told A to go back to bed and leave Zoe with me and I would watch Sean too. She was in tears when she hugged my neck and headed back to their tent. V joined me as we sat watching the children playing. Sean didn’t seem to mind that Aidan was deaf he still treated him like he was a normal kid. Connor was pouting because he had to stay behind with the babies. I told him that he was the man of the camp today and he would do the manly things. He said like what? I said well like gather more fire wood and help haul water and be the taste tester since SF had gone up the hill to help I didn’t have a taste tester. He giggled then and ran off to the back of their wagon and pulled out a little red wagon and headed off to the tree line. V and I just cracked up laughing. She said he is going to make sure he has enough fire wood. I smiled and said hey he is learning early use your resources wisely. We chuckled again. Emma and Sophie had joined us out by the fire. They had brought their wobbies (blankets) and were curled up in my lap. They don’t appear to morning girls; maybe that will change once we are back on the mountain and in a routine. The girls had fallen back asleep when Zoe woke and K waved me off to stay still that she would tend to Zoe. I asked V to help me get them back in bed that I needed to get up and get to work on lunch and dinner. She picked Emma and E picked up Sophie and headed to the wagon. Hopefully the girls would sleep a while longer. Lunch today was going to be leftovers for women and children. There are enough refried beans left lunch yesterday for all of us to eat off today. I sent biscuits and jerky and dried fruit up the hill with the guys. Dinner will be the turkeys. V and I decided to wrap the turkeys and put them in the hot coals this morning and let them cook all day. V said they had brought some fresh potatoes with them and she also had carrots. She scrubbed the potatoes and carrots while I got the green beans to soaking then started on the tortilla shells. I could see the doubt written all over her face and I smiled, it is too late to turn back now. V looked at me and said that is what I am afraid of. I asked her what she was so worried about. She said that they would starve their first winter and freeze to death. I told her that when we received their letter we tripled our gardens that if everything produced we would have enough for both families. Rice and corn might be in short supply but we will have pretty much everything else even peanuts. She smiled then, they had been peanut growers in their former life. She asked about the corn & rice. I told her about the storm, N cabin burning the river rising and washing half of P’s rice crops away and the cabin raisings and expansions. As for the corn I didn’t take into consideration any animals they might have brought with them. We have about 30 acres of field corn for the animals but we seemed to have a population explosion not only in people but animals. I told her about the pigs, lambs and kids that have arrived since we have been here. She sat there with her mouth hanging open. I told we do have flies here in the valley so you will need to close your mouth before you catch one or two. She smiled and said that she could do with the protein. We both giggled. Then she surprised me and told me that they had brought enough rice for both families for a year and that they had enough animal grain to get through the winter. That Buster and Nellie (her in-laws) had stocked them up with dry goods and grains before they forced them to leave. Both her in-laws are in their 90s and were unable to make the trip with R&V but wanted to make sure their children were safe. So they paid for all three boys to take their families to safe zones. #1 son went north to WV to the mountains where his wife’s family was; her daddy and brother had come to move them up there whether they like it or not. Her momma wanted and needed her back on their mountain. R is #2 son and they are with us and #3 son headed to South Dakota where his is wife is from. Buster and Nelle had spent about a year stocking food and livestock for the boys to take with them. V said Buster made sure that each boy had breeding stock as well as butchering stock. She said they made the ranch with a bull and two heifers, and 4 steers, they have 1 boar and 2 sows and one sow delivered while there were there. She said they left half the piglets behind for the Rocks. She said they have 4 milk goats and a buck, a pair of ewes and a ram. They also have geese and chickens but they lost their rooster on the way. I told her I had a couple of roos that she could pick from. She said Buster also sent me horses and mules. I told her I was not taking them. She smiled and said well it is too late to take them back now so you are stuck with them and don’t you dare insult R by refusing them. Darn she had me there she had gotten better at this game. She grinned because she knew she had won. V went on to explain that one of the wagons was loaded with canning equipment. She said that Nellie had went shopping just for me and sent me all sorts of canning equipment so that I could teach V how to can. I asked her if she had jars she laughed and said that she had lots and lots of jars. That B’s wagon was nothing but jars, lids and drying frames. Plus there were 10 All American 921 canners in the wagon. I almost fell out when she told me that. I asked why so many. She was grinning ear to ear and said Nellie’s exact words were “MERRY CHRISTMAS” she sent one for me and for each one of the kids plus you. I was shocked and here I had just sent her a box of yarn and she sent me a canner. She said Buster had given R all of his old farm equipment that has to be pulled by the mule teams. She could tell I was in a state of shock because I dropped on to the chair and my mouth must have been hanging open because she said remember the flies. Wow I remember Buster’s old barn it was full of stuff. She said that Buster and R have spent the past 6 months cleaning everything up and making sure it was in good working order. I said I hope he split it all between the three boys. She said nope that Buster knew that the other two where head to families that had all of that stuff and they would not have to start over but just provide muscle to their families. They knew we would be the ones that would have to start over. And you know Nellie sees you and SF as family so they were thrilled when they learned we would be joining you in the valley. So Buster supplied them with pick-up trucks and cattle trailers stocked with enough food, guns and ammo to feed and defend an army I said I wished they had come with you. She said they could not have made the trip. R’s oldest brother is took them with him. It was the shortest trip and they made it with just a few problems. They got in with a convoy and only had one run in up in TN but they stayed most to major high ways and didn’t stop for anything. They had re-enforced their vehicles with steal plates and ran any road blocks they came across. They had their own gas truck. His brother said it cost half of what they had to join the convoy but it is the only way to go. I asked if they had heard from the youngest brother. She said that the last time they had heard from Nellie they had made it to the state line of South Dakota but she didn’t know if they had made it to her sil parent’s place. She said they were not too worried about them since they were in a convoy headed to Canada and it was to pass with in 10 miles of her sil parent’s place. They have the address and are to send letters once they arrive. I asked if Buster and Nellie were safe. She said yes that #1bil and sil made to WV and Buster and Nellie are doing okay. They are having a hard time adjusting to the thin air but other than they are doing well. She said they hit it off with sil family so all is good right now in their world. I asked her if they had any problems making it to the Rocking J. She said that they had joined a convoy also as a matter of fact T was part of that he was riding as security. Mississippi was the worse part they had blown the major bridges and was running barges and they were charging to haul you across. We ended going up to TN and crossing on a back road. How did you get the wagons here she said they had hired two semis to drive them across country that is how they found T. He was wondering where you were and when he saw me and he asked had I heard from you and I told him we were headed to meet you that you were safe and sound. He rode shotgun on one of the semis with our stuff. But how did you get to the ranch? She said that they had ridden in the sleeper cabs of the semis that most trucks had two drivers that would switch off with out stopping and that for a price they would let you ride in the sleeper. She said I have foot locker from T for you. He said that I was to make sure that I gave to you and no one else that you had the key. Key? I don’t have a key. V said that T her that he had sent it to me in a letter. Oh it must be in one of the letters that the boys gave me. I haven’t read them yet. V said that it was something that we could use. Knowing him there is no telling what he sent me. V said there were also other packages at the Rocking J for you so they are also in one of the wagons. The conversation turned back to what she had brought with her. She said that one wagon had plexi-glass and plumbing stuff for the hand pumps. There is also metal roofing. E slept on it all the way here. Buster made sure that we each had a pot belly stove and wood heater. They’re not big but Buster said that during the winter both should heat a cabin with no problem. V said that she had took my advice and hit the sporting good stores and stocked up on camp stoves, cast iron cookware and fuel before things had gotten really bad. She said south AL didn’t start having shortages until about six months ago then we totally cut off. Not a trickle but completely shut off. If you didn’t have it there was no way to get it. A lot of small towns didn’t suffer at first because no one had hit them yet but the last few weeks before we left even the local hardware stores were empty. The old-timers that ran the local hardware stores had seen what was coming about two years ago and had triple ordered and most got everything they ordered so we were able to get things easier. Paid more but at least they were still taking green backs well that was until the local bank failed then unless you had gold or silver you were not getting anything. I asked about the gas. She said that Buster had installed two extra farm grade gas tanks about a year ago and then had right after that he had all three filled. The convoys we joined each filled their gas trucks from the farm. She said what really broke their hearts when they left was Buster setting fire to everything. He refused to leave anything behind that could be used by the renegades that were taking over. He destroyed the fields and burned all 4 homes. He said that he had not worked 70 years just to be run off his land so that some scoundrel could profit from his blood sweat and tears. She said that he was just happy to know that the money he had worked so hard for over the past 70 years was being put to good use and didn’t go up in smoke when the bank failed. She did say that they had been one of the lucky families and had only lost a couple of thousands of dollars between all four families that Buster had made them start taking their money out of the banks back towards the end of 2008 and start converting it into dry goods, guns & ammo and gold and silver. She said her youngest bil had hit pawn shops with is wife (who at one time had been a jewelry buyer for a larger chain so she knew what real and what wasn’t) and they had bought the family’s gold and silver trays and made their own nuggets and coins. Buster had made each boy buy a rifle, shotgun and hand gun for each member of their family and enough ammo to last a major gun fight. Then Nellie went back and bought twice as much ammo as they did. V said the one thing they were worried about was meds and the local drug store where E had worked as a cashier (she was the only other employee other than the old pharmacist and his wife) closed and he still had some antibiotics and stuff so he gave it all to E to bring here. He said he could not send it back and he didn’t want to leave it in the store. He wrote out directions on how to mix the dry stuff to make liquid. He said that it should be good for 3-5 years even though it says 1 year shelf life. He sent pain killers too. Do we have a doctor or medical staff here in the valley that we could give that too? I told her that we would get with Mr. S when he got down here and let him know what you have and he can put it with the others. We have some antibiotics here but I know he will be relieved to have more. And yes we have trained medical staff in camp. There was some medical staff that was supposed to arrive on this wagon train. She said that they also brought OTC meds. The pharmacist took boxes and boxed up all his OTC meds and sent with us. Anything he thought we might need he sent it. There wasn’t a lot since he was a small store but it was all free. I asked if he wouldn’t get in trouble. V said that night after the store closed his daughter arrived to take him and his wife to her house and she was a doctor so she had access to anything they would need. She said one thing about having in-laws that survived the first depression and the wars is they knew how to stock and what was needed. She said that Buster had even sent us ammo. I looked at her kind of strange and asked how did he know what to send. She reminded me the last we were there we discussed guns and ammo and he remembered what you had plus you had mentions in a letter about the hand guns you had bought so he took your letters and went shopping. I smiled and said I miss them terribly. They were so good to us, I told her I was jealous of her she had such wonderful in-laws. She said she had been blessed with a wonderful husband but awesome in-laws. We sat and silence for a while as she chopped and diced carrots and potatoes and I rolled out tortilla shells. I looked at her and asked her how did Buster and Nellie handle pulling all their money of the bank. I told her I knew they were savers and NEVER spent money unless it was on something that they needed. She said they had surprised them all, Christmas of 2008 that had called all three boys and their wives to their house and sat them down and TOLD them what they were going to do and what their plans were. Christmas that year was new winter boots, and winter coats as in northern winter clothes. They also gave us rain gear and fishing equipment. They had outfitted the whole family in northern winter clothes…long johns, flannel shirts, down-filled vest, fleece lined gloves and boots and wool toboggans. Needless to say the grandkids were shocked. She said then Buster handed us each an envelope with money in it and a list of other clothing items we were to purchases. We were all surprised by them spending money but as Nellie said this was the rainy day that they had been saving for so they had no problems spending the money. She said Nelle had even given B and extra envelope and told him that he was in charge of buying bikes for us like what you guys had when you were there. I laughed and said you mean to tell me that you have a mountain bike. She just nodded and said every one of them had one and extra parts. She said Nellie and Buster had sat at the dinning room table with tears rolling down their faces as they explained that the time had come that they had hoped they would never see and that this is what they had worked so hard and saved so much for…then they laid out their plans. She said at first they had planned on staying and just making all of us leave but the six of us refused to take a dime if they didn’t go with one of us. So it was decided that since bil#1 had the shortest trip that they would go with him. She apologized for not telling me all of this before but like me she didn’t trust anyone and didn’t trust the mail. She said all of what they had done and purchased had been done on the slide and cash was paid for everything so there was no trace as to who bought what. She said that Buster had tried to get them to leave and come with us when we left but R didn’t feel he could leave then because there was still too much that had to be done. She went on to say not only that but had if we had left when you did we would not have been able to bring all the animals with us. We didn’t get the animals until a few weeks after you left. She said that Buster had traded all his farm equipment, seeds and government approved loan for farmers for the last of the live stock right after we left. I wrapped my arms around her should and told her that Buster and Nellie had given them the greatest gift they could. That those old farm pieces might not seem like much but it was a new life and hopefully a safe life. We sat holding each other crying when I felt a small tug on my sleeve; I looked to see Sophie standing there with her woobie and her thumb in her mouth. I picked her up and put her in my lap and cuddled my new daughter. Daughter….I never thought I would say that word...it sure has a nice ring to it…DAUGHTER
  4. Well you can always name them good suth'rn names like Billy Bob and Joe Bob and if it girls then you call them Betty Sue and Peggy Jo or how about Bo, Luke and Daisy remember Dukes of Hazard? M23B slinking back to her little corner of the mountain snickering.
