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Posts posted by gofish

  1. Early yesterday morning, there was an explosion and fire at a landfill in my county. Big fire with lots of smoke. The landfill is between my big town and the next bigger town but they both kinda of run together. I live miles away form the fire.

    Emergency Management put out a shelter in place notice telling everyone to stay indoors and turn off ventilation systems near the fire, DD wanted to go prom dress shopping and yesterday was the only day both of us had free so we headed over to that side of town, after all the wind was blowing all the smoke towards the bigger town. Well the landfill was a lot closer to the mall than I thought and the wind kept shifting directions, ugh very stinky smoke. We found the prom dress. The fire is 40% contained but can smolder for months. I'm staying away from that side of town,

  2. I don't get on much anymore but I was thinking of you the other day. It had to do with a picture or breakfast burrito recipe but I can't remember now.

    I have a one year old granddaughter from my oldest DD and son will be getting married next fall and my baby is done with high school in a few weeks.

    They keep me hopping.


  3. My husband looks up the numbers on caller ID. The last 20 calls were reported scam numbers and the same numbers keep coming up on the ID . I don't answer the home phone anymore. People I know text or message me or have their own ring tone on my cell phone.

  4. Son and his girlfriend are keeping their half of the freezer meals in my freezer because of lack of space at their place.

    They came over and got 4 meals and then son, after asking me what side dishes to make with each meal goes into my pantry and "shops"for the ingredients for the side dishes.

    Guess he's helping me keep my stock rotated,

  5. January 2015 my brother in law was running a 5k and at age of 53 had a heart attack.

    He was lucky the ems was right behind him and got his heart going again.He recovered nicely and was back to running races. This past January he ran in the same race and had dinner with the paramedics that saved his life,

    Christmas eve 2016 his 56 year old brother had a heart attack at his home. Sadly he didn't make it. Three weeks later my brother in law had a massive stroke. He was recovering when he started to have setbacks, finally he got a blood infection which he didn't recover from. In the space of 6 weeks my brother in laws family lost 2 sons. My sister is devastated, She and my brother in law just had their 29th anniversary. I feel so bad for my sister and although I went to the funeral I live 500 miles way and can't be there for her. Phone calls only go so far.

  6. My son's girlfriend and I wanted to make up some freezer meals. There is a meat processing place in my town where you can buy meats in bulk, We've never been there before but friends recommended the place.

    We got 40 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast for $1.59 a pound. We got 18 meals from that 40 pounds of chicken and I"m sure there will be enough leftovers for at least one lunch the next day.

    All the chicken is raised and processed in the US.

    I'm happy.

  7. I know I have not been on here much since my grand baby has been born. She keeps me busy.

    Two weeks ago I was very sick.The doctor offered to put me in the hospital.


    I took the week off work, two strong antibiotics and four nebulizer treatments a day all week and I'm finally well.


    Along with my disaster movie love, which I haven't really indulged in since my co-fan Sadie the dog died, I like the Super hero shows. Breathing was hard for me so I started my Netflix binge with Arrow which has a spinoff The Flash which has a spinoff to Super girl and I'm not sure yet where Legion of Tomorrow fits in yet but it's a spinoff also. Help me. I'm just as addicted to them as my disaster movies.


    This week I took off for my birthday. I've watched two episodes of the Flash, been on Facebook, Pinterest and now here.

    I love being able to indulge my time in doing what I want when I want.

    Now it's time to deep clean my bedroom which I like to do after I've been sick.I also need to deep clean the kitchen so when son's girlfriend comes over we can start on the freezer meals we are going to make up and I need to contact my cousin to make arrangements for our shopping trip to the big city this week. It's going to be a great week.


    Oldest daughter has a baby

    Grand baby is 10 months old now

    Son is looking at rings

    My baby girl is in her last semester of high school and deciding on a collage.

    I can breathe

    Life is good.

    Have a great day.



  8. I was asked to crochet some messy bun hats. I sold two of them and have one hat and a scarf to make for Christmas gifts. I also might do some finger-less gloves in a crocodile stitch.

