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Posts posted by Synn

  1. Hey ya'll. Hope your having a great Tueday. I started a quilt or umm 2 years ago. I was anxious to get back to it. I was in the process of tying it. Then it got taken upstairs and I went back to work. When we cleaned the upstairs this weekend my dh said the cat had gotten to it. Now I have to take it apart wash the top and bottom and probably buy new batting all together. But I still have some other things I need to do before I get started on that. Still this summers canning to do. And it's blackberry time here in Illinois. So I want to get out and hunt them down. Today I plan to make Ranch Chicken for dinner. And our new bedroom suit arrives this evening. I am excited. In my entire life I have never had a new bedroom suit. It's gonna cost me more than a used car in the end of my payments. But I guess it will make a good dowry for the kids. Time to get started on my day. The neighbor brought some cucumbers for me. Guess I will throw them in a crock and then run to the store. Ya'll have fun!

  2. Well today I am being extremely lazy. Yesterday we cleaned our whole upstairs and took everything out of our bedroom to put in a new bedroom set. We had a waterbed and decided it was time to move away from that. We must have taken out 6-7 bags of trash and I emptied the vacuum 4 times. Sure wish I had that wonderful sounding breakfast in front of me! And everyones company to enjoy it. My husband and I live in Illinois on 10 acres with our children 14 year old twins and 6 year old girl. We have chickens rabbits ducks geese and whatever else. I love to garden and can. I am nearly 33. I have been married nearly 15 years and love him more dearly everyday. We have a deep faith in God, but are currently without church. Both of us are ex-Sunday School teachers and Bible School teachers. So if you would keep us in your prayers (if your the praying kind) that we will find a church home soon. Thanks for the welcomes and the great food and fellowship!


  3. Wow I can't believe it's afternoon already. I haven't even started my day except to feed the duckies. Hope all of you are having a wonderful day! Hot and humid here in Central Illinois... Ok I am off to feed chickens and rabbits, and do the dishes. Take care.....

  4. I know how you feel mommafitz. I know that you don't know me since I am new to this today. But there was something in your letter that touched my own life. Maybe it was the depression part. I recently quit my job to stay at home again. So I sit here day in and day out. Now we have no money again. Ugh. I haven't been to church in over a month. I can sure tell the difference when I don't in my life. Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today. Oh by the way... What cake recipe? Can you share it again?


  5. Hi ya'll. Well this is my first post here. I am thrilled to find this. Although I am sure my dh won't like one more excuse for me to be on here.

    I just wanted to share with you that when I fix fried chicken we cover it with a lid probably 20 minutes on one side turn it 20 minutes on the other side and then take the lid off and let it brown up. I always use lard. Have a wonderful day!


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