  5. SF and W went up the hill leaving A and me at base camp. They took the wagon and buckboard up the pass to where the pulleys were. They were going to help get the wagons down. The B group was coming down first then R&V and our group. Then Mother’s group Annarchy’s group and last but not least Mt.Rider’s group (well that is if they could keep her at base camp and not climbing the mountains to her babies.) Several of us had set up a makeshift kitchen and had started preparing food. We knew Chef was at the top and would be one of the last down so he would be feeding the ones on top but we needed to feed the ones down here. A started grinding beans to make bean burritos and I started on the flour tortillas. It seemed like hours before we heard the first wagon start down the pass. We could hear the pulley system and men yelling. There was a shout then cheers. We knew the first wagon had made it to the plateau safely. Around lunch time the first wagons were rolling into base camp. I noticed N was driving the wagon for one family. The look on his face had me worried, his jaw as set and it was almost like he was clenching his teeth. N was such a happy go lucky kid. He never met a stranger and was always always polite even to the rudest people. Something was wrong and I didn’t know yet what it was. He saw me instantly and waved. After he parked the wagon he ran over, hugged me and said he needed to get back up top. Before he left I told him son there was a fire while you was gone. He hugged me again and said he knew all about Mr. S had told him and he couldn’t wait to see his new house but he was leaving as soon as the Ranch wagons were unloaded. They wanted to get back to the ranch and back here as quick as possible. He handed me a letter he said it was from Uncle T. It seems T had hired on as security for truckers and that he had come through the town not far from the Rocking J. T had called the cell phone and the guys answered it. He also said that he gave T my list and said he would see what he could do. I asked him if he give T some money and he said no T said hold on to it that it was too dangerous for him to have nuggets on him while he was on the road. N said he did leave some with Mr. Rock because T was to contact Mr. Rock and make arrangements to get you the stuff. Mr. Rock also has him looking for some stuff that is needed here in the valley. N said that he and P would come down with R&V and the kids and spend the night down here at base camp. N said that they had to move quickly and get to the ranch and back here ASAP that Mt.Rider’s family was still there. I was confused I said but I thought the children were already at the ranch and were to come with you. He said the children did but her brother, parents and the rest of her family had not made it to the ranch when we left. He gave me a quick run down on what had happen and that Jerry had to go in and get them out. I looked over his shoulder at Mt.Rider and my heart sank. I asked him if she knew and he said no that Mr. S will tell her himself when he comes down the mountain. N said he and P had left some stuff at the ranch also that they would be bringing and wanted to know if they could take the wagon. I told him I had no problem with them taking the wagon and that it was at the top of the mountain. He said he would tell them not to send it back down. N said they would also like to take the horses if possible. I told him that they could only have 3 that Tink had delivered the night of the storm that had burned his cabin. He looked at me funny and said he didn’t even know she had bred. I told obviously the previous owner didn’t know either or he would not have sold her to us. He asked what she had and I told him it was a little filly and that his dad had started calling her Waffles. He just hooted and said leave to dad and his warped sense of humor to come up with a name like that. I told him I tried to change it but she only answered to Waffles so we are stuck with that silly name. I asked if there would be enough animals to pull the wagons. He said that he would check with R&V about using 4 of the horses they brought with them. R already told me that 4 of the horses were yours. Mine? Yes yours it’s their way of thanking you for bringing them to safety. I told him not to get too comfortable with those horses because he knew I would not take them. N laughed and said I had already told R&V you would not take them but they are bound and determined that those horses will be yours. You know you never win against them when they tag team you. I sighed because I knew he was right. R would start and then V would pick up and wear me down then R would jump right back in. In three days time I will be the proud owner of 4 new horses. I looked at N and asked which ones. He grinned and said you will have to wait and see. Oh now that is not fair. He grinned and said but you will like them I promise. I was racking my brain trying to remember which horses they had. N caught on to what I was doing and told me I would never figure it because they didn’t have these 4 the last time you saw them. Humph…he laughed at me as he grabbed a tortilla shell and slapped some beans on it. I asked him who the two young ladies were standing over there staring at him. He looked over his should and swallowed hard. He said trouble with a capital “T” N said they were Mr. S goddaughters and he asked me & P to get them safely to the valley. Mom they are so out of their element it is not funny. They are used to servants and some one to wait on them hand and foot. The younger one is so ditzy it is not funny. I should have let her drown the first night after we left the ranch. I looked at him with horror and said that is so unlike you what an ugly thing to say. He just chuckled and said wait to you get to know them you will wish I had. But there was something in the look he gave them that had me thinking there might be something else. I asked him what their names were and he said the taller one is Elizabeth and she is 23 then there is Abigail and she is only 19. I could hear the tolerance in his voice when he spoke of Elizabeth but when he mention Abigail the emotions in his voice said one thing but his stance and posture said another. Oh this should be interesting very interesting. Both girls looked totally lost and it was obvious that they didn’t know anyone. I told him to be use and tell them they could join us. I thought he was going to choke on the 3rd burrito he was shoving in his mouth be said he would tell them on his way back up the hill. He hugged me and walked towards the young ladies. I know he saw him stop but I was already making more tortilla shells. I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of N jogging back up the “hill” to help the others. Lunch dragged on and we were still serving burritos when we started on dinner. A&I were fixing two big pots of squirrel dumplings. All of B’s group was down and the last of Annarchy’s group just arrived. Our group was next. It was almost dinner time when the first of R&V’s wagon come down the hill. It was a wonderful reunion. I could tell the stress of the trip had just about done V in, hopefully the peace of the valley would restore some of her zest for life. We worked to get dinner ready because R said that the other 5 wagons were already on the plateau and were coming down right behind them. I looked at V funny and said 6 wagons? She chuckled at my expression and said yeah 6 wagons. We had 4, Kyle & family had one and Connor & family had one wagon. Connor and family had one I was shocked to hear that. She told me that Mrs. Rock had taken some of the money that the children’s family had left and went and bought different sizes of clothes for the kids because they had nothing accept the clothes on their backs when they arrived. She had to supply them with bedding and stuff for the trip plus the girls were still potty training and Sophie still has accidents now and then at night so she sent extra. Mrs. Rock knew you would not have anything. She sent boots, coats, gloves etc. She said what they out grew could be passed on to others in the valley. Mr. Rock was able to get them some animals they have a couple of milk goats and some chickens and geese. They also have a pair of cows; he said you would know what to do with them. He said he was pretty sure there was a bull in the valley. She smiled and said if not we brought Buster’s (her fil) prize bull with us. V had also brought a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Rock telling us all about Connor, Aidan and the girls. When she handed it to me it was a freaking book well more like an expanding folder with a rubber band around it. She said Mr. Rock told her that was all the children’s papers, our custody/adoption papers and a letter from him and the Ms. explaining everything they knew about the children and their circumstances. V said oh and he said tell you there was another letter in the concerning the other matter that you would know what it was. An hour or so later guys rode into camp with the last wagon and in that wagon were our precious children all 7 of them SEVEN!!! Oh my! My family doubled in the blink of an eye. I was getting hugs from PW&N and I saw A had her arms wrapped around her brothers. We watched as K with tears streaming down her faced handed A a sleeping Zoe. W walked over and wrapped his arms around A. We all knew this was hard on K because she wanted children so bad but could not have them. Not only that but K&A did not get along. They tolerated each other but A had done something before to hurt P and K took his side and never really forgiven A for hurting him. It was going to be interesting on the mountain for a while. P walked over and hugged K (she was the sister he never had, even though they fought like cats and dogs no one else dare fight against one of them or they would have to take on both of them.) He gently walked K over to V who took K to the wagon and held her while she cried. When I looked back I saw W, A& Kyle huddled together. A looked totally terrified standing there holding Zoe. But my attention by drawn to the two little mops of curls that were in my husbands arms. I knew one was Emma and one was Sophie but I wasn’t sure which one was which. And standing next to him were two grubby looking boys that already were tugging at my heart strings. Connor walked over and shook my and introduced himself. He then introduced Aidan who was standing by P and Emma and Sophie Emma had strawberry blond hair and green eyes and Sophie was the cotton top with steel blue eyes. She could have been W’s daughter. He had the same color eyes at that age. She was also sucked her thumb, Emma was a hair twister. I hugged Connor and Aidan and told them I was so happy that they had made it to the valley and I couldn’t wait to show them their new room. I noticed a baseball in Aidan’s and asked him if he like baseball. His eyes were as large as saucers when he realized I knew sign language. Connor just smiled. The girls had no intention of being left out wiggled out of SF arms and ran over to receive their own hugs. E took all the kids including Sean to get them washed up for dinner. A had put Zoe in the port-a-crib that they had used on the trail and she was helping dish up squirrel dumplings for everyone. P noticed Elizabeth and Abigail were trying to prepare their dinner but still had not managed to keep the fire under the pot lit. He come over and asked if there were enough dumplings for 2 more. I had seen him watching the young ladies and I told him yes that we had cooked 2 pots of dumplings. He headed walked over and invited them to dinner. A few minutes later he came stomping back mumbling something about ungrateful wenches. N looked over and just shook his head. I said you boys need to at least go and get their fire started. I head a not on your life and that ain’t happening. SF looked at me and I looked at the boys. He walked over and ask who were those imposters and what had they done with our boys. I told him I didn’t know but I didn’t like them one little bit. R&V were standing close by chuckling. I looked at V and said alright what gives. So between both R&V we got a graphic picture of what the trip had been like. B even said he didn’t blame N&P that the girls were spoiled brats. V said that even Chef had been ready to strangle them. The look on my face must have been priceless because my whole clan cracked up laughing even Sophie and Emma was laughing. Wow those girls must be really spoiled if Chef was ready to strangle them. I told them I have never heard Chef utter one harsh word or raise his voice. N said well he made up for with those two on this trip. Later while we were setting around the campfire catching up on the outside world which I really wasn't surprised to find had turned so violent so fast...government officials and law enforcement were hunkered down trying to keep a low profile. Most were on mobster's payrolls. And the few good guys had a hard time hanging on to what they had. I saw P&N each dish up a bowl of dumplings and take a loaf of sourdough bread over to the young ladies. Both were in tears at their failure tonight. A few minutes latter SF nudged me with his foot and nodded towards the girls’ wagon both N&P each was holding one of the girls as their cried. They both had the “oh crap what have I gotten myself into” look on their