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Posts posted by Jeepers

  1. Take heart Arby, you aren't alone. Doing things a new way or differently can throw me off too. Sometimes even the most simple things can confound me. I usually tell whomever is trying to walk me through something that I'm not being stubborn or contrary...I'm just not getting it. That usually helps slow them down.


    I'm not that stupid. I just like things to stay the same way especially when they aren't broken. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!


    Sometimes I wake up and pray, "God, please don't teach me anything new today." I'm still trying to catch up from yesterday. :icon19:

  2. I'm sorry you feel so lousy! :hug3:


    Around here it's chicken noodle soup or chicken rice soup and some crackers to nibble on. Also, Gator-aide or 7-up. I try to keep enough liquid in me in case I have to throw up. Sorry TMI, I know.


    Usually these things just have to run their course. I try to stay hydrated and sleep through most of it when I can. I hate viruses. I had something last year and everyday seemed like a week long. Then I felt 'washed out' for about a week when it was over. I did call my Dr. for some anti-nausea meds. They helped a little but not much.


    Oh, and toast. That is one thing solid I can eat other than soup.


    I hope you feel better soon! :pray:

  3. Here ya go Andrea


    Red Onions - With Honey

    Yield: about 4 pints


    2 1/2 quarts thick sliced, peeled red onions (about 15 large)

    1 Tablespoon salt

    1 cup honey

    1 1/2 cups water

    1/2 cup white wine


    Put red onions in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Combine remaining ingredients in a saucepan. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat. Simmer sauce until reduced by half, about 30 minutes. As sauce thickens stir frequently to prevent sticking. Pack red onions into hot jars, leaving 1-inch headspace. Ladle hot sauce over onions, leaving 1-inch headspace. Remove air bubbles. Adjust two-piece caps. Process pints 15 minutes at 10 pounds pressure in a pressure canner.



    Edited: for spacing issues

  4. I had to go to my bank today to cash a check and was told I qualify for free award points, that I never use, but signed up anyway because it seems I can get a free gas card somehow. Anyway...


    I was talking to the person who does the financial consulting and was told that you can choose a person who will be able to take over your bank accounts as soon as you die. I forget what she called it. But, by doing this, the accounts won't go into probate so there won't be a waiting period. All the person needs is your death certificate and a tax paper that says you don't have any owed taxes. The person will be able to take over the accounts without the taxes or probate. The person has NO access to your accounts while you are alive and they don't even have to know they are named if you don't want them to and you can change it at any time. All you need is their social security number, address, and phone number so they can be notified.


    I have a will that says that my son gets everything but he will have to pay taxes and the bank accounts will go into probate until everything is verified. That happened when my cousin died and her husband had to wait for a year and a half before the bank accounts were released. They had everything in his AND her name instead of his OR her name. Plus he had to hire an attorney. She also said you can do the same thing with your house.


    So, this week I'm going to name my son as the one who can take over all of my bank accounts at my death even though he is in the will. I thought the will was all I needed but with this, things will be so much easier for him especially in a difficult (I assume) time.


    I'll post what it's called when I talk to her again. :sEm_blush:

  5. I made a quick run to Lehmans today. It's the only place I can find Clear Jel around here. Picked up a few other things I can't find locally too. I found a cake rack thing that will fit in the bottom of my canner for small jars. I can also use it as a second layer rack. Darn, I should have picked up two. One for the bottom and one for the middle. I wasn't thinking. Then I found a small canner. It will be the perfect size for small jars. It's smaller than a regular canner but bigger than a soup kettle. It does have a rack in it though. Also, some pickle crisp that I can't find up here.


    What really struck me was the license plates on some of the cars in the parking lot. It's not unusual to see them from all over the place on Thurs.-Sat. but rare on a Monday even during vacation time. I saw, Iowa, Montana, Vermont, Florida and New Mexico. Also one from Ontario. Maybe people are starting to stock up or maybe I'm just looking for signs that really aren't there. :ph34r:


    I stopped off at a Super Walmart (a huge one) on the way back home. I've never seen so many Ball canning jars on display in my life! This Walmart is different than the ones we have around me. It's so big. It's hard to describe the floor arrangement but in the houseware area they have a big empty square space where they have seasonal things. It was full of quart and pint canning jars stacked about 5 foot tall and probably 8 foot X 8 foot square, but I'm not good with measurments. One for pints and another one for quarts. They had a short aisle full of Mrs. Wages canning mixes and the other side of the aisle was full of canning jar lids. I was amazed at all of those jars! :wub:

  6. Great. I feel like we have just been lucky so far. Another reason I'm kicking up the canning, freezing, dehydrating etc. now so if need be, I can stay out of crowds this winter.


    In an unrelated issue, we had our first case of West Nile Virus confirmed in my county this week.

  7. After spending an entire afternoon in the dentist office yesterday, I'm just glad to be home. My appointment was originally for 3:00 but on Wednesday they asked me if I'd mind coming in an hour earlier. No problem. It was supposed to be a simple pop off the temp cap and cement in the permanent cap. I guess because I was there 1 hour early, they forgot about telling the 'tooth fairy courier guy' so I had to wait almost an hour for the cap to arrive. They kept saying he should be here in about 10 min. If I'd known it would have been an hour, I would have done some errands and come back. They were embarrassed and kept apologizing but I had brought my Kindle and was very content. Besides, it was 92 degrees outside and sitting in an air-conditioned office with a good book and a free bottle water was not a hardship. It finally arrived, with more apologies, and I went back in one of the rooms. The nurse asked if I wanted the gas. I said I'd tuff it out with just a cap replacement. Big mistake. Dentist said "WE" may need to go in and see why it is still hurting and will probably need to give a shot to numb it. Oh-ho-ho no "WE' don't. Not without being gassed out of my mind. Of course the gas machine in my room wasn't working so I had to change rooms. I thought those things wheeled around from room to room like an oxygen canister? Guess not. So, after I got resettled in the new room and feeling all floaty and at peace with the world, he comes at me with the needle and as soon as he gets to my mouth he dropped it on my chest!!! Nothing stuck or anything but I jumped and bit down on his fingers. My turn to apologize. Sigh. He turned the gas up and all's well that ends well...so far. He said I might need a root canal if it doesn't stop hurting. "WE' can use the same cap though. I was in that office from 1:45 until 6:30. I swear to the heavens above this was my day yesterday. He is pretty good with the shots though. He numbs the area really well and puts one drop of novacain (sp) in at a time all the while shaking the mouth around for distraction. Plus the gas. I don't dread his shots at all. His rooms are all set up in different themes. One is southwest, one is a barn, one is John Deere, one is an old farm kitchen, etc.


    This weekend it is either going to be blazing hot or thunder showers so I'm going to stay inside and scrub down my kitchen and get ready to do some canning next week. I have my recipes all ready to go for: apple pie filling, cherry pie filling, peach pie filling, banana jam, apple pie jam, apple butter, pickled beets, and maybe pickled green beans. Sounds daunting but I can in small jars so they are little batches. I plan to use the pie fillings as a single serving desert. I may need to do some traveling for the fruit though. I'm not sure about the Clear-Jel either. I couldn't find any and may need to order some. That may be a question for another forum though.


    Blessings to all of my Mrs. S family! :grouphug:

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