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Posts posted by gofish

  1. http://homesteadlifestyle.com/diy-portable-charcoal-water-heater/


    If I had a choice I would always choose a solar water heater for heating water on the homestead over any other type of heater. However, I understand that not everyone has warmed up to using solar yet, so this diy portable charcoal water heater would be a great alternative.

    This water heater can be built entirely from recycled materials, that makes it very affordable. It is also portable which allows it to be transported to wherever it is needed, perfect for camping adventures too. Also instead of using charcoal you could just use the coal from a wood fire or stove.


    Photo credit: bowhunting.com

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    Here’s What You’ll Need:
    • 5 gallon plastic bucket
    • plumbing fittings
    • soft copper water pipe
    • old coffe can
    • small log
    • charcoal or wood coals
    • wire mesh
    • long transmission fluid funnel
    • spigot
    • compression fittings
    • lashed tripod
    • utility knife
    • water hose (optional)
    • shower head (optional)

    Use the utility knife to cut a hole in the top of the plastic bucket to put the long transmission fluid funnel in. Remember the funnel must run all the way to the bottom so when you fill the bucket with water, the cold water goes to the bottom. Make another opening for the spigot around the middle section of the side of the bucket, this will let the hot water out of the bucket,

    I like how he created the copper pipe coil by winding it up around a small log. This is attached to the other side of the bucket too and sits in the coffee can. The coffee can bottom has been to cut out, to allow the charcoal or wood ashes to breathe. If you like to shower, you can do so by attaching a hose, that has a shower head attached on the other end of it.

    You can get more information on the Bow Hunting Forum, here…

    DIY Portable Charcoal Water Heater
  2. I'm thinking he wanted me to drive and pay for gas.


    DD1 came home yesterday and today DH changed her oil. She stopped to see a friend in the next town on her way back to school and her car started leaking oil.

    DH and Brother to the rescue. The oil filter was the wrong size so they fixed it so she is on her way.

  3. your son is badgering you for the 3rd time about how he wants to go to his sisters place for his birthday and you tell him he's now 18 and has a driver license. He doesn't need you to go along and he just looks at you like you lost your mind.

  4. For the last week I've been hearing voices. :hidingsmile: Only when I'm home alone and in my bedroom or late in the middle of the night. :sSig_help2: Last night I was awoken by whistling. :pray: I got up for awhile and didn't hear it again :shakinghead: .
    The voices are like a someone in the next room whispering so I'm thinking I'm Loosing it all day.

    Dh went to the basement for the first time since last Sunday. When he came up he told me he left a TV on all week. :gaah:

    I sane. :woohoo:

  5. Revival did start in Texas. A Amish man heard about it contacted them and set up the event here. This is not just about having meetings the have teams going out and praying over every church in the area. A group took a plane up and prayed over the land they were flying over. People are listening to the prompting of God and asking if they can pray with someone.


    If you want to hear some of what God is doing look on YouTube under revive Indiana.


    I've been lazy and haven't done any push ups in 3 day.

  6. The Revive Indiana event was a hit. We are one of the smallest communities they have come to and their usual turnout is 400-500 attendees. We had 2,123 people of all denominations came together last night. We had communion with Mennonites, Baptists, Amish, Catholics, Methodists, Charismatics, and many more. My church's volunteers have to park at the Mormon church behind us. We have a big church building filled to overflowing, They went thru 65 gallons of coffee and only had to stop because our BIG commercial coffee maker could not keep up.
    They have decided to extend the event 45 days.

    I didn't do any pushups yesterday. I have done 20 today and I'm planing to do 20 more after work.
    Everyone take it easy. We don't want to hurt ourselves with this challenge.

  7. I'm trying to work up some motivation to do my pushups today.
    Between work the event last night and work today my right side is one massive pain.
    Wrist, shoulder,hip knee.



    Got this off of Facebook

    I've gotten out of bed 365 days a year for 53 years. That's 19345 situps and not ONE ab to show for it.

  8. Yesterday ended up to be very busy so I had to get in my push ups right before I went to bed. After work today I'm going to serve coffee at the Revive Indiana event at church. Over 400 people from across different denominations worshipping together and praying for our community The number is growing nightly and the radio station is broadcasting the service. Teams are going out daily to pray with and for churches and people in the community. Facebood update there were over 1300 people worshipping last night.

    Going to get a workout making coffee for that meny people.

    Did 15 more pushups this morning.

