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Posts posted by Becca_Anne

  1. Frank Peretti is not my normal reading but I am enjoying it. It makes you see things in a different light.


    i have taken to rereading some of my favorite Stephen King books. I bought a book off ebay............."The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer". It goes with a miniseries King did for tv call Rose Red. It is a great read. Spooky. Fiction of course.


    I also like the Hamish Macbeth books but I haven't seen any new ones in a while. i have some of them that I will be rereading, too.


    I like the books that are written by southern writers that use the south as the settings. I've mentioned a few here in the past.


    Last winter I read the Clan of the Cave Bear series. I liked the first one best.


    I tried the Left Behind series but I got tired too.


    Most of the authors on your list have works that I've read. I'm not familiar with The Lion's Game. Hmmmmmmm...Gotta check it out!


    Thanks for helping.





  2. I am looking for a list of books to read. I will be making a treck to our local library and hopefully the used bookstore within the next week or so.


    I love to read books that people have recommended. Get your thinking caps on please!


    I'm partial to mysteries, some romance, and also nonfiction books.


    I have the Divinci Code as number one on my list.


    I am reading a Frank Peretti book. I'm reading a Ziggy book from the library. I like to have 2 or 3 books going at once. Is that wierd?





  3. Thanks guys and gals!


    Anymore ideas out there?


    I read that old towels can be cut to the size of wash cloths and hemmed. Voila! more washcloths. I am thinking of doing this cuz I have some towels that I noticed are in bad shape. It is amazing how many wash cloths we dirty up in a few days.

  4. I thought I'd get our daily thread started for today.


    I hope everyone's week has gone well as can be expected so far. Since we have returned to school, I don't have enough hours in the day. Studies take up lots of our time.


    It has been soo cold for Tennessee. Yesterday morning it was 8 degrees at 8 am. It gradually warmed up to 24 and we almost felt warm enough to run around nekked in the front yard. Luckily, our sane side of the brain was in control and we didn't do that! A little snow is in the forecast for Friday..........


    Yesterday we had yummy potato soup for supper. Today we'll have chicken pattie sammiches and homemade french fries.


    Hope everyone has a productive day (stressing the "productive" part for me! )



  5. Welcome! I brought napkins cuz this bunch seems to be messy during these little parties. You oughta see the big parties! Sheesh! We have to change the vaccuum bags twice before we can get everything cleaned! (I hate cleaning!)



  6. Welcome! Sorry I'm late with my welcome.......sometimes I'm outa sorts!


    I have 2 sons (12 and 16) and have been married 19 years.


    Jump on in and visit. I like your name. Kewl.



  7. P, I'll be thinking about this today. What about canned fish--tuna, salmon, mackeral? Those are good for ya and can be found cheaply. I saw some canned sausage once but it looked kinda unappetizing. How about those $2 canned hams from the Dollar General Store? Spam or Treet is another canned food. These could be used in a pinch until you could purchase fresh stuff. There's also canned chicken - like tuna. Just go down the canned soup, vegs, and meat isle at a cheap grocery store. That's how I'd start.


    Also, remember that peanut butter is a great protein. Graham crackers and saltines keep well. Canned fruits would be a must.


    Anyway, I'll see what I can come up with today............


    Your adventure sounds very appealing to me considering the mess my life is in right now. We are blessed with the fact that my husband has a job, though. Good luck.





  8. Howdy! Yep, it's kinda like a Monday at our house. Older DS has gone to school and younger is getting ready to start here at home. I did do some clearing up in the School Zone (our homeschool area) but I've only touched the tip for what I want done. We will be able to work in there today.


    It is very cold for us. The high today will be in the low 30s with single digits tonight here on the mountain. I realize that is better than the negative numbers but it's cold for us! Maybe a little snow for the end of the week........


    I'm gonna fix a chicken casserole for supper. Using the oven will help warm the house.


    Hope everybody has a great day!