    Last night I also crocheted a beanie hat for a coworker's Mother who has stage 4 brain cancer. the hat was a piece of cake compared to the flower she wanted on the hat. It was a flower you could do two ways a 3D look or messy jumble. The 3D look was wonderful until so long as it was flat on the table so messy jumble was what was put of the hat.

    I'm thinking about taking a knitting class from Micheal's with a friend.

  9. My tummy issues have been getting worse so I finally went to yet another GI doctor.

    I finally for one who took the time to talk to me.

    We tried some meds that I didn't like and he told me to try the FODMAP diet for 6 weeks and then start to add foods back and see what I react to.

    It is helping so I thought I would share the diet with you.

    I have found I can't have onions and garlic. Onion and garlic are particularly bad triggers and should be avoided as best as you can.










  10. I"m loving being a Grandmother :wub: but it is keeping me busy too. I had last week off and went to DD1 house for a few days. We had a few thing planned that we wanted to do but was just too hot.

    His 5 and 4 year old and the baby and this middle aged lady just couldn't take the heat. :knary:

    It was nice just spending time with them.

    After all the pain and tears my daughter put me through during her teen years it's wonderful to see that she has turned into a responsible adult and both of them are wonderful parents.


    We got the living room painted and just need to refinish the hard wood floors and that room is done, Tomorrow we have some outside work to do and when that's done I want to get the dining room painted. I found some1970's brass hummingbirds and Dh has indulged my love of them and gotten me quite a few of then off eBay and one whole wall in the dinning room will be covered with them.


    Son just moved into his first apartment and DD2 just started her last year of high school. My babies grew up too fast. :sigh:

  11. I didn't lose power but we do have some bigger limbs down.
    My brother and son's girlfriend were without power for a few days. Girlfriend's family borrowed the generator. Cat, I was wondering if you or your oldest had power. Son's girlfriend lives near your dd.

  12. When I got sick for 5 weeks with a sinus infection and bronchitis I found a lump near my thyroid. The ultrasound showed 2 small nodules on my thyroid.

    My doctor and the radiologist don't think it looks like cancer. I was given the choice of getting a second opinion from a surgeon or wait 6 months and get another ultrasound of my thyroid but the wait and see is idea is starting to freak me out.



  13. Day 5 of taking my second antibiotic the doctor put me on and it's still not touching whatever sinus infection/bronchitis I have had for more than a month. i'm tired of being sick. The doctor said everyone in town has it. It is really kicking my butt.

    I also have a lump on my thyroid they are going to do a ultrasound on.


  14. They started this past summer in the middle of the night, footsteps walking down the hallway of my home. The hubby and I thought it was one of the kids up for some reason. The kids thought it was me getting up for work. After the second time it happened we asked the kids who was up stomping down the hallway in the middle of the night.

    No one admitted to the crime of waking everyone up. It couldn't have been the dog because you hear the rattle of the tags on the collar and I don't have carpet in my house so you hear his nails on the floor.


    A few weeks pass without the mysterious footsteps then one evening just after dark Pa and I were in the living room and DD2 was in her bedroom when we hear them again. DD came out of her bedroom upset telling us someone was in the basement and we told her the footsteps was coming from the roof.

    We go outside but see nothing in the dark.


    The footsteps are firm and heavy sounding. Defiantly not the scrambling of a squirrel, racoon or opossum.

    This past week hubby and I went to the store and when we got home Son and DD2 were outside on top on the truck with flashlights and a shotgun looking at the roof. The footsteps were back.

    I went inside and the kids saw something so son took a warning shot and I could hear footsteps running across the roof.


    When the kids came inside they told me that the creature was about big (about the size of a 30-50 lb dog) had a short stubby tail and looked like a cat.

    While very,very rare in this area there has been reports of a bob cat south of me recently.

    After hunting season we are going to borrow a trail cam of set it up on our roof and see for sure what our mysterious footsteps belong to.


    Makes me worried for the chickens and ducks, While a racoon would have a hard time getting into their pen I don't think it's bob cat proof.

  15. I went to the women I didn't stop and pray with and apologied for not praying WITH them and I'm so glad I did. One is in serious trouble and I'm trying to talk her into not waiting for her appointment. She needs medical help now. I'm very worried about her and I would not have known if I hadn't of gone to her.

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