    Everyone is doing great. Lets keep it up. :cheer:

  9. I tried the FitnessBlender video yesterday and had to sit with a heating pad on my hip the rest of the night. It's harder then it looks for a total couch potato like me but if I don't get the weight off and improve fitness I'll probably have to have a hip replacement.
    When I did the Fitness Blender video to today it was not as bad.
    pushups 15

  10. No work do to a broken water main.
    I did 15 counter top push ups today. Burn baby burn.
    It's baby steps but I'll take it.
    I might try some more latter today but I'll probably have to work Saturday to make up for not working today so I'm doing Saturday chores today.

  11. I'm having problems with my shoulder and because of that the PT said just do wall pushup until I build up to the floor pushups.
    The goal of the challenge is to build strength. If this was situps it would be beyond me.
    I'm looking for a fitness video and I'm thinking a indoor walking video would be good for me until the weather is better so I can get walking outside. A few years ago I was doing 2 1/2 to 4 miles 4 to 5 days a week and I would like to get back to in to that routine. I'm very unfit and I'll be 53 soon. I'd like to build fitness and lose weight by the time I turn 54.

    48- 4958 to go.





  12. My sister who lost 70# and is now rock climbing and running 5ks for fun challenged me to do the 5000 push ups challenge.
    You have one year to do 5000 push ups.
    You can do them any way you want even if you can only manage wall push ups.
    That's 14 push ups a day.
    Who's with me in accepting this challenge.

  13. Sadie the dog was unhappy when I told her that it's Christmas.

    We would have to put up with sappy romantic comedies until our disaster movies return. She didn't think much of that idea but surprisingly my Son likes and will watch the sappy movies with me.
    He just makes fun of our love of disaster movies and leaves the room.

    Last weekend I was can't get out of bed sick and it has drug on all week. I did make it to work but did nothing around the house including clean sheet day. I have barely got the bed made each day.

    Yesterday I got up feeling like I might want to live so I did laundry, cleaned my bedroom and both bathrooms. Then I ran out of energy. It was a very kick butt virus and even after a week I'm still not 100%.

    Sadie and I decided we would watch a sappy movie but image our surprise and joy when we found the movie "12 Disasters of Christmas" so of course we had to watch it. Sadie even got off the chair and came over to the sofa where I was so she could see the TV better.
    Dh came in and ask what we were watching so we told him. I had to repeat the title 3 times before he believed me. He rolled his eyes.

    Today after church DH went to take a nap so Sadie grudgingly said she would sleep on the chair while I watched a sappy movie with my Son.
    After the sappy movie she was overjoyed to find out "Christmas Twister" was up next.
    Near the end of the movie DH got up and ask what we were watching so I told his "Christmas Twister".
    He just sighed and said "Really?"

    I don't understand his lack of Christmas cheer.

  14. It starts with a sore throat and quickly spreads a fiery path deep down in your lungs with fevers, chills, and the killer cough.
    Symptoms are lasting up to 3 weeks with a chance of relapse.
    A respiratory virus has hit my town hard.
    The doctors offices and ER are swamped.
    Most of my coworkers have it or are starting to feel it coming on.

    Son came down with it Thursday. I got it Friday, Dh Saturday and DD2 Sunday.


    It has triggered my asthma and Dh is sleeping upright on the sofa so he can breath at night.

    This is a very nasty virus.

  15. Sadie the dog is old and likes to wake me up to let her out usually sometime before my alarm goes off.
    I keep telling her she's lived for 15 years. A long life for a dog and when she wakes me up to let her out I sometimes tell her I hate her and she needs to die. For some reason my kids don't believe me and think I secretly love her.

    Son has been sick and he's taking the "I'm sick so everyone must suffer with me." to a whole new level. He is high maintenance when he's sick.
    He also gave it to me.

    My alarm clock has a problem with the volume so I make sure I can hear it before going to sleep but it has to be low enough that It doesn't wake DH up.
    Most of the time Sadie wakes me up and I just shut the alarm off and get up.

    This morning with me being sick at 1 am when I heard Sadie whining at my door I just rolled over and thought evil thought about her. Momma had to work today and that was early even for her.
    Finally after she whined a tune by ELO I just got up to let her out.
    I was mad she wasn't at the door to be let out. I couldn't find her anywhere so I muttered and went back to bed just to hear her whine to the tune of another song.

    I left my radio on all night and volume was so low it just sounded like whining.
    I'm sorry my faithful dog.

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