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Posts posted by Linda

  1. i hope you all enjoy your thanksgiving day... with all the dishes and cooking and inlaws and outlaws and such. and build your memnories.

    our plans started out with just the two of us having a nice quite meal together, from there went to plannning a big dinner with some friends and their family.. to now staying at home with Dh sick in bed. and a cup of soup.

    so enjoy the day and all it has to offer; for tomorrow might be just a cup of soup.

    blessing to all...

  2. i have been going through some of our survival books and things and refreshing my mind to surviving and came across this on here. being that our health is very important in all cases. thought i would bring this up.


    did you know that one should have an output of one pint of urine every 24 hours anything less isn't good.


    here's to our health

  3. it is so foggy around here it is like walking in the clouds.


    deer season here opened up the 15th, (for gun) there hasn't been much activity as there has been in the past years.


    I know what you mean about the dog, I kept mine in the yard tied up and don't leave them out for long.


    Friday is the funeral for DH sister. and the poor guy has been so sick the last two day's if he isn't better by tomorrow will be taking him in.


    so glad to read everyones post.

    have a blessed day

  4. My DH one siter passed away Saturday morning in her home. she was 48. That poor women was so sick, that it was a blessing for her. she was in such pain and discomfort that she would spend most of her time in tears from it all.

    she had this dog that she had gotten at the same time she had taken ill, the dog had died about three weeks before she did. That dog just loved her so much.

    i think the sadess thing about this is she has a son that is in his 30's and he had in his whole life had only been away from home for two weeks and that was before he was in his teens, he never learnt to drive, quite school in 9th grade. never had a job. and now he is on his own. The family will try and help him where they can but he is going to have to get out and try and do for himself. but first we got to get him through this. i really feel for him.

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