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Posts posted by Becca_Anne

  1. We have no plans. I've been looking at rental houses for the past 3 weeks or so. I have told the people that I work with on Saturdays that I'm looking. We have lots of friends that are getting the word out to look for available houses. We are in no shape financially to buy a house right now so we must rent. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats. That is really going to be a problem. People don't like to rent to pet owners because in the past pet owners don't make their pets mind. They leave messes and damage behind. I am completely understanding of the landlords.


    We are afraid that we will get surprised with a notice one day giving us only a short time to leave so that's why we are trying so hard to be one step ahead of the She-Monster.





  2. I definitely am feeling it, girlfriend! I won't be able to do much because we don't know where we'll be livin' but I plan on doing container gardening of some kind. I've not done it before . I HAVE to have my tomatoes and onions. I hope I can plant green beans somewhere.....yum!!!!! My mouth is watering for fresh summer veggies!!!








    Tennessee Cornbread


    2 cups self rising corn meal

    1/3 cup boiling water

    1 egg

    1/4 cup bacon drippings

    1 tsp. sugar

    1 1/4 cup milk


    Heat oven to 450. Grease and heat muffin pans, cornstick molds or cast iron skillet. Measure corn meal into a bowl. Place 2 tablespoons of the corn meal into a separate small bowl and scald with the boiling water. Set aside. To meal in larger bowl, add egg, shortening, sugar and milk. Stir to blend thoroughly then stir in the scalded meal. Pour into piping hot greased pans. Bake 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Makes about 14 muffins, 18 stickes or 1 medium skillet of cornbread.


  4. Mornin'! I thought I'd get a post started for today even if it is late in the morning (8:45 cst). My husband works tonight and our younger son has basketball practice at 7pm. I have had Great Northern Beans (otherwise known as white beans here in our neck of the woods) cooking in the crockpot overnight. The house smells heavenly! I plan on cooking a couple of chuck roasts with potatoes, onions,and carrots later today. I have a great recipe for Tennessee cornbread that I'll post later. That'll top off the supper.........


    Anyway, Since we start schooling again on Monday -homeschool for 12 yo ds and public high school for 16 yo ds-I want to rearrange and clean up our school zone. I have converted our dining area in the kitchen to a school area/home office. It's time to get things looking fresh and interesting again. I really hate doing anything like that when my hubby is off from work. He works so much that we try to have "our" time when he is home.


    As I was filling in our wall calendars yesterday with family birthdays and anniversaries, I decide I would like to have a weekend getaway in August to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. No kids. Just the 2 of us. He liked that idea. so anyway, that gives us something to look forward to!



  5. Good shopping mare!! I need Christmas wrap and lights for this next year but I didn't get to take advantage of the sales. Due to some .......er.........interesting circumstances we are expecting to move in the next few months. Since we haven't moved in 17 years, I thought it best if I didn't buy anything for a while unless it is a necessity. I've got to get rid of stuff to make a move easier. It would be so nice to have gifts and things already bought for 2004! Wow!!!

  6. Welcome Sharon! Ooooooo! Your life sounds wonderful! I bet you have plenty of interesting subjects to talk about.


    My husband and I have 2 sons 12 and 16 years old. Thank goodness we don't have grandchildren yet! mommafitz

  7. Happy New Year!!!


    My hubby doesn't have to work tonight so we are staying home with the boys and doing homemade pizza, wings, and movies! I sure hope I don't fall asleep on the couch before midnight!!


    You folks that will be traveling to visit and party, PLEASE be careful. Drunk driving really gets my goat and you know there will be drunks on the road.


    Happy New Year!!!!!




  8. This is a great post for me as I need the boost. We will be moving soon and I had decided that after the holidays I would start doing some serious sorting. I'm hoping to have a yard sale with all our "leftovers". Then I donate what is left to our local Good Samaritans. (They are a great organization that helps our county's down-on-their-luck folks. They have a thrift store to help fund projects and I am an avid shopper.) I hope we can make a little bit of money from the sale because we really need it.


    I plan to have a pile for trash, a pile for yard sale, a pile for give away, and a pile for keeping. Any more suggestions folks?


    Happy New Year!!!



  9. Wow!! I can't believe you are leaving!!! I'm unable to be here very much anymore and when I get here today...........BAM!!!!! I hope no one here has offended you lowie!!! If there are problems in your personal life then may God comfort you during this time. I, too, have greatly enjoyed your posts. You have always been very kind to me and everyone else. Yep, I notice these things. Try to pop in and visit from time to time. I know there are trying times in the months to come in my life and it's always great to hear your input. I'll be thinking of you......





  10. So sorry everyone has been sick. A 15 year old boy in the county next to us died this past Thursday from flu complications. From what I understand, he was home alone and found dead. I don't think I will be leaving any of my brood home alone if they get sick. We never have and I'm definitely not going to start now.

    My husband works part time at our county hospital and worked Friday night. He said we've had 2 older persons die here at our hospital from flu complications. When anyone goes through the doors of the emergency room, they are handed a mask to wear no matter what the age. (He works ER security.)

    I wish we could just shut ourselves away from everyone but that is not practical. The older son has school the rest of this week and can't miss cuz of finals. The younger son has 4H tomorrow. I work Saturday and we have to wait and do last minute shopping for Christmas. It's hard to stop living. Kinda like terrorism, ain't it?


    My husband works with the public all the time. All we can do is preventive measures.


    Stay well!



  11. Hi folks! I want everyone to know that our family computer is temporarily in a coma. I'm not sure when I will get it resurrected so my computer time will be very limited. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. Now I'll have plenty of time to get my chores done!


    I want to wish everyone a safe, glorious, and happy holiday season!!!


    God Bless Y'all,



  12. Oh yeah......if my kids get sick we will stay home as we always have in the past during sickness.


    I have prepared a bit in case we get sick. I have canned chicken noodle soup and medicines if needed.


    I hope to be caught up with laundry, shopping, and paying bills by this weekend. I plan on staying ahead for the rest of the winter.



  13. Ya know, this same topic has crossed my mind. My younger son and I are home a lot since we homeschool. My older son is a senior at our county high school so he has to go and be with all those kids. (There has been some seriously sick -with- flu- kids in our county.) My husband is a county deputy full time and is security at the county hospital part time. He's exposed big time.


    I know that we've have discussed this at length at my house. We wash our hands frequently and don't go out any more than necessary. I have even thought about germs while pushing the shopping cart at the grocery store the other day. You know how everybody has to touch the handle on the cart? Anyway, I also think that we need to have some kind of immune build up too. I personally don't think it's very healthy to kill all the germs around you because you need to build up your immune system. I'm not making any sense am I?



  14. We also had a lovely Thanksgiving! I cooked for 2 days to prepare. We had no guests but it was really nice. The table was decorated very prettily. The food was in mounds! All 4 of us were happy, healthy, and feeling blessed. I actually have leftovers!!Yay!!! (With 2 boys ages 16 and 12 in the house this doesn't happen often. hehehehehe) I hope everyone had a blessed day, too!!!!




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