faces. I couldn’t help but smile. Yep it was going to be interesting on the mountain for a while. The twins were sound asleep one in my lab and one in SF’s lap so we tucked them into bed in their wagon. SF went and lifted Aidan and put him in the wagon also. He was so small for his age. He was more the size of a 6 year old instead of a 9 year old. But then again Connor was small for a 12 year old. I gently shook Connor and got him awake enough to walk back to the wagon and helped him climb into bed. Kyle had taken Sean and put him to bed so that only left Zoe. And bless her heart she was not a happy baby. A was almost in tears when K walked over and said may I. A handed her over and K showed A how she had dealt with Zoe on the trip. Zoe was a colicicy baby and anything would set her off. After K had Zoe asleep she headed off to bed herself. Today had been stressful for her and her heart was broken. R&V along with their other two said their good nights and headed to their wagon. A had turned in also. That just left SF, W and me around the fire. P&N were still over with Abby and Beth (Abigail and Elizabeth). Out of the blue W said he didn’t know if them taking Zoe was such a good idea. I asked how did A feel. He said she was not really keen on the idea either that they had always talked about adopting older children as in none less than 6 years old instead of having children of their own. He just looked at me and said mom what are we going to do we really didn’t have a choice in this. He said if we had a choice we would take all the older orphans that came on the wagon train that didn’t have a choice as to having Zoe. I just looked at him; he said I know that didn’t come out right. I smiled and said I know what you meant. I said son you know the greatest gift you can give is love. He nodded. I said you know K and her husband can not have children. He nodded again. And you have no papers giving you custody of Zoe correct. He said Kyle said the mother didn’t give him anything and that Kyle had heard she had been killed right after she dropped the baby off with them. So what is stopping you from leaving Zoe with K? K has become her mother over the past few months and she is attached to K as much as K is attached to her. He asked if we would think less of him and A if they left Zoe with K. My heart broke then and I just looked at him SF reached over and laid his hand on W's shoulder and said son we would not think any less of if you did not take Zoe but we would be very angry if you did take her then refused to meet her needs. SF went on to say that right now K needed Zoe about as much as Zoe needed a mother. The chances of K’s husband making here is slim to none and she needs someone and right now Zoe is what K needs. W just nodded and said he would talk to A and he excused himself and headed off to bed. SF said oh what a tangle web we weave for ourselves. I just nodded as my gazed fixed across camp on another lone wagon and four young people sitting around the fire. He saw where my attention was and reached over and took my hand. He said they could do worse. I looked at him and said who W&A? He laughed and said no P&N. I said if it is meant to be it will happen. I am just so shocked at their behavior. P&N have always been such gentlemen. I have never seen them react to someone this way. Hormones! I looked at SF and said what? He smiled and said hormones; we will just have to let nature take its course with those 4. I talked with Mr. S a little while we on the hill today and he said the girls were in for a rude awakening. Their parents had spoiled them and sheltered them. When their parents were killed they had no one to take them so the attorney contacted Mr. S since he was to be their guardian at one time. It seems the parents never updated their will and Mr. S was the executor of the will. He instructed the lawyer to sell everything for the most he could get for it except the silver and gold except what the girls wanted to keep and sent a list of what they would need. The lawyer hired armed guards to get the girls safely to the Rocking J where Mr. R had purchased them a wagon and horses. They unloaded everything out of the truck into the wagon and they had been staying with the Rocks for about a month until everyone arrived and our people could get there. I just sat there in daze. Our family had basically doubled over night, my best friend who is more of a sister than my own sister and her family had fled from their home in fear of their lives. A’s brothers were sent to her for the same reason. And little Zoe, lost her mother now has a new and one that wants to be her mother. I looked at SF and said do you think W&A will make the right decision. He just shook his head and said I really don’t think there will be a wrong decision when it comes down to it. A is scared to death of Zoe. No matter what W&A say they will love her no matter what. They just are not ready for babies and to have one thrust upon has them both shaking in their boots. I looked at him and smiled. It is going to be an interesting few months on the mountain. He laughed and said that will be unusual how. We both chuckled and headed to our tent looking over our shoulder at the lone wagon one last time.
  6. Mother we have had this happen to us IRL. When we were college students (hubby went back to college in his mid 30s and the boys were 4,6 &9) in Graceville, FL it is just across the AL/FL state line we had friends that commuted from PCB (Panama City Beach) 3 days a week to attend classes. Well when Opal hit PCB they arrived at our door because they had no where else to go. The college was able to provided me with a couple of roll away beds that they used on visitation days (hubby worked on the grounds crew even then so he had a little bit of pull) They had 3 kids so we shoved all the kids into two rooms and they took the sleeper sofa. Thank goodness I had just stocked the pantry and we were set for food. It took a little getting use to but we made it work. There were several times we have had to load up and go to my mothers when we have had ice storms come through that took out our power for days. She has gas floor furnace, gas oven and gas water heater so we just had to do with out lights. Wasn't the most ideal situation but again we survived. I have learned that when TSHTF you do what you have to to make sure that your children are taken care of and they are safe. That doesn't change no matter how old they get. My mother is 83 and she still calls me when she hears we are in for a storm and say don't you think you need to load the boys up and come here?
  7. Disaster struck today while we were at work. We had ice and snow last night and it snapped some power lines so we had power blips all day. Well it took out our computer even though it was on a surge protector it still fried the power supply. DS#3 went and bought us a cheap e-machine so we could still be contected. Now I just owe him $300. But the worse part is I lost all my bookmarks
  8. They had made was all N could think about as he dropped on to his sleeping bag. Tomorrow they would start down the "hill" as it had been know on the first WT. He had guard duty tonight and needed to grab a couple hours sleep. Ms. V had said she would make sure the children were feed dinner and Connor stayed in the wagon tonight. He or P was going to have to have a talk with Connor before they turned them over to mom. Because if he sasses her the way he has been sassing them man she is going to be on him like white on rice. N had flash backs then to the nasty tasting soap. He had learned the hard way not to talk back and it only took one time. P came in then and kicked his boots off. You have got to do something about Abigail and Elizabeth. N looked and him and said why me. P said because you started this, N just shook his head and said but you were the one mocking them so you do something about it. P&N looked at each other and grinned. Both of them put their boots back on and walked out of the tent. They strolled down the line of wagons spotting Sean and K, she had driven their wagon so that Kyle could be with the animals plus she was tending to baby Zoe to which Kyle was most grateful. He didn’t like babies and Zoe was a baby that cried a lot. P’s heart broke when he saw K with baby Zoe in her arms. He looked at N and said you know it is going to kill K to hand Zoe over to A. N just looked at K and said she has wanted children for so long. But they can’t have children. N nodded towards all the orphans and said maybe Mr. S will let her take some of these children. They are not babies like Zoe but there are some smaller children in the group. P said he would mention it to Mr. H later hopefully they would let K keep the little brother and sister she has also been taking care of they are what 4&7. N said I think so. They walked on and were tackled by Emma and Sophie, they were running from E, she had the chore of getting them bathed and cleaned up for dinner. They didn’t like baths in the wash tub that Ms. V had. It wasn’t big enough for both of them to get in together so they could play. N was holding Sophie and P picked up Emma and handed her to E and said that just 2 more sleeps and then you will have a wash tub big enough for both of them. Sophie was pulled her thumb out of her mouth and said promise. N wiped her tears away and said promise. My mom has a big wash tub that I will fit in and I make 3 of you. Sophie giggled and squirmed down out of N’s arms and took E’s hand and headed back to the wagon. P didn’t see Connor around but Aidan was with B since B was the only other one that knew any sign language. P said we may have a problem. N looked around and said maybe he is with Kyle. So they turned and headed back to Kyle’s wagon. K said that she had not seen Connor but Kyle was with the animals. So P&N headed to the where the animals were grazing. N stopped and said do you smell that P nodded and pointed to the small pile of rocks. They crept of and peaked over the top, then slide back down; they tip-toed to the edge of the tree line so they could talk without being heard. N whispered buckets? P nodded buckets. So they ran to where they buckets were sitting and headed to the stream. Both got a bucket of ice cold water and headed back to the rocks. P motioned to N to dump on the count of 3. 1…2…3…SPLASH…Connor came up spitting and spurting and soaking wet, screaming what was that for. N just looked at him and pointed to his hand, so where did you get the smoke? Connor just hung his head. P looked at him and shook his head, Connor you know we have told you Mom is not going to let you smoke, she will tan your hid take it from the experts here. Plus you are up here in this thin air you need all the lung capacity you can and these things will kill you. Now shred it and make sure it goes in a puddle so that it doesn’t set the mountain on fire. N stopped him as he started to walk by and asked for the rest of them. Connor said I don’t go no more. N said liar now hand them over. P told him to do it or they will give him a shake down like they do in the military. Connor reached into his boots and pulled out a pack of smokes. P said Connor you are looking a little green around the gills just as Connor spewed all over his feet. N told P to go clean his boots and he would get Connor back to Ms. V. At the wagon N explained what happen. V start to fuss over Connor but R laid his hand on her shoulder and said let him alone. She didn’t like that too much but she left Connor be. R checked on him now and then bringing him water but other wise left the boy to suffer the consequences of his actions. N headed down to the stream where P was just as he passed the last wagon Elizabeth stepped in his path. She didn’t give him a chance to say anything but started giving him an ear full as to how he was treating her sister. P walked up and was standing be Elizabeth. N just stood there with his arms crosses trying to control is temper (IRL he has his mom’s temper) and turning redder by the minute. After she finished her lecture she spun on her heel right in to the brick wall of P. He put his hands on her shoulders to keep her from falling, as soon as she was steady he dropped his hands and began to lecture her on their behavior and how not only had they endangered themselves on this trip but how they had endangered others Abigail joined the shouting match and it became a free for all. N shouted ENOUGH and tossed Abigail over his shoulder walked to the spring and dumped her in the next sound heard was Elizabeth splashing right next to her. N looked at both of them and told them they needed to think before they spoke again, that no one on this wagon was their servant. These people were helping them out of the goodness of their hearts and he and P had kept them as safe as humanly possible as a favor to Mr. S. But enough was enough, their foolishness ended now. Because once their wagon was down the mountain they were on their own. Both P&N turned and walked back to where the wagons were circled. Mr. H told them they should have done that weeks ago. V (the tender heart) said shame on both of you what would your mother think. P just grinned and said we should have held them under. R cracked up laughing and V just shook her head. Mr. H said alright people nothing to see lets move on back and things ready to start down the mountain at first light.
