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Posts posted by Suncat

  1. From what I understand the dog foods with a lot of grain fillers are usually the culprits. Also with a dog food that doesn't have those.. the amount you need to feed them may go down since there'll be more nutrition in less food. Their waste will be less because the fillers mostly pass through.


    We inherited an older dog with itchy skin.. we did the science diet for a while but at that time (a number of years ago) purina one was just about as good and cost less (and easier to get.. no special trip). And that worked out well. I'd start looking at the ingredients in the dog food at the store you normally shop and see if something looks like it would be good without breaking the bank.

  2. Our kitties often come to us in one way or another. hmm come to think of it.. I can't say I've had to go looking for a kitty. Even the one we got from a friend.. the kitty tagged along in her car and so she carried it into scouts one night and asked if we knew anyone who wanted a kitty.. that she was going to get the kitty fixed and it would be available. Well I'd just told my oldest daughter that we could get another when we could afford to get one fixed.. and here's one for free that was (going to be) fixed. Yep.. she's our kitty now.

  3. Yes but not like you're thinking.. small town shopping means the "crowds" are not actually crowds.. and you know 3/4 of them anyway. So it's a fun time to go shopping, see people you know, chat with the store clerks, get a few deals.. but there's no pushing people down or shoving them aside for the deal or whatever.

  4. I have a 22qt? whatever the biggest is. We have a large family. So any given meal is going to be that much larger.. But this also lets me cook a 20-25lb turkey.


    General roasting types of cooking.. beef or pork roast, whole chickens, turkey, ham

    Baking potatoes

    Anything that doesn't need a nice browning on top and will fit in a 9x13 or smaller can be baked in it. Even breads.

    Beans.. probably my number one use.. I cook 5-6 pounds at a time and then can portion it out and freeze for future meals.

    Oh.. I make broth after cooking a turkey in it.. take the turkey out.. use the drippings and then add the carcass back into the roaster and cover with water and whatever additives you like (like onions and celery etc) and let that simmer overnight.. plus the roaster is much easier to clean after you take the broth out.

    Other soups if you're making a large amount.


    Big benefit.. it can be set outside (patio, garage etc) during the summer months to keep from heating up the house.


    And as I said in the other thread it does tend to cook just a bit faster than your standard oven.

  5. Yeah I think it's the new scavenger hunt. Also did you catch that these were pre-teens with a mom in attendance? And since they were being nice and asking.. I would have a lot less problem with it. Around here.. the teens will do things like that.. but even in their excitement they are always polite and manage to ask and tell what they're doing. The funniest one is when they go house to house politely asking for a single ingredient for cookies.. so they would stop and might only ask me for a tsp of vanilla or a cup of flour. And they're also polite if someone refuses.

  6. It's about the time of year when we do more baking.. too hot in the summer.. get some sour dough starter going.. lots of yummy things. Now if I can just get my nutrimill fixed so that I can use fresh ground flour...

  7. Hmmmm.. definitely not Amity.. I like the occasional discussion/argument, even thought I like to help people clear up misunderstandings. Not Candor they don't even like social niceties and I don't like that. Maybe Erudite I do enjoy studying but not sure that studying or even teaching will fix all things. Maybe Abnegation.. I'm a mom I'm always doing for other people and not myself ;) and Maybe Dauntless which I think is very close to Abnegation, and perhaps gives the most leeway to be yourself since it's not about not feeling fear but overcoming it.


    Probably Abnegation would be the easiest with Dauntless a close second.




    And while I enjoyed the books.. the first was the best but in the second and third the details of explaining the situation seemed to bog down the writing.. nothing was ever really explained clearly even when it was from a character that should have been able to do so. And the third book alternating between main characters.. the main characters didn't have a different enough "voice" so that you could be reading along and miss that you were with the other character now.

  8. If you do any online shopping a site like ebates.com is worth using.. you go through their link to the site and you get anywhere up to 5% cash back through that website.. they one I mentioned I've been using for well over a decade.. they send you a check every 3 months if it's over $5 and if not it just rolls into your next check. Even little bits add up.


