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crisp Sunday morning


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It has been simply beautiful here today...I tell MAtt it is a "gift" that God has given us to enjoy...

I slept until almost 7:00 this morning...something I seldom do...Woke up and saw it daylight and hit the floora running...Chickens to feed and let out and chores to get done..Need to get the clothes out on the line so they will have the day to dry...MAtt's overalls take along time...

Got all the critters tended and back to the house and the coffee pot..lol..By that time MAtt was awake and wanting coffee too...Had our regular cup in the bed and then up and going again..lol..I sound like a working machine but I am far from it...Got things that have to be done or I get so far behind...makes me a wreck to try and catch up...

Matt read part of the Sunday paper while I cooked breakfast...That done and dishes washed we went for alittle drive...my gosh people are moving in everywhere...Places where there us to be just one or two houses has got LOTS of folks now...Don't get me wrong I like people...but I love solitude and do like eyeshot neighbors...But I got them and most of them are good or stay to themselves...My best friend lives down the mountain from me...That is a blessing in itself...

We went by MAmmas for a minute...She lives in town in an apartment...Mamma is 84 soon to be 85...

We are taking nephews girlfriend to the OB/GYN tomorrow...She is going to have a baby probably in April...seems like a real sweet girl...

Well almost time to tend the cows...so I will go for now..check back later...Have a good evening...KAtG

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Both the chihuahua and I are feeling better. She has her meds and I painted more baseboards. Dinner tonight is simple. Garbanzo beans, canned tomatoes with green pepper, leftover rice, frozen veggies, all tossed into the skillet and left to simmer until hot. A glass of wine and some bread and I'm all set.

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