  9. See that is why I stuck with good Irish names....LOL I have a question...how many times you catch yourself typing the person's real name? I have had to go back and chance hubby's name from Paul (RL name) to SF I even read it once and thought who in the world is Paul
  10. I totally agree with Mother. My kids have learned to answer to their brothers name, they know that P-whosh-na is their name...That is short for Phillip Wesley and Nick SF-short for Saints Fan - that is hubby. P is the oldest son - age 25 W is middle son - age 22 N is baby boy - age 20 A is middle boy (W) girlfriend age 21 Molly Girl aka Molly is one of the Belgian draft horses Tinkerbell aka Tink is the other female draft horse she just had a filly - Waffles - as in Belgian Waffles - SF thought it was cute Mister is the intact Belgian male Trouble is the gelded Belgian male Mules and donkeys don't have names Raja is our intact male ox There are 3 other oxes 2 female and one male that is been castrated. Ethel, Lucy Wilma & Betty are the named hens and they have all hatched out their eggs they were sitting on Rose & Pepper are the sows Pepper just had a litter of piglets Oscar is the boar (male pig) Baby Doll is the pregnant goat Little Bit is the goat that just delivered Then there are three sheep - 2 females and a male R&V V- aka Val is my best friend - R aka Ronnie is her husband K is their oldest daughter 24 E is their youngest daughter 20 B is their son 16 Adopted children Connor age 12 Aidan age 9 - deaf Emma and Sophie - twins - soon to be 3 Then there is Abigail (19) and Elizabeth (23) (not real names but real people)- #1 & #3 girlfriends, they got written in as Mr. S spoiled godchildren - had to get them in the valley somehow (P&N said it wasn't fair that W got to bring his girlfriend and they didn't) A's family that is arriving K aka Kyle - younger brother (oldest boy) age 18 S aka Sean - baby brother age 9 Zoe - 6 months - the baby that is being sent to her (I can't remember if it is a friend's baby or a cousin's baby bet either way the mother can't take care of it and is in danger where she is so Zoe is being sent to A)
  11. Inside P&N’s tent morning of June 30 (P) Well this is it we will be rid of the spoiled brats today (N) Not soon enough. (P) *laughing* I thought you were going to throttle her last night (N) I should have…for the life of me I don’t know where she comes up with the hair-brain ideas. Wasn’t it made clear that they were not to wander from camp? And all she had was that little pea shooter, THE IDIOT! (P) Well at least it was just a possum (N) Yeah…I hope Mr. S teaches her how to shoot, I am surprised she didn’t shoot her foot off or worse yet Mr. H’s ear off. (P) *snickering* OH N you saved my life *thump* the sleeping bag hit him upside the head (N) Storms out of the tent and runs slap dab into the thorn herself, with tears streaming down her face she turns and heads to her wagon. (P) Clears his throat behind N and says maybe you should apologize. If looks could kill P would be 12 feet under. N grabs the tent stakes and pulls them up and makes short work of packing the tent. N was in his saddle waiting on Connor when Mr. H rode up ask N to start lining the wagon train up. He nods to P and ask him to get the animals moving. As N passes Abigail and Elizabeth’s wagon Elizabeth was shooting daggers at him and Abigail was sitting ramrod straight avoiding eye contact with him. When he instructed them to pull in behind R&V’s wagon it was Elizabeth that spoke and it was a simple “thank you” as she picked up the reigns and got the team moving. Something in his gut told him that this was not over and it was going to be a very long day.
  12. Sunday, June 27 Sunday we went to the Lodge. There was meeting concerning the wagon train. Mr. S announced that they would be ready to come down the mountain on Thursday. THURSDAY!!!!!!!!! Oh shoot we will never finish in time. SF saw my panic and leaned over and said don’t worry about it we will do the best we can do. At least we will all be under a roof. After the meeting and the lunch the men rode that where going to help us decided to come on out tonight so they could get an early start. One of the men (Robert –didn’t catch his last name) was married and had two sons ages 13(Kevin)&14(Austin) that came with him. He actually had 4 sons but the older two stayed behind with their mother and sisters. The other gentleman (Ray) is single and is grateful that he is being paid in animals since he didn’t bring any with him. He has been staying at the lodge and hasn’t picked out his land yet. He said he couldn’t decide if he wanted in the valley or in the mountains. I told him he should go visit Mother and Doc&Mrs. Mt. Rider they are living in caves. He just shook his head and said that he didn’t think he could handle living in a cave. But he liked the idea of our our rock dome house and couldn’t wait to see it. After SF showed the guys around they decided to go head and start work on W&A place and get as much done there as they possibly could while they still had day light. I told SF I would take care of the animals and get supper while they worked. It was a weary bunch of men folk that returned hours later. They had worked until there was no light left; with the 6 of them working they had been able to get the logs in place the window moved and the roof on. When Sf told me they had a roof I looked at him strangely, because I knew W&A had a tin roof on their place and we had brought some with us but had planned on using it somewhere else. They said all that was left was flooring and finish cutting the door where the window was. W said he could handle that tomorrow morning then he and A would be up at lunch to help with our place. After everyone was settled and SF and I headed to bed I asked about the roof. He sighed and said that he gave W&A the tin roofing that we had brought with us since it was not enough for our place. He said that there was enough left to use on a couple of smoke houses. I reminded him of the tin that we took off the lean-to that we tore down. He said he had forgotten about that but that we could use it on our smoke house. SF asked if I was going to help tomorrow. I told him it would depend on how much free time I had; that I now have an additional 4 mouths to feed and I still had two quilts, rugs and curtains to make. I told him that if I did help I would probably cut sod or work on the inside and finish the walls. The two smaller domes are finished they just need the floor decking put down the main dome needs the kitchen wall finished and the kitchen rock walls need adobe put on them. It also needs the floor finished. Monday, June 28 The girls were generous this morning so with the eggs from Saturday and Sunday I had enough eggs that I was able to feed everyone eggs, sausage, biscuits and grits. Kevin and Austin had never had grits before. Their dad Robert said that his wife didn’t like grits so she never cooked them but he loved them. I laughed and told the boys I would cook grits every day that they were here. Their dad laughed and said I just because their favorite person. I noticed they were not big sausage eaters. I think I may have some Canadian bacon or regular canned bacon left I will have to look. I will be so glad when the pigs get bigger so we can have fresh ham, pork sausage and bacon again. After everyone was finished eating and headed to the cottage to lay rocks the boys saw me head to the chicken tractors with a hatchet. Kevin had never seen anyone ring a chicken’s neck so he stood and watched me. He ask why did I kill the chicken. I told that he was a trouble maker and he was mean. He would peck the little chickens and hens. So he is going to become chicken and dressing this evening. I actually think Kevin may have turned green but I wasn’t too sure. Later I caught Robert away from the boys and told him what happen. He smiled and said this move had been an eye opener for the kids. They were use to going to KFC and getting chicken. Robert said he had grown up on a farm but had gotten his MBA and went to work in the city. His wife didn’t like visiting his parents on the farm so he always brought his parents to the city for holidays so they could spend time with their grandchildren. He went on to say that this is a whole new life style for his family. I told him that even for those raised on farms this is a new life style. Not many of us had to build own homes with our own hands, or plow fields with animals much less carry water. He agreed he said what he missed most was his hot shower. I laughed and told him that I missed running water period. As he headed back to laying rocks I noticed Kevin was still little shell shocked. I think when I clean the bird I will do it so that he can not see me. Lunch was a Mexican Fiesta I fixed fajitas and burritos along with chips and salsa. The bear wasn’t too bad in the fajitas, and it was pretty good with refried beans in burritos. Heck the guys ate with no problem and even came back for 2nds and 3rds so I am not complaining. Dinner was chicken and dressing, broccoli and cheese casserole and creamed potatoes. Kevin wasn’t too sure about the chicken and dressing but once he tasted it he didn’t think it was too bad. He said it tasted funny. I told him it was because it was what was called a free range chicken and that roo had been eating bugs and stuff instead of chicken feed full of hormones and stuff. His dad told him that is what real chicken taste like, Austin jumped in and ask what took him so long to bring them to a place like this especially if they were going to get good tasting food. Well I thought Robert was going to fall off his chair. But all he said was better late than never and we all laughed. SF and I were still chuckling about Austin’s comment when we turned in for the night. I asked him what he thought Connor and Aidan would be like. He said probably much like Austin and Kevin. We started discussing the children that would become ours in a few days. Girls…what am I going to do with girls, I don’t know how to braid hair or make hair bows. I was almost in panic mode when Sf wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. He said baby don’t worry we will just turn them into tomboys and let them wear pig tails. I laughed and said yeah like you will let that happen. He said it wouldn’t be too hard since his grandmother was no longer with us. She wouldn’t demand that they be dress in ruffles and lace and conduct themselves and southern belles. As we lay there wrapped in each other arms we both agreed that we were so thankful that those that had already gone home were not here to see what they had fought for and worked so hard far was falling apart. Tuesday June 29 It was grits for the boys and pancakes for everyone else this morning. Lunch was pretty much a repeat of yesterday except we used jerky in the burritos today. Dinner was going to be venison steaks and gravy and that would pretty much take care of fresh meat we had. Today the roof went on the new addition and while W and Kevin were doing the roof, Robert was working on the floors on the inside and Ray was sawing wood outside for the floors and closets and the SF and Austin were putting adobe on the walls. By lunch time the main dome was complete and the first additions were complete with closets and platform beds. I still had to hang curtains over the windows but I didn’t have those made yet. Well I have the curtains for the boys’ room finished. I have finished the quilts for the boys’ beds and now I am working on quilts for the girls’ beds. The boys’ quilts are just simple block quilts. I tried not to make them too little boyish since they were almost teenagers but I didn’t want to make it so grown up they didn’t feel comfortable. Their beds are done in denim blue one is trimmed in red flannel with a red pillow and sheets the other is trimmed in navy flannel with a blue pillow and sheets. The curtains will be blue panels with red tiebacks. I had bought two bolts of red plaid and navy plaid flannel when we stayed behind when P was injured. I had planned on making shirts out the material but now I will need it for sheets. I have already made rugs for the boys’ room they have braided scatter rugs of old blue jeans. As the guys wore out their jeans I would salvage the legs to make rugs out of and I had about two dozen basketball size rolls so I made one big oval rug for the floor at the foot of the beds where they could lay and read or play but then they have smaller rugs beside their beds. I also took and cut panels out of the tops the jeans so that there would be pockets or what looked like a zipper (I took the zippers out and just showed the flap down) and used those with just plain denim panels to make the quilts. The panels are like 6x6 squares. (I have these IRL also I have made pillows out of the 6x6 panels and I even made a baby quilt out of the 3x3 squares I make the back out of camouflage material. The parents loved it because their nursery was done in camouflage…daddy is a big sportsman he is a guide for hunting and fishing trips) The girls well I since I didn’t bring pink with me they are getting yellow and white. I had some material I was going to make sheets out of that have little yellow and white daisies on them and I took that to make their quilts out of. They are getting little Dutch girl quilts and the Dutch girl dresses are made out of that material and then their bonnets are solid colors. I also used the flowered material as the backing of the quilts. Their sheets are white flannel, I already have those made along with the mattresses. A&I made mattress right after P&W left because we knew we would need them. We didn’t realize it but we made a couple of extras but we didn’t stuff them. And last week when we found out about the girls W&A surprised us with the stuffed mattresses. I have some white eyelet ruffle that I will make ruffles around the edge of the quilt and along the top of the flat sheets. Their curtains will be made out of the flowered material with the eyelet ruffle as tiebacks. I had brought the eyelet ruffle material along to make skirts for basinets but since the girls are here they come first. The rugs for their room will be yellow. I have some old ugly plain yellow material that my mother has had for years that she gave me before we left. I had no idea what I would use it for but now I do…RUGS. I will be making those out of as soon as I get it stripped. I guess there are going to be some late nights for the next few weeks. By night fall the roof was on and the walls had adobe on them now the addition just needed floors and a closet. Since this was going to be mine and SF bedroom it will have two closets and the drawers will be built in to the closet instead of under the bed. We had brought our bed with us actually it was a bedroom suite my dad bought my mother for their 25th wedding anniversary and since mother was in a hospital bed she gave it to SF&I. I also have her dresser but I am using it as a side board in the kitchen to store linen napkins and table clothes in. The closet will be a later project for now my grandmother’s wardrobe will just have to suffice. Later it will become storage for material, sheets and blankets etc. Wednesday, June 30. My stomach was full of butterflies this morning. Today we would load up and head up to the pass and wait for the new arrivals. The guys were finished with the floor and closet well before lunch so they headed out to do some hunting. It was also decided that Ray would stay here while we went to gather out incoming families. He would leave once A&I arrived back with the children. A&I would not be staying the whole time especially since the children were so small we were going to bring them back on the buckboard and leave the wagon there with the guys to bring back. Not only that but we figured Ray would be more use at the wagons than caring for animals, but we couldn’t leave the animals unattended for such a long period of time especially since the cougar was spotted again last night. I had our wagon loaded and ready to go. We would be using the mules and donkeys to pull the wagons since P&W took the oxen with them. The donkeys didn’t like pulling the wagon. It was a little heavy for them so they got stuck with the buckboard. Hopefully we will be able to have the oxen to pull the wagons back with I don’t think the mules and donkeys will be able to pull a loaded wagons. We were also taking Molly but not Tink, we didn’t think Tink needed to be away from her filly (have got to name that little girl…SF is still calling her Waffles but I refuse to call her that thank goodness she doesn’t come when he calls her Waffles) The guys were back by lunch time. Before they left they decided that small game would be the best thing to get so they had doves, quail, and a turkey or two. There was also a small goat. SF said he took it because looked to be the runt. We hung it in the cave to deal with when we got back. Ray had gone fishing. We pulled out a big garbage can and filled it with spring water and put half the fish in it. They were all still alive so Ray will have them to eat on while we are gone along with some dove and quail. The other fish we had for lunch. We cleaned the turkeys, doves and quail and took them with us. We will cook them tonight when we get to the bottom of the pass. We met W&A and Mr. Q on our way. We had our own wagon train going by the time we got to the pass. Robert and the boys left us at the river and headed to the lodge. They were taking their 3 piglets, 4 chickens and 3 gallons of honey home. When we “paid” Robert and the boys before we left Robert shook his head and said he never imagined that someone with and MBA would be working for animals as payment. He asked how and when did the world get so crazy. After Robert and the boys left us I told SF that the move may have been and eye opener for Robert’s family but it was rough on him also. SF said you caught that too huh and I said yeah. It must be really hard on these people that thought they had the world by the tail to suddenly realize they were flat on theirs. SF said this next year was going to make or break many of these people; especially this group coming in and the next group. The last group coming wouldn’t be here for another month or so and they would literally be dependent on those in the valley this next year because they will not have time to get gardens. They would be lucky to get a roof over their heads before winter arrives. As we got to the bottom of the pass we noticed that we were not the only ones with the idea of camping out tonight. It looked like everyone that had family coming in was already here as well as many of the men to help get the wagons down the mountain. When we pulled to a stop and unhitched the animals I saw Mother and Mt.Rider and went to speak with them. After hugs were given I asked was there any news. Mother said that Mr. S and some of the men had gone up the mountain but nothing yet. Mr. S had a radio and they have tested it and it still works. Mt. Rider has the other one. So far all we know is the wagon train has not reached the pulley point yet. So Mr. S and the men have ridden back down the trail to find them.