    And always search for coupons! I just what Jeepers said (retailmenot is pretty reliable if it shows up in a search) I managed to get a pair of winter boots, knee high leather, water proof, warm lined.. retail for about $280... got them off a clearance site (sierratradingpost) AND used a 35% off coupon and free shipping and only spent $129 which is an excellent price for quality boots that will last me 5-10yrs.

  9. Pomona pectin comes with a package of pectin and a little package of calcium powder. You mix like a tsp of the calcium powder with a cup of water (the directions should have the exact mix) and then use that for the calcium water in the directions. It works really well. Because it's the calcium that makes it gel rather than the proportion of sugar to pectin which means you can reduce the sugar, use none at all, use alternatives etc. It also let's you be able to make up your own recipes.

  10. We still eat eggs. Yes the price is going up.. I watch for sales and such. BUT.. what are you going to replace them with? And unless your'e dealing with an actual shortage of eggs, is it cheaper to do other things? We can do more pancakes and oatmeal and french toast to cut back.. but those are mainly carbs, hardly any protein.. so if I was looking to replace eggs with a protein source.. I just don't know that there is anything that would be cheaper. At $3 a doz (which I think I can get here in town) that's still only .50 cents per 2 egg serving.. yogurt would be more, meat would be more, nuts would be more, cheese.. maybe cheese would be cheaper.. milk is cheaper.. the problem isn't that just eggs are going up.. but that everything is going up so that finding something else cheaper with the same nutritional value isn't easy.

  11. Oh and it's not just age.. it's anything that is maybe a bit different from the norm. Do you know how many women go untreated because they might have more kids than average.. because when they complain to the doc about feeling tired all the time or stressed or such, they get the pat on the head and "well who wouldn't be tired with so many kids".

  12. Lots of soaps that don't claim to be "lye soap" are made with lye. Once lye has chemically reacted with the oils used in the soap you get ingredient names like


    sodium tallowate (lye + tallow)

    sodium palmate (lye + palm oil)

    sodium cocoate (lye + coconut oil)



    True soaps are made with lye.. otherwise they're just a detergent bar... Ivory bar soap is a true (lye!) soap, so is fels naptha, and kirks castile soap.


    If I wanted to try the homemade soap with hard water.. I'd use a lot more borax AND I'd probably try one of the liquid variations out there.

  13. From the Ball canning site



    Foods canned following tested recipes, correct processing methods and processing time can be safely stored for one year. After one year, natural chemical changes may occur within canned foods and could lessen the quality.


    Notice that it's QUALITY that has the 1 yr time limit.. I actually only find comments about a decline in quality after that time frame, the "safely" here is for the food itself.. the food is safe from deterioration for that 1 yr is stored properly. It's not really about food safety (as in eating it makes you sick). If I trusted the quality of the canning.. I would consider it safe to try but knowing the quality may be less I'd taste it before I planned to serve it.

  14. I'm not sure if walmart does it.. some places do and some don't.. but if you're getting generic meds.. even over the counter ones.. ask at the pharmacy. You can get ones that don't even get shelf space (a form of advertising) much cheaper. I can get Zytec at about $7 for 100 pills or Ibuprofen for not quite half the cost of the cheapest store brand on the shelf (~$14 for 1000 vs $12 for 500)

  15. Pretty sure it's been free on Kindle which is how I get most of my PAW/Prepper fiction. It was good. I think there are some points that might have been rather optimistic. But that's why I like to read lots of different things even with pretty unrealistic options because I like seeing how other people think people will react.

  16. Good sales are also further between. If you were in the habit of buying something that went on sale every 6 weeks or so.. it's stretching out.


    Regular prices are also not dropping near what they'd been.


    Strawberries for instance. I used to wait for them to go on sale around the $1/lb mark.. and then that gradually moved up to about $1.50/lb.. but in just the last couple of years if I can get them on sale for $2.50/lb it's a "reasonable" price. :sSig_help2:

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