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Posts posted by Jeepers

  1. I want to can some stew meat. I'll probably get a roast of some sort and cube it and then can the chunks. Anyone have a recipe for cubes of meat with a sauce added?


    I'd like it really tender so should it be pressure cooked a little before I can it or will it turn too soft? Maybe pressure canning will take care of the tenderizing?


    I'm thinking about the dish you get when you order beef tips with mushrooms and onions. It would be nice to open a pint of that stuff and pour over noodles or rice. Maybe I want beef stew without the carrots and potatoes added?


    I thought I had a better handle on canning after all of these years. But, my situation has changed and I'm canning for myself now and for my own tastes. Read: flying solo and finally enjoying it. :curtsey:

  2. How do the raw, boneless, skinned chicken breasts turn out when you can them? Are they like a cooked chicken breast you'd get from KFC or a Windy's grilled chicken sandwich or do they need extra cooking after being opened? I should mention if I get a chicken breast from some place like KFC I remove the breading and bones before I put it on my plate so it's just chicken meat.


    I figured I'd can 1-2 raw breasts in a pint jar or maybe 1 breast a 1/2 pint jar. Can they be marinated after they come out of the jar? Can they be marinated before they go in the jar? Can they be grilled?


    I'm going through an adjustment period learning to can for one person in little bitty jars.



    Edited to add:

    I'm talking about whole breasts.

  3. I agree with Martian Chick. They would be good if you only had a very small space to plant. But the seeds wouldn't be 'true' to save for next year. The only seeds I save are Heirloom. Well, except for green onions. I haven't found any in the small packets. I need to look harder though.

  4. Thanks for the heads up! Now I'm going to go check all of my batteries to make sure they are stored safely. I have 2 junk drawers, one upstairs and one downstairs where I store batteries. They are in a plastic box though and not rolling around freely. I'm going to make real sure about the 9 volt. I keep them around for the smoke detector.



    I read where a fire was started in a coat closet by a flashlight being stored in the pocket of a coat but I can't find the article right now. If I find it I'll post it. Should have done it when I read it. :(


    Hee-hee Virginia, I've often thought about a little bitty fire in a couple of areas of my house. Just a little one so I could sweep up the ashes and start over. :grinning-smiley-044:

  5. :motz_6:


    I didn't realize I was so wealthy because nothing ever trickles down/up to me. My son once said it almost doesn't pay for him to work anymore. He was half joking but half not. Just the thought of Obama doing that burns me up. One more thing I have to pay for that someone else will get. That is our money he is using to buy that meat... :motz_6:

  6. Hi Fishermanwife :wave:



    Stuff just happens sometimes. Was it your entire batch or just one jar? If you could pop the lid off with your thumb, then it wasn't really sealed. If you feel anything is 'off' then please don't chance eating them. "If in doubt...throw it out!" It sounds like you just had a jar that didn't seal and you didn't notice it. After mine cool down I lift them by the lid for a few seconds to make sure the lid doesn't pop off.


    You can use the jar again after it's well washed. The same with the ring. I wouldn't use the lid again though since it already went through the canning process once.


    Welcome and glad you joined in!

  7. Rant Warning Ahead:


    The name sounds like an Amish name. I only mention it because before long the small producer will be afraid to sell to the general public for fear of a lawsuit. I've bought many containers of fruit where there was one or two fuzzy pieces in the bottom. Especially strawberries, blueberries and soft fruit. I suppose if it was analyzed it would contain Salmonella.


    I don't know, I guess I'm just thinking outloud and wondering how long farmer markets will feel safe selling to the public. If I eat fuzzy fruit and don't wash the rest it becomes the growers fault. Not my fault. I'm not talking about processed food! Just fresh fruit and veggies. Then again, in the 60's I was taught in Home Ec. class how to wash fresh fruit and vegetables. Do they still have Home Ec. classes in High School?


    Rant off. :cheeky-smiley-067:

  8. Northern Ohio is finally getting rain this week. It's mostly too little too late for the farmers. About the only thing it is helping is with landscape and small gardens where people have already been watering. Even with that little bit, it's welcome.


    I noticed when I was in Amish country Monday things were very dry. There is one farmer who always plants about a long acre of fall produce. It's along the road so I always notice it when I go down there. He has rows and rows of cabbage, melons and pumpkins etc. I'm sure he grows to sell because it's a huge patch. Actually, in the fall, he has a little stand with melons and pumpkins etc. This year the patch is empty! Nothing in there at all. This is the first time in all of the years I've been going down there that I've seen it empty in the summer. I guess next year at this time will tell if he just stopped planting or if it was weather related.


    Another big problem we have had is excessive heat this year. What little rain we got, evaporated away when the sun came out. A bad year for food around here this year.

  9. It's called "Payable On Death" and I couldn't remember that!? :rolleyes:


    I got it set up today. I don't have that much but any little bit I can do now to ease confusion later on will probably be appreciated. It will also help keep the government from trying to claim it.


    Ya know, it's not that much but I don't want my loved ones having to jump through hoops to get my assets that I leave them or have to hire an attorney.


    She also said they have tax free programs there to help ease inheritance taxes. I'm going to have a sit down with one of their free financial planners this winter. I'll report back if I learn anything useful.




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