  13. Sound like I need to move over there near you. We have deer but they are usually taken out by a car on 421 (we live right on a may highway and hate it) no turkeys but have bear and bobcats.
  14. YAY hubby found a couple of guys that are willing to work for pigs and honey. Maybe even a few chickens. They will be here Sunday night and will stay until the work is done or until teh WT2 arrives. Hopefully it will not take more than a week. First they are going to tackle W&A expansion which they figure will only take a day since all the logs are cut and it will only be a 8x10 expansion. The roof is already there they will just add onto it. Basically they will close in the front porch and build another porch. Mean while I will be cutting sod for yet another addition to the dome. Our addition will take longer since we have to gather more rocks SF said we could start on that today. One of the guys was the guy that had set saw mill type thing and he said it will bring all that stuff again so that they can saw flooring and the cedar for the closets. A is coming up to help dig footings while the guys work on their addition. Then we will cut more sod. We raided the beehive yesterday and I probably have 20 gallons of honey and that was only 1 1/2 walls. I have the combs draining so I will may get about 5 more gallons when they get through draining then I can make candles. Hubby said we will smoke it one more time and then leave the rest. We plan on leaving one wall but still have the ceiling and 1/2 of the back wall to go. The blackberries over by the river are ready. And boy are the vines loaded. I have 3 drying racks (they are the size of screen doors) full of blackberries and there are that many more over there. I will go back next week with A and gather more to make jam with. The wild strawberries are ready also. I gathered enough for 2 drying racks and I will need to gather more for jam and pie filling. I wish we were closer to the desert that way we could grow date palms. I love dates. i did gather a garden basket of wild grape leaves today and I plan on canning them. My family loves stuffed grape leaves. This afternoon found me making more adobe blocks for the kitchen wall. I think this last batch will give us enough. SF said he wanted to go ahead and build the smoke house if there was time before the WT2 got here. He said this way we can start smoking fish. SF also asked what I wanted to do with the cabin once we moved into the cottage. I told him that we could use the wood for the smoke house or we could take it apart and move it down for kyle or one of the R&V's group coming in. He said he would think about it. He suggested that we could use it to build raised beds in the greenhouse. I said I didn't think about that. So much to do and so little time.
  15. Inside P&N's tent on the side of the mountain. (N) Don't say a word P I mean it if so much as open your mouth you are going over the side. (N growling as he strips off wet clothes and his ripped shirt) (P) *Snicker Snicker* I am not saying a word N *snicker snicker snicker* (N) Stop laughing too (P) I am not laughing (M) Yeah right any more not laughing and you would be crying (P) “OH N I just bear to drive the wagon in these tight places” (P batting his eyelashes) (N) That's it P I told you not to say a word (pillow goes flying through the air and connects with P's head) the only reason I am putting up with her and her sister is Mr. S asked me to make sure they made it to the valley safely. . (P) I am sorry man it is just so hilarious to watch her. How did you destroy another shirt and who is she any way? (N) The stupid woman was out there trying to climb out of the wagon wearing spike heeled boots like you would see on Madison Avenue and she caught her d*** heel and fell. Well here I am trying to put her water barrel back on her wagon since she knocked it off going around the side of the mountain and she is flopping around and grabs my shirt sleeve and rips the shoulder seam. I hope mom can salvage it. That makes two shirts she has destroyed and I only brought those two button shirts with me. I guess I wear t-shirts from now on. I don't know who she is but I do know she will not last a month in the valley she is too city'fied. I mean can you see her milking a cow with those nails. I bet she had them done just before they left. All I know is her name is Abigail and her sister is Elizabeth. AND she is driving me crazy. I bet she doesn't have skillet one in that wagon probably wouldn't matter she probably doesn't even know how to cook. Her and her sister have been turning their noses up at Chef's cooking. (P) Yeah Chef has noticed too and mumbles something about ungrateful brats. (N) I can't wait to see how she handles going down the other side of the mountain. She will probably faint. She is enough to make me wish I had gone with Jerry to Cartersville but I promised Mr. S . Connor hates it every time she whines and I have to take over the reigns of the oxen. Although he is getting pretty go at handling the donkey. I wouldn't trust him with Mister or Trouble yet he still tends to jerk the reigns but the donkey just keeps following the wagon with no problems. (P) My brother the knight in shinning armor (N) I warned you P (P) Yeah your warning gave me another pillow...hey that is cold and wet (N empties his boat on P back) (N) Its water it is supposed to be wet. (P) You got the cell phone in your bag? (N) Yeah and it is still charged. I turned it off after Mrs. Rock charged it and gave it to me. (P) Mr. Rock said try the cell phones when we get to the homestead. The phones worked there last time so hopefully they will work again. He hopes to have heard from Jerry by then if there is no word then you and I will leave the group at the top of the hill and head to Cartersville. We are to go back to the homestead and find the cave Mr. Rock said everything we need will be in there. (N) P (P) yeah (N) What do you think our chances are of getting Mt. Rider's family out of there? (P) Well last word was the group was organized but they had more “prisoners” than what they are able to handle. You know what Jerry's job was in special forces don't you? (N) Nope remember I was a Marine not Army (P) Yeah y'all just blast your way in. (N) Hey if it works (P) *snort* yeah right any way Jerry was one the group that would go in and pluck someone out. (N) Hope he can pluck this group out (P) Me too. Well I have to get some shut eye I have midnight patrol. (N) nite (P) nite
  16. SF and I took the lounge chairs out to the ledge and just sat there. The hustle and bustle of the past two days was now behind us. Everyone had left, W&A were back at their place, N’s cabin was complete it just needed chinking and some personal touches added. P’s addition is finished also except for the chinking. So the mountain was quite. We could see the animals in the lower pasture Boss and Bryce were down there doing their guard dog tricks and Millie…well Millie was trying to share the lounge chair with me but she was not succeeding. I hope she will give up and just lay between SF and I on the ground. SF said I can't believe y'all put a yellow ribbon on N's door I told him there was one on P's door too. He just laughed. He asked what I thought about the cabins I told him I was impressed with them. I just hoped the kids like them. He said he was pretty sure they would that they had plans of adding on to their cabins any way. SF noticed I was rubbing my hands and asked if they were hurting. I told more like cramping since I had spent today in the kitchen garden weeding and thinning. I told him I would rub them down tonight before I went to bed. I also told him that I was surprised to see tiny squash and cucumbers. The sugar snap plants are loaded with blooms and the tomatoes have taken off. They are waist high and are starting to bloom. Hopefully in a couple of weeks we will start getting fresh veggies. SF told me tomorrow we would go and smoke the beehive and harvest the honey for the season. It is a large hive so if we are going to raid it we need to do now so they will have time to produce more before winter. Then in the afternoon after we are finished with the honey we will go over and check the blackberries by the river and see if there are anymore ripe. I finally have my drying racks set up so I can dry berries. Talk turned to what else was needed around here besides yet another addition to the cottage. We needed a bathroom and running water especially since we were going to have toddlers in the house. I would settle for a large back porch to put the washing tubs on. We needed to find some way to make gutters for the cottage and barn so that we could set up our rain barrels. Then there is the green house we have got to finish it because I need to get lettuce and stuff planted for the winter. Oh and a smoke house, once we start slaughtering the pigs we will need a smoke house. I would also like to smoke fish. Then we need a stock pile of wood. SF just nodded I actually think his eyes were beginning to glaze over at the thought of the “honey do” list. He looked at me and said all that in addition to helping those that arrive here in a few days get houses built and then harvest. I just smiled and told him it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. P had plans for the smoke house and had promise to build it when he got back. The green house is just about finished once all the windows are in then I will be able to work in it when I have time. Helping set up raised beds will be a good project for the boys when they get here. The porch won’t be that big of deal it is the addition that I am worried about. The gutters can wait a while. I want the cabin finished by the end of the summer. Sf said the cabinet builder that is working with him on the platform bed for N’s cabin is supposed to bring the drawers down Monday and he will ask him then about building platform beds for the children also. I said that might be something W& A will want to think about. I know Kyle is 18 and will get his on place once he delivers Zoe & A’s little brother Sean I know they don’t have any beds so that might work plus it will give them drawers for clothes. I asked SF if he thought there was another single guy that might be interested in hiring on to help with addition next week. I could cut the sod while you and him stacked rocks and worked on the walls. We could pay him with honey and a piglet. We needed as much done as possible this week because I was pretty sure that it is going to take everyone next weekend to get wagon train down this side of the mountain plus some will have to stay behind to deal with the live stock. We can’t leave them all alone for days. I told him what might be best is if we take the wagon and the buckboard up and have the children walk down with just a few things and go ahead and bring them back here on the buckboard and leave you guys and the wagon there to help. That way the young children will be out of the way. I wonder what the ages of the children are that will be living with the Q’s. Maybe we need to go and talk to Mr. S and the Q’s and get their opinion on this. SF agreed that would be a good idea especially since there were so many babies coming this time. Sf stood and said he would go get the animals if I would open the barn. We watched as the little filly was romping around the pasture. He said you know you really need to name her we can’t keep call her little one. I said I know but I haven’t come up with a good name yet. He said you can always call her Waffle since she is a Belgian draft horse…oh I know you just didn’t go there…he was laughing and dancing around staying at arms length. Go get the animals. Waffle no I am not calling the horse Waffle. I worry about that man sometimes. After I had the barn open I started dishing out their evening grain and made sure they all had water. A mouse ran across my feet, scared me to death. I am going to have to get some cats to keep down the mouse population.
