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Posts posted by Linda

  1. I have two ... but number one is our first year in Texas and DH had just gotten a new job; it had taken all that we had to move into a place and get set up. so Chritmas was going to be very spares. Our daughter was 5 at the time and we had explain to her that with all the moving we had done that year there might not be much for Christmas. she seem to understood. We didn't have any thing as of that point as all our stuff was still in Michigan. so we didn't have any Christmas decorations. One day our DD was out playing with a friend and she had found an old raggy top of a Christmas tree, and wanted to know if we could set it up and decorated it. That thing was so sad looking. but there was no way i could tell her no so we cleaned the top up found a tin can. wrap foil around it filled it with drit and stuck that tree in it. then we started making paper decoration to hang on it. that poor tree there was no hope for it. But in the eyes of our daughter it was just beautiful and of all places she wanted to set it was on top of the ledge to the picture window, so all could see. we did.

    Dh and I had manage to get a few gifts for our little girl, it wasn't much. Although that year i don't she would of cared if she had gotten nothing.

    closer to Christmas Dh boss had given him a sizable Christmas bouns which was very much a surprise. So with that we went and got a tree and decoration and a few more gifts for DD. and the rest on things we needed. We hide the tree and stuff, cause we where going to put it up on Christmas eve and surprise our little one. But faith had other plans; Dh had a job where he was on called 24/7 and being he was low man he got called out to make a delviery Christmas eve. So DD and I went with him. On the way home in the we seen the brightess falling star ... and DD got so excited, she knew it was Santa!! she kept saying hurry daddy hurry Santa was at our house.

    When we got home and enter into the house there stood a big ole Christmas tree with lights and all. Those blue eyes just light up and grew so big. not a word did our DD utter she just stood there in front of that there tree slowly looking from the bottom to the star on top. And all she could say once she was looking at the top was "it grew, the Christmas tree grew!" We told her why yes it did that miricles always happen around christmas> after that DH and I went into the kitchen to get us all something to eat. When we turn the corner we heared out DD whispering so we peeked to see who she was talking to. There stood that little five year old with folded hands looking up at the star. saying"Thank you God".


    there has been many spares Christmas and Many bonitful ones since. And from that one on they have all been good. Cause every year she would tell us that Miricles happen at Christmas time. She is now a mother of four and still strongly belive that.

  2. we got about 3 inches of snow here and it is so so pertty out there. but don't think it will last long as it is warming up. we had 22 degrees out when i got up to let the dogs out this morning. I felt like i was standing in a picture the sky was black with stars and all that snow covering everyting it was ... beautiful.

  3. buttercup mine was a crochet snowman.


    so far i have gotten a stocking

    an angel

    a star

    gift box

    a ball

    a cat

    plate of cookies

    a strawberry

    crochet snowflake

    and each and everyone of them are so neat and i loce them all

    thank you to everyone.

  4. we got fog here too today, it is finally to clear off a little. it looks so neat outside the fog froze to the tree's it looks like someone came along with some poeder sugar and spinkle it over ever thing. the pines are sop neat looking with the ligh coating of sprinkled powder sugar.

  5. morning all it is only 30 here. good to see you post snowmom. sounds like you are a busy lady.

    i plan on doing some deep down reorangizing today.

    i have been doing our family history too. i got about 600 more name to get enter then i can start doing some reseach.

    everyone have a blessed day.

  6. what is it about winter you like???


    i like the idea that after Christmas it is a time to relax,

    building snowmen, making snow angels, the quiteness of the outdoors, snow birds. the whiteness.



  7. today on thanksgiving dy, while Dh is laying in bed sick i am sitting here counting all the wonderful blessing we have had in our life; fight up to today.... i am remembering the thanksgiving when i was a child and how we would go to our one aunts for dinner and there would be the cousisn we hadn't seen much of, and hear all the boy had this one or that one has grown, the smells of the food and our beelies growling, and swiping an olive or something fromthe table before we where called. then on to being a teenager and getting to now sit at the big table, helping with the setting of the table and getting to help do the dishes, we had one aunt that loved to get into towel fights... to when i got to host our first thanksgiving dinner as a married women. of couse had to start the turkey on fire that year... and all the many others that followed with friends and family, ginning as our daughter swipe an olive from the table .. to the days when she started to host the thanksgiving dinners and watching the grandchildren grow and go from the kids table to the big table( well three still at the little table). i can recall some pickering going on but they didn't amount to much in my memories, jsut that all was there to gather for a day of Thanksgiving.

    today i give thanks that i have those memmories to recall and enjoy.


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