  9. Lois, that sounds like a good idea. There are problems with that however. The bank or mortgage company or whoever it is is in Nashville. That's west of our little town by about 2 hours. I am under the impression they would prefer to sell than to keep this house as a rental. Also, we are not really in a position to buy. No money and all that. If we buy a place, we don't want this one. Too many unhappy memories are tied here. This is the house where I grew up. We had the original loan paid down to only owing $4000 when they decided to refinance. Now who knows how much they financed it for. This has not been disclosed to us and I don't want to know. The house payment increased by $300 per month. Gasp! We were told approximately 2 weeks before the payment was due. We still have to pay for any upkeep needed, the property taxes, and the house insurance. It has really hurt us. The kicker is that I have to send the money for the payment to them instead of the bank. Who knows if the money is making it to the bank or if it being saved for them to purchase another piece of property? Questions, Questions, Questions........ This house is in very poor shape. It is a cheaply built 1970's FHA ranch house. We were starting to do some remodeling 2 years ago when all H*** broke lose with the family. That's when I lost my job with my dad after 14 years and our world changed forever. I think we need to get away from here. My heart has been thru too much pain.


    I found out that the property my dad and the she-monster were looking to purchase was not large enough. It was a mobile home on 1 1/2 acres. They were to pay $3000 down payment and the owner was going to finance. They are back to looking once again. On a selfish note, this is good news. That buys us a little more time to find something.



  10. Okay folks. Please put on your thinking caps. I am interested in your special ideas to help with stretching dollars. This time of the year when resolutions are being made, losing weight and sticking to a budget seem to be the most common. Since stress is helping me with the weight loss ( This will serve 2 purposes. Getting rid of excess and saving $ from the grocery bill.) It is very costly to move.I don't want to be caught completely unprepared.


    For some reason, our water bill is $88 this month. We have no leaks. We don't waste water. I know our water dept has increased their rates but this is ridiculous. It is $20-25 more than usual. It wasn't that high when I had my goats and other dogs. We are now down to 3 dogs and 2 cats. Any ideas how I can get my family to help bring that cost down? I fuss about no long showers. We do not let the water run while we brush our teeth. The outside faucet is no longer being used so we know there is no drip. any more ideas?


    I spend the bare minimum at the grocery. I shop at our Sav-A-Lot and save gobs. We're friends with the owners so I'd shop there if I was rich!


    So let's get the ball rolling. I'm sure everyone has some frugal ideas to share.................

  11. Well, "They Crawl" was the name of the movie on the Sci Fi channel. It looked too stoopid so I didn't watch it. Instead I called my little brother who turned 33 yesterday. We had a nice visit. Better 'n boogers! hehehehe



    I may hafta crap a whip to get myself busy today!!!!





  12. Kewl !!! You could put everything in a pretty wicker basket decorated with ribbon. Maybe you could go to the samples dept at Walmart (or somewhere) and get some hand lotions and stuff. Good idea, theyd!




  13. okay, for those that are like me and can't remember who sent which ornament.........mine were little angels made from wood, cloth, and had a bit of hair. They have no facial features. Hope this helps. I know I mailed all of them cuz I remember being relieved that the shipping costs was less than I expected. Since I've never done anything like this before, I didn't know what to expect.


    Whoever thought this up .........did good!!! It was fun to anticipate each day if something wonderful would come in the mail. I loved it.



  14. I would like to second grace's thank you. I think I only received 4 also. I don't know who actually received the one's I sent. Weren't we to expect 8 ornaments? I know of a couple of people that were unable to get theirs out on time but what about the other 2? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm............

  15. I found some cheetos!!! Can I wear a party hat, too? Where are they anyway? Behind the half eaten un-birthday cake or what?


    Oh yeah, I brought some pepto because we'll probably need it after all these sweets and yummies. No drinking out of the bottle tho. Please use a spoon............

  16. Thanks for the positive posts ladies. I always need it.


    I have shed too many tears in the past 2 years. It's time to overcome and conquer, I reckon. ( Prayers are always welcome...hint, hint...


    Hope everyone had a good day,





  17. I am currently reading "This Present Darkness" by Frank Peretti. It's about the Lord's angels battling Satan's demons for the well-being of the people of a community. Has anyone else read this?


    It was recommended to me by a friend. He said I'd see prayer in a whole new light and I have to admit my mind has really been doing some thinking. It's a good read.


    There is another one to read with it - "Piercing the Darkness" - also by Frank Peretti. I picked it up too. I got both of them in the Christian section of the used bookstore. (I really love our town's used book store!)



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