  17. SF was up early doing chores and I was back in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the men that stayed over last night. A came early to help and we flipped pancakes until we nearly flipped out. After the men headed back down to N’s place I looked at A and told her to guess what we were not having for breakfast for the next 6 months. She laughed and totally agreed. She asked what I was feeding them in the morning. I told her biscuits and gravy. She said no then we would never have biscuits again. I told her it would be ok we could make them up tonight and then set them in the cave then just cook them in the morning. She said maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. SF had helped up load the water barrel on the cart before he left A is driving it down; some of the men can unload it when she gets down there. I am also sending down the left over pancakes and sausages. We have rolled the pancake around the sausage and stuck a bamboo skewer through it so it was sort like a corn dog. That way any of those just arriving at N’s place could have a snack before going to work. A headed down the mountain, said she would be back shortly. Mr. S had suggested that we eat up here on the mountain so there would be shade and to keep from having to haul the food down. I think he just wanted to check out the cottage again. He was interested and taking notes yesterday. While A was gone I went to deal with the goat meat and bring out the eggs so we could make deviled eggs. Before leaving SF had also helped me dig the goats out of the pit. When we unwrapped the goats they just fell apart. SF had to be the taste tester; he said he couldn’t have me ruining my reputation as a good cook by serving goat that didn’t taste good. Of he did his “oh this is horrible we can’t serve this to the group let me get rid of it for you” routine. I had to shoo him away so there would be some left. He asked that I make some BBQ sauce to go with it. What he doesn’t know is I have a couple of gallon jugs of his favorite BBQ sauce I was saving for the 4th of July so I will set one of those out. I wrapped the pheasants in foil and put them in the hot coals in the pit, since I split them in half they won’t take long to cook. I went and got my plastic totes that I use just for meat and lined it with foil and proceeded to chop, debone and slice the goats up. I realized quickly that it would not all fit in one these goats were bigger than I thought. (IRL I have flat totes that I use for church functions and family reunions and they are just for meat. I have one for potato salad and green salad too. It makes carrying and serving so much easier. I have even taken model car pant and painted decorations on the outside to make them pretty.) By the time A got back I was finished with the goat meat. I had given the puppies each a bone and Boss a bone. They were in doggie heaven. I was washing my hands when A pulled into the yard. I hollered and told her she was just in time to peel boiled eggs. Mrs. Q was with her. We made quick work of the eggs and Q said she would stuff them. A and I headed to the cave to get the rolls that we had set in there last night to rise. I remember the pot of beans I had put on to cook over night and planned on making baked beans. I need to find my bean tote. I helped A get the rolls back to the kitchen then went in search of the bean tote. I am so thankful that I packed these to bring along. They make serving large groups so much easier. By the time I got back to the kitchen A had put some of the rolls in the adobe oven and went to fetch the pies. Between us we made 10 pies – 2 blackberry, 2 apple, 2 pecan, 2 cherry, 2 buttermilk pies, and 2 banana puddings and a peach cobbler. Then I made SF’s favorite (well his 3rd favorite, the buttermilk pie and banana pudding are his favorites too) death by chocolate cake-it is a 9 layer chocolate cake with poured icing (to rich for me). After the baked beans were mixed and set on the stove to cook. I looked at Q and asked what were we missing? She laughed and said hungry men folk. I was worried about having enough food and she was worried about having enough people to eat all the food. Millie sounded the alarm (it is nice having a built in alarm system) so we rushed to get the tea that had been set in the sun to brew and sweeten it. We only put half the water in the jugs so we could add cold spring water to chill it quickly. We brought out another water barrel of water. So now all we need is hungry people. I was busy dishing up beans when I felt arms around me and it startled me. I turned to see who it was and much to my surprise it was Annarchy. She had made me some dollies they were beautiful and they were yellow. They would be perfect in the cubbies in the kitchen wall. I can see them there now with an oil lamp sitting one or a piece of my Blue Willow serving dishes. I can’t wait to get the wall finished just so I can see oh it looks. We chatted for a few more minutes I asked if they had had much damage from the storm and she said like most others just limbs and crops beat down but nothing really major. She said it seemed that N got the worst of it. I told her the best we could figure is the pole he had put up to use for his wind turbine acted as a lightening rod. He had it anchored to the house in different places for support. It wasn’t even higher than the roof; he never finished it before he left. I told her W said we would need to wrap all poles in insulation and run a wire out away from the house so if lightening does strike the wire will pull it into the ground instead of the house. Hopefully that will help us avoid this in the future. After lunch we covered everything that was left with tablecloths and A&I rode down to see the progress. I was amazed at how much had been accomplished. There was another team of the B group over at P’s place putting the addition on to his place. They were about finished, a couple of more rows and then the roof and they would have the outside finished. There were a couple of men who had set up a saw mill of sorts and were sawing the wood in to planks for flooring. There were also a couple of windows there. Who supplied those I have no idea I suspect Mr. S had a hand in that. Some of the men who had wives had brought blankets, quilts, bedding, and kitchen supplies to replace what was lost. One of the men handed me a couple of bags of clothes. He said that some of the B group that was N’s size had given jeans, shirts work gloves and anything else they could think of he might need. They all knew he had only taken one change of clothes with him and the rest of his clothes were in the cabin. I couldn’t stop the tears. I hugged him and told him words failed me but sure appreciated what they were doing. He just grinned and said aw shucks ma’am its nothing you wouldn’t do for one of us. As I sat there watching my son’s life be put back together I was so humbled that the people would take time out of their lives especially now that many were expecting family in friends in the next few weeks and were busy expanding their gardens and getting their own family under a roof and the storm that had come through and caused this destruction. I saw Mr. S and flagged him down. I was still leery of me after yesterday. As he rode over he asked if I was armed. I laughed and said always. I apologized for loosing it with him yesterday and I wasn’t even going to make excuses. It was not for me to judge the aunt. He just nodded. I asked him how many planned to camp overnight so I would know how many to feed tomorrow. He said that it would be him and 8 men the rest would head back tonight. He looked in the back of the wagon and saw all the stuff that was brought for N and he said that when N got back he needed to come to the lodge and go through the clothes closet there; that arrangements had been made to stock a closet with boots, raingear and winter coats for cases such as this. I thanked him and told him I would pass the information along. He asked if we had decided how we were going to tell N what happen? I just looked at him and he had the nerve to laugh, he laughed so hard I thought he was going to fall off his horse. I told him it wasn’t funny I hadn’t even thought about that. I said maybe we would just wrap and yellow ribbon around it and say welcome home. He just shook his head and rode off. SF came over then and asked what was so funny. I told him Mr. S asked if we had decided how we were going to tell N what happen. He had the same look on his face as I had on mine. Neither of us had given it any thought. As SF walked way Q said I think the yellow ribbon was a good idea. I told her I had some in my craft stuff I brought I would have to look and see if I have enough to make a bow. We both giggled like a school girl when A said yeah I can see N now when he rides up and sees a BOW on his door. There had been some ominous looking clouds hanging around all day the rain stayed away. I think there were too many prayers going up for it to rain. The men working on P’s addition were finished with the outside and the roof was on. They rode over to N’s place to help finish the outside before it started raining. They said they would work on the floor tomorrow and cut the opening into the new edition and install the door. Just as the last piece of sod went on the roof it started sprinkling. So everyone rushed around gathering tools and heading back towards the lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Q headed back to their place and A&I headed towards the mountain. We were trying to get there before the men so that we could get the food uncovered and bring out what we didn’t set out at lunch. SF hollered and said he wanted coffee with his cake. W&SF headed to the lower pasture to herd the animals back to the barn. I sent A to open the barn door and make sure the stalls were open. I told her the animals all knew where to go you just had to make sure they had a clear path. I got the food uncovered and brought out the tea from the cave. I had to make several trips for the pies, rice pudding and the other leftovers but the men were not in any hurry. They were helping with the chores and washing up. Several were checking out the cottage and the cave. One even asked if he could sit in our hot tub. I told him sure go for it but to be care the rocks were slick. Several liked the idea of the hot spring running through the green house; said they never would have thought of that. Everyone finally made it to the table and we were all sitting around enjoying the cool breeze when I noticed Boss acting funny. He was softly growling and bristled up. The men noticed me looking around but couldn’t figure out what was happening. SF have laid his hand on my arm to get my attention then signed what. I signed back that Boss was on alert. W grabbed a gun and the rest of the men followed. One leaned and asked W what did I say. He told the guy that I had signed that the dog was on alert and something was out there but that I couldn’t see anything. They all stood up and quietly eased out of the summer kitchen and split up into pairs. SF motioned for A& I to stay inside. A few minutes later we heard a gun shot. As the men filed back in one of them said it was a mountain lion but he just scared it off. SF said it was probably the one he killed earlier mate. Which means there maybe cubs near by also. W&A said their good nights and headed back said they needed to get back before the rain picked up. W hugged me and said they would see us in the morning. A asked if I needed help cleaning up SF told her he would help so off they went. After the kids left Mr. S looked at SF and told him that he had sold me short, that none of them had noticed Boss but that I did. One of the other gentlemen asked if our whole family knew sign language I told him all of the boys did and A was learning. She had caught on rather well especially since I was trying to talk and sign at the same time. He said but you are not doing that now. I told him no that they were not trying to learn sign language and I was still not comfortable with everyone knowing I was loosing my hearing. He got this really strange look on his face and he gave Mr. S a pointed look who just shrugged. Mr. S stood and called it a night since it was starting to rain harder. SF showed several of the men the barn so they could sleep in the loft; others gathered their stuff and headed to the cottage. SF had two rooms with the floors finished so they could sleep there. SF helped me clear the table. There really wasn’t anything left, there was some goat meat, a little rice pudding and some pies but that was it. SF asked what I was going to serve for breakfast I told him biscuits and gravy and eggs. We didn’t use all the eggs there are still about 2 dozen eggs plus what I gathered today and can get in the morning. I told him that I would fix BBQ sandwiches for them for lunch tomorrow. He said Mr. S plans on them being finished and gone by then. I said well they can have them for the road. We lay in bed listening to night settle around us. I asked SF if he knew the man that asked about sign language, he said no but he probably could guess who it was. I said the uncle? SF asked if I noticed the look that he gave Mr. S and I said yeah I did. SF said that he was guessing it was the uncle. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and said baby please don’t say anything. I smiled and said I won’t I promise. I knew that the uncle was just trying to keep peace in his home and make peace with his sister by seeing that her children were cared for. SF kissed and told me that he loved me and said earlier this evening Mr. S told him that the wagon train was on schedule to be here on the first. And that meant our whole family (including the new members) would be here for the get-together. I feel asleep visioning children running all over the mountain and the valley between us and the boy’s places and friends and family sitting on the ledge watching them.
  18. Don't worry about it Annarchy I took what you wrote and went with it.
  19. HAHAHAHA So glad I am not the only one with daylost-syndrome. Welcome to my world.
  20. I had just finished the breakfast dishes and had started on preparing the goats for the pit when Millie sounded the alarm. SF grabbed the rifle and headed out to the ledge. Mr. S and some men were headed our way. I called Millie and she came and sat beside me. SF went back to laying floor in the cottage and said holler when they got there. About 20 minutes latter they rode into the yard; Mr. S said they had come early so that they could start cutting logs. I told him that Mr. Q had sent some over that was not needed for his addition. He said he had seen those. SF joined us and Mr. S showed us his plans for N’s new cabin. It was larger than his last cabin and Mr. S said it was his way of thanking N for doing a favor for him. SF and I just looked at one another and shrugged. Mr. S continued on as if nothing strange was said. He announced that he and the 4 guys with him where going to start falling trees so that they would have something to work with first thing. SF told him that we were going down this afternoon clean out the ashes and stuff. Mr. S said don’t worry about that that there was another team of 4 men down there shoveling as we speak. Mr. S sent the other 4 on to cut trees and then asked if we could sit down talk. I asked if he would like coffee and he nodded. I poured coffee and dished up cobbler that was still warm. I said before we get into this serious discussion that is written all over your face you and the men are welcome to come up here for lunch. I will have roast ready around noon. Mr. S nodded and cleared his throat and said well it is like this….silence. I have never known this man to be at a loss for words. SF sat back and folded his arms and I leaned my elbow on the table (which my grandmother would have swatted me for no matter how old I was…ladies do not put their elbows on the table nor do they cross their legs…ankles yes but legs no) Finally after a few minutes I looked and him and said I don’t mean to be rude but just spit it out what is wrong. He chuckled and looked at SF and said she is direct and to the point isn’t she. SF chuckled and said you just don’t know. Ummm…hello…guys I am sitting right here. They just rolled their eyes. Mr. S said he wanted to share some more on Connor and Aidan. It seems their aunt and uncle are already in the valley and they have 4 boys of their own. They were not on the best of terms with the boy’s parents as a matter of fact they had not spoken to them since Aidan was born and it was discovered he was deaf. It seems Connor had found the last later that the uncle had written to his sister (the boy’s mother) telling her where he was taking his family and suggested that they head to safety also. That is why child services could not find any family they are here. But the aunt has refused to take the boys said she could not handle 6 boys and had no idea how to deal with a deaf child. Mr. S went on to say that they were in the benefactor group and she was not happy about being here herself. SF and I just looked at each other, we silently said to each other we would not judge, 20 years ago I couldn’t imagine taking on 2 more children, since we had had 3 children two of which were diapers. We assured Mr. S that we would love to have them and with my hearing problem we were already starting to use sign language more. He just nodded. Mr. S what are you not telling us? He just looked at me and said what makes you think I am not telling you something. Well you do not have a poker face. He chuckled and said he wasn’t any good at porker. I told him I could see why. He said that the state had tracked the children down and found them at the Rocking J and Connor had refused to go with them and begged to stay. Mr. Rock pointed that the children safe and cared for and if they left them there it would be one less set of orphans they have to worry about. The state wanted to award custody of the children to Mr. Rock but he told the state that he would be moving his family to a safer place and that he was going to send the children on ahead of him. The state asked who would be caring for the children until he arrived. He gave them y’alls name and they make you guardians instead. Ok no problem, do we need to go back and sign papers. No with the way the system is right now the case worker said that with Mr. Rock vouching for you that is all that was needed and since y’all had given him power of attorney to handle some other things he was able to sign for you. Ok so what is the problem? I could tell he was still dancing around the issue. He took a deep breath and said Emma and Sophie were the problem. Mr. S looked like a kid who had been caught with his and in the cookie jar. Mr.S just who are Emma and Sophie? Well they are Connor and Aidan’s younger sisters. And how are they? I believe they are 3. TWINS? Yes. Twin girls age three? Just when were you going to tell us about them. Well I wasn’t you see the aunt agreed to take the girls. I saw purple and before I realized it I up and leaned across the table and yelling Oh *&$$ no, if she is not taking all of them she will get none of them and since we are now their guardians guess what she is getting none of them. The whole time I was yelling SF was trying to pull me back. He finally got me to sit back down and said honey don’t shoot the messenger that is my job. Mr. S just smiled. I stood up and said I need to get busy or I will say something I might regret. As I started out of the summer kitchen, I turned back and asked Mr. S if the boys remembered their aunt and uncle. He said no they didn’t have pictures or anything just first names. Good then they will not know them when they enter the valley would they. He just shook his head. I gave SF a very pointed look and stormed out. After I left Mr. S let out a pent up breath and said well that went well. SF shook his head and said I am glad you think so, there is going to be you know what to pay after you leave and guess who will get stuck paying it. SF said I really wish you had told me about the girls. Mr. S settled back in his chair and asked if made a difference. SF just looked at him like he had grown a second head…you just witnessed my wife’s reaction. I am going to have to keep her on the mountain for a while until she cools off or she will visit every homestead until she finds the aunt and uncle and give them a piece of her mind. Mr. S chuckled and said it would be nothing less than the aunt deserved. He went on to explain that the couple was still in the sheeple mindset and that they were only here because aunt’s parents had talked all their grown children into coming with them. He said the father had helped finance this trip. Also the uncle and the boys had adjusted much better than the aunt. Mr. S said she was having the toughest time out of the entire “B” group in adjusting. The uncle would love to have the children all of them but doesn’t want to upset his wife so they were only willing to take the girls. It seems they had tried 4 times for a girl and after the last one she said no more. SF just shook his head and said you know that is not going to happen my wife will never go for it. Not only that but those children need each other after what they have been through. Mr. S smiled and said I am glad to hear you say that. Sf asked if there would be any trouble if we refused to allow the girls to go live with the aunt and uncle. Mr. S said just an attitude from the aunt but that he had spoken with the uncle and told him what had happened with custody of all the children and that another family in the valley had been awarded custody of the children and would not agree to split the children up. Mr. S did say that the uncle would like to establish a relationship with them once they are settled and on would adhere to any of our terms. SF nodded and said that we should be able to work something out. Mr. S stood to shake hands with SF and nodded towards where I was working and asked should he still bring the men up for lunch. SF shuddered and told Mr. S to please have mercy on him. He had already made his live miserable today and if he didn’t bring the men up to eat heaven help him that he didn’t think he could keep his wife on the mountain long enough. Mr. S laughed and said they would be here at noon. As he was leaving Mr. S asked if SF thought if P would notice an addition to his cabin also. SF asked him what was going on. Mr. S said he was not at liberty to discuss things yet but he had spoken to P&N before they left and asked them to take of something for him. He said he had offered to pay for their services like the other men but all they would be accepting was the additional land, said the boys had refused the monetary payment referring to it useless to them here. Mr. S told SF that we had raised some level headed young men and he had been impressed by the willingness to pitch in and help and how they had worked as security on the trail here and then to volunteer to go back not many men would do that so this was his way of thanking them. SF thanked him for the compliment and said that P would notice but what could he do about it. Both men laughed and Mr. S slapped SF on the back and said you have a point. He mounted up tip his hat to me and said he would see us around lunch time. SF walked over and noticed the tears streaming down my face and said oh hon don’t cry it will be okay. I told him I was too angry right not to talk about it. He told me not to be angry with Mr. S. I told him I wasn’t I was angry with the aunt and I didn’t even know her. I told him I was trying really hard not to judge that I did not know their situation and if I was in her shoes I probably could not fathom the idea of taking on more mouths to feed but to reject the boys just because she already had boys but want the girls, it just wasn’t right. How could she even suggest splitting up the family? SF stood behind me rubbing my shoulders as I stuffed the goats with spices and wrapped them for the pit. After I was finished with the goats he said he would get them in the pit to start cooking. I asked him did he know how many men were coming and he said probably about 10. There were 4 clearing the cabin site and 4 cutting logs and then there was Mr. S. I told him ok I would make country fried venison steaks and gravy for lunch. SF was rubbing his belly as he headed back to the cabin he hollered back to cook extra since that was his favorite.
  21. Oh Q wish we were closer IRL I would send W over to fix your computer. The whiz kid great, he is getting a degree in ITS security.
  22. Thanks for the storm Mt. Rider. How about a heads up next time. That or share your crystal ball, it seems everything that you write in here happens in IRL. We didn't have the hail and winds with the storm that come through here to day but we did have the rain. My poor drive has not been able to dry since the snow storm at the end of January at this rate I will be mudding it until August. I should have know we were in for a storm about 10 last night I had a migraine hit me like a ton of bricks and it is still hanging on. Maybe when the rain moves out tomorrow it will be better.
  23. And now to P&N another day on the wagon train... P was riding with the animals today. They had put the animals in the middle of the wagon train to help keep down the rustling that was going on. Many of the families had lost live stock on the way and they were trying to keep as many as possible to take in the valley. Mr. H had even said that they needed to be armed ready to fire from now on. He and N had talked about the first trip out and how much more peaceful it was. Mr. H had said we were a freak show then, now this group is a moving target. K&E (R&V's daughters) were driving wagons they had gotten pretty good at it too. K had taken over Kyle's (A's brother) wagon so that he could help with the animals but she still upset that her husband made her come without him. He was Uncle Sam's right now and he had a contract to fulfill. Uncle Sam was not giving out any free passes. He promised he would find her and get to her as quickly as possible as soon as he was free to do so. He had made her come with her parents he told her that he could not do his job safely while fearing for her safety so she caved in and agreed to come with R&V. B (R&V's son) was also riding shotgun with the animals. He wasn't happy about the trip either he wanted to stay and protect their land but he wanted parents and sisters safe and this was the only way they would be safe. E had mixed feelings about the trip. She had been ok until they got to the Rocking J and she found out they would go the rest of the way by wagon. R&V were just glad to have their family safe and sound. They never imagined in a million years that they would have to pick-up and run for their lives but their little corner of the world had become a war zone over night. V looked back in the wagon at all the orphans they were carrying to the valley. Mr H had split the children up among the families so that no one family would be over whelmed with so many children. R looked at her and asked what she was thinking. She smiled and she said she was thinking about how m23b was going to react when she found out that there would be 4 children instead of just 2. R looked at her funny and said but the girls are going to another family. V laughed and said you don't know m23b well then do you? Do you honestly think she is going to let Mr. S&H split this family up? He looked back in the wagon at the sleeping children and said I wonder if they know just what kind of temper m23b has...you know she will pitch one doozy of a hissy fit if they try spiting that family up. V laughed and said well I guess you do know my sister of the heart then don't you. R said yeah I do. N was headed back telling everyone that in about an hour they would be stopping for the night. When he got to R&V's wagon he stopped long enough to put in Connor in the wagon since he had been riding with him for a while. Adain was with P and he could see them headed this way. N stayed long enough to peaked in to see Emma and Sophie sleeping soundly. N could see that Connor was worried about something and made a mental note to talk to him tonight. Then he headed on down the line. He passed P bringing Adain back to the wagon. It just amazed him how well Adain had taken to him. Emma and Sophie were still small enough that they really didn't understand everything, they stilled cried for their momma. He was amazed at what Connor had able to do being only 12 and all. Taking care of his deaf brother who was 9 and then taking care of the twins where were 3. How he got them out of foster care was beyond him. From what he had been able to gather Emma and Sophie were being put up for adoption and the state was splitting the family up. Connor had told him that no one wanted as 12 year old or a 9 year old deaf kid but they would take the girls. It just made N spitting mad every time he thought about what these kids had been through. P dropped Adain off with R&V and promised that he would sleep in the wagon with him tonight and turned to catch up with N. He tipped his at E as he went by. My of my he thought how she has grown up and she is so adorable when she blushes like that. He caught N just as he got even with the animals and asked what the plan was for tonight. N told him that they were stopping at the foot of the moutain then tomorrow we start up the moutain. Mr. H hope is to make the abandon homestead where Mother's group had been stranded during the freak snow storm buy week end and hold up there a couple of days. So that they could give the animals a rest. Mr. H is trying to keep everyone undercover and out of sight as much as possible but it is kind of hard out here. P agreed and he said they had ridden much harder than when the first wagon train had come though. Thank goodness for the longer days they had been able to cover more ground each day than the first group. They both agreed and N said so far the only bad thing was that storm that come through the other day. At least no major damage was done oh the wagon covers were torn and the animals were scattered and every one and everything was soaked but no life was lost. P nodded in agreement. P looked and N and asked what was wrong. N said nothing but P knew better. So he playfully punched him on the shoulder and said aw come on man it is written all over your face. N grinned and said that mom always told him that. They both laughed and said yeah she could always tell when we were lying she said it was something about our eyes. Our eyes gave us away. N said he was worried about the kids. Adain was quite and withdrawn even for a deaf child and Connor was so angry and the babies well the girls just cried a lot. N asked if he thought mom would let the family be split. P looked at him with horror and sputter out are you crazy you know mom will never let that family be split. I have even told Mr. H not to plan on splitting them up. Mr. H had told him once they got to the valley one of the other families were going to take the girls. They had tried putting the girls with the family now but Connor wouldn't let them. N said he had warned Mr. H also that his mom would pitch a fit if they split the kids. Mr. H seemed to take them serious and said that they would wait until they got to the valley before making that decision. N told P that Mr. H had gone so far as to tell the family not to expect the girls once they got to the valley. That he had been told that the family taking the boys would not allow them to be split up. P said you know what this means don't you and N looked at him kind of funny and said no what P laughed and said we get to gather more stones for another addition to the parents cottage. N just groaned. They road off towards Kyle's wagon K was driving it and Kyle was with the animals. N looked over and saw Kyle and nodded. As they rode on he said I don't envy W&A at all. They are going to have their hands full with her little brother S, he was still angry that they have been banished to the outer world with no TV or internet Kyle has been ready to throttle him this whole entire trip. If it wasn't for the fact he promised his mother on her death bed that he would get S safely to A he didn't know if S would still be alive. P laughed and said yeah I know I have been ready to smack him a couple of times myself. He is one spoiled brat. P said Kyle was so relived when K had taken over the care of S& Zoe. N said yeah at least the diapers don't leak now and they both laughed. N asked P if he thought the goat would last until they got to the valley or should they start looking for another milk goat. P told him that V had said let this one dry up and they would just use their goat to feed Zoe. N said thank goodness I don't think we could have stood another round of the crying; thank goodness Mrs Rock figured out what was wrong and gave Kyle the goat for poor Zoe. P said that W was like that when he was little. He remembered mom buying goats milk in the can from the grocery store. P asked how much longer did N think they had N said well they had to get up the mountain and that was going to take a week. Then they were going to lay over at the homestead a couple of days so everyone and the animals could rest then it was down hill from there. So probably two weeks max. N said Mr. H is hoping to be back by the end of the month. He said they were making good time but the animals were fresh and had not made the long journey like when we came through plus we have longer days this time. N asked why? Are you in a hurry to get home. P said yeah in a way, I am worried about mom and dad. Mom especially with her loosing her hearing. N nodded in agreement. N said well she will be happy that we were able to secure some of the items on her list. P said yeah that him and Jerry (Mrs Q son) had been able to buy out that trucker that was wanting to dump his load and get home. N said y'all hit the jack-pot there. All that grain and sugar plus koolaid P laughed and said N you are so addicted N grinned and said yep gotta have my grape koolaid. P said well we couldn't have done it had it not been for Uncle T. I didn't realize he was a hired gun now. N said that mom had said something about it when she got the letter from back home but I didn't expect to see him this far west. P said I think he made this trip just to see if he could get that stuff to mom he couldn't believe he found us. Mr. Rock had told him that he didn't know if he would be able to get her the stuff or not. You know P mom is going to be upset that Uncle T didn't come with us. Nah she knows he would never survive there, he is doing what he does best. I guess so P but I am sure she would have loved to seen him. That is true but if he is able to pull off what he has planned mom will see him. Yeah but P do you know how dangerous that will be. Yeah I do N but he has connections. You saw how he worked on that trucker and got us a good deal we didn't have near what that guy was asking. And if he had know just what he was carrying we never would have gotten it for so few nuggets. I know P but still...P shook his head and said yeah I know but mom understands plus he is helping her out by doing what he does best...wheeling and dealing and Mr. Rock is pleased to have him as a contact. Both laughed and agreed after that truck load of goods Mr. Rock is definitely happy to have him as a contact. P heard a meowing and looked at N do you have those kittens in your saddle bags? N grinned and said nope just as he reached into his shirt and pulled out Patches. P roared with laughter. N said what? I had to keep her warm. P asked where the other two were N said they were with the girls. Mom is going to skin you alive N for bringing those cats back. No she is not P you know she is a cat lover it broke her heart when Oreo and Holly died she has not had anymore since then either. P said there is probably a reason for that she was attached to those cats and she cried for days when she was the one that had to bury Oreo. N frowned and said I know she was beyond consoling that day. I don't know who took it harder her or dad, you knwo Oreo was his. P nodded and said yeah, so what are you going to do if she says no to the cats. N said well I guess I will keep them but if you think she will tell Emma and Sophie no you have another think coming. They both laughed as they headed into camp. It was going to be another long night. P was definitely ready to get home so he could have a good nights sleep. This sleeping with one eye open is getting old fast.
  24. (IRL I got Q's migraine, it hit me like a ton of bricks around 10:00 at 10:30 when SF checked the weather he announced we were to have T-storms today...duh honey I could have told you that already to make matters work I HAD to be at work today it is honor society induction which I am in charge of...come on 5:00) A come up the mountain this morning telling us Mr. Q was dragging logs over to N’s place so SF headed down to help. A&I were getting the quilts off the line when Boss started barking and dancing around. It was Mrs. Q coming up the mountain. I shooed Boss away (he gets excited when company comes and forgets he weights 120 pounds)Q had come to discuss the lunch for the cabin raising. She had a list (I almost fainted) it was a Mennonite list to feed 175 men. Hum Q I don’t think we will have 175 men. There weren’t that many men, women and children in the valley. She just laughed. She said she was figuring on feeding half that many people. 85 people? Really? Well I guess so…I told her that SF and W had gone hunting yesterday and we had two mountain goats and about a dozen pheasants for Thursday. A shared that we were saving our eggs for the week and hoped to have 5 or 6 dozen. Q said she had pickles and pie filling so A&I agreed to make pies. A said that she had jars potatoes that she could use for potato salad. (W is a meat and potato guy.) So far we have… 2 mt. goats 12 pheasants Pies Potato salad Deviled eggs Pickles Rolls Looks yummy but we need veggies. How about a salad we should have enough lettuce plus we can gather some wild greens also. The radishes are probably big enough that we could pull some of those, and we have green onions those weren’t damaged either. I asked Q if she thought anyone would stay over and she said she didn’t know but we could serve flapjacks for breakfast. A said she needed to go she needed to fix W’s lunch and she said she would feed SF and Mr. Q also if he was over there. She told us to come down to lunch and I thanks but I would stay here and work on the cottage walls. I really wasn’t hungry. Plus I had those goats and pheasants to clean. She asked if I needed help and I told her no that SF had hung them so I could reach them with no problem. After she left I could tell something was bothering Q and I suspected I knew what it was. So I took a deep breath and said spit it out Q I know you have been holding it in for a long time. (might as well get it over with she won't forget this and the long it takes for her to get me alone I have a feeling the worse it will be) She just smiled (hum on second thought )and said well….then she began to fuss at me for wandering off and I sat there and listened. SF and I had discussed this and I told him if she ever caught me alone she would chew me out. He laughed and said it was nothing I didn’t deserve and told me to be a good girl when Q did fuss at me. That she loved me and was worried. I had no problem hearing her either After she got through fussing and had dried her eyes I wrapped my arms around her and said thanks for caring. But in my defense at the time I really did not know my hearing was that bad. I had over compensated for it so long I did not realize that if you walk up on me on my right side I could not hear you. I really was not that far from home and I did have Boss with me and I was armed. The reason I didn’t hear him calling me is I was near the river and I could hear the water. I had my good ear to the river and with the background noise I just didn’t hear him. I assured her that I pay more attention now and Millie had become my body guard even though she is not quite 4 months old she realizes I can’t hear good and is by my side when SF is not around. She doesn’t even go to the pasture with Boss and Bryce. Q seemed placated enough to leave me and go home. I hugged her and assured her I would be ok. I had my side arm on and Millie was with me. She scratched Millie’s ears and told her to take good care of me and then hugged me one last time. I couldn’t help but smile when my friend climbed in to her wagon and headed back down the mountain. She has a heart as big as the valley. Hopefully Mr. S can get them a whole passel of yung’uns and she will have someone else to worry about I was still chuckling over Q a little while later when SF rode up. I said I thought you were eating with W&A. He said no they had gotten all the logs over and even fixed P’s windows. I asked if the place was still hot. He said not as bad. They had spread the ashes out and nothing blazed up but he said there were still few little hot spots. So they wet them down again. He said tomorrow we should be able to move the ashes and clear the way for the footings. Until then we would work on our cottage. SF did bring good news it seems that the plants that were beat down are trying to stand up. So hopefully we didn’t loose as much as we thought we did. He said only half the rice fields closet to the river were washed away so we didn’t loose the whole thing. I asked how many fields of rice were there and SF said from what he could tell there were six fields. After lunch we went to the cottage to work and were able to get the floor in and started on the wall. We stopped about 5 to do evening chores and bring the animals back up. We had a quick dinner and were back at work and worked to we had no light left. SF was glad we had made different size bricks; he said it was saving him from having to cut so many of them. As we were sitting on the porch listening to the evening sounds I told SF needed to start going through my material to make sheets, pillow cases, blankets and such for N. Not only that but he would need a new mattress. SF said he would go down in the valley and cut some straw/hay for the mattress. I told him I would save all the feathers from the pheasants to make a pillow with also. I got up and went and got paper and pen so I could start making a list of stuff that N would need. Since he had been taking most of his meals here or with W&A he didn’t have much food that needed replacing nor was there much replacing his plates and flatware since most of it was still packed in crates in the barn. By the time we headed to bed I had a list of material I would need to make N replacements. Millie was already curled on the rug on my side of the bed waiting on me. She is going to be a real good service dog when she gets older. I wonder if there is a male saint that is not from the same litter in the valley somewhere. I would like to bred her but not to Bryce.
  25. Sunday morning...the Lord's day...we had a lot to be thankful for, no life was lost and from what I could gather the only building that was a total loss was N's cabin. Some had damage but everything was repairable. The rider came late yesterday and gave a report. Gardens had washed crops were beat down but all were alive and safe. Mother's group and those north were kind of stuck until the water went down. The ride said Mother's group in their haste put all the animals in the barn cave and now they had no way to travel because they couldn't get to the animals yet. He they were ok and someone would go check on them today if they were not heard from. W&A arrived earlier W said the river was up but they were still safe. He expected that P would take more flood damage today but he cabin was far enough back off the river that it would be ok. The rice will be a total loss though. W&SF left just as the sun was coming up to go hunting. Sf said to expect them back by lunch. A&I started work on the laundry. I was sick of laundry by noon and we still had another couple of loads to go. We did the blankets and quilts first since they would take longer to dry. The sheets were going faster. Around 2:00 SF&W road back in with a couple of goats a deer and about a dozen pheasants. SF said that should feed the group coming. I was double feeding my sourdough started for a couple of days so I would have enough starter to make a bunch of rolls. A and I decided that we would save our eggs and make deviled eggs also. Between us were we getting couple dozen so we should have 6 dozen by Thursday. A said that we could ride over to mrs. Q and see if she would help make the deviled eggs. We were sitting in the summer kitchen enjoying lupper when Mr. S and one of the B group guys rode up. Sf went out to greet them and invite them to join us. Mr. S said that they had just come from N's place and he wonder if N would mind some modification and changes. We all looked at one another and asked what changes? Mr. S pulled out this drawing it was three times the size of N's original place. Uh Mr. S N is single he is not even courting anyone right now. that would be a lot of wasted space to heat. Mr. S just smiled said that it wouldn't take much longer to build this place as it would the cabin like what N had. Sf said let him study on it and get back to him. After Mr S. and company left I looked at SF and he just shook his head. I said I don't think he was really asking permission do you. SF said no W&A agreed. Well N where ever you are I hope you like you new place. SF & W took the meat to the cave to let it hang for a few days. A and I made quick work of the kitchen then headed out to check the laundry. The sheets were dry and so were the blankets but it will take a while for those quilts to dry. A said she would take hers back with her and hang them down there so we fold and divided everything up. We had the wagon loaded when W came back. He said that dad had headed down to the pasture to bring the animals back up and he and A needed to head back and start work on their chores. I hugged them and told them we would see them later. Sf and I made short work of the chores. The little filly was a beaut, we were going to have to come with a name for her. She sure is sassy, she would run up on SF and bump him and take off running and he would laugh. I told him not to let her do that when she gets bigger she will lay him out. He didn't think it was so funny then. Humm Sassy I will have to think about that. I am not sure I like